

Registered Senior Member
Why don't we have any?

What good is there in converting people to your faith? You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you, so why do you do it to others?

Is it safe to say religion demads conflict and an 'enemy' to survive? Otherwise, what would represent "evil" in their context.

Why do christians feel other faith followers will burn in hell...what about some distant civilization on another rock in another galaxy?

All religions are based on a book, but which book is "correct" or has precedence? why the arguements? Why the murder of human life over words?

A man told his grandson: "A terrible fight is going on inside me -- a fight between two wolves. One is evil, and represents hate, anger, arrogance, intolerance, and superiority . The other is good, and represents joy, peace, love, tolerance, understanding, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, and compassion. This same fight is going on inside you, inside every other person too."

The grandson then asked: "Which wolf will win?" The old man replied simply: "The one you feed."
Why be tolerant?

Would you be tolerant of a murderer?

Why would anyone be tolerant of another belief system that seeks to convert you?

Why be tolerant of people who might cause you to adversely change your way of life?

I'm not sure that tolerance is such a good idea? Why not nuke all those that disagree with you?
Well, Jewish tradition identifies a certain kind of people that had to be destroyed.
Islam has the concept of jihad.
What do Cristians think of non-beilievers? Look through Dante's Divine comedy, first few chapters.
Why is it so? Because each religion exists and is popular due to one concept: if you do not worship a specific god, in a specific manner, you will burn in hell/other punishment. This rule, if you first look at it, is referring to the current believers, but it is logical that it should apply to non-believers. Otherwise, people wouldn't stick to the same religion with the same faith.

Why don't we have any?

i do

What good is there in converting people to your faith?

fills the coffers

You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you, so why do you do it to others?

you just assume they dont. i see plenty of people happily listening to preachers trying to convert em. secondly, does anybody know what kind of success rate these missionaries have? for every 100 souls approached, they get 2, 5, 10 converts?

Is it safe to say religion demads conflict and an 'enemy' to survive? Otherwise, what would represent "evil" in their context.

sure. its probably because it is fundamental to the system of logic humans use. ie: having a concept automatically implies the existence of an opposite ( i think? for the most part?)

Why do christians feel other faith followers will burn in hell...what about some distant civilization on another rock in another galaxy?

they have no concept of that. earth is the center of the world. humans are the chosen ones

All religions are based on a book, but which book is "correct" or has precedence? why the arguements?

cos its fun?

Why the murder of human life over words?

or for $10?

Would you be tolerant of a murderer?

well some sympathy might be in order. (15yr old, recently liberated from parents who committed unspeakable atrocities on the kid since day one)

Why would anyone be tolerant of another belief system that seeks to convert you?

why not. i politely say no thanks

Why be tolerant of people who might cause you to adversely change your way of life?

cos i take personal responsibilty for my actions