Toilet Paper Psychology


BBS Whore
Registered Senior Member
Have you ever noticed this....

If you have two rolls of toilet paper, one new and one about finished, people will almost always take toilet paper from the new roll rather than finish the old roll. Why is this? Are people that inept in finishing anything? Is this cross cultural?

Just a little quirk I've found, :D
hmmm..i've never paid attention.

i would finish the old roll first. i finish everything. i even drink the leftover milk out of my cereal bowl. me so crazy ;)
I use the last sheets of the old roll,
then I use the cardboard tube...


It's because more people have touched teh used roll. That's many more hands that have been close to other people's asses that have touched what you are about to wipe yours with. It's a hygene issue.
-laughs- and i thought i was the only one with four half-used rolls of toilet paper foating around the bathroom... hhehehe
one almost gone on the roll-holder thing, one by the sink for tissue purposes, one on the back of the toilet to replace the one thats almost finished, and one on the tub cuz i didn't see the one on he back of the toilet, couldnt reach the one on the sink, and didn't wanna fishish off the first roll.. HEHEHEHE
Let me let you in on a secret. It is a plan. You see it is only after the toilet paper is used that you get the der-der. Now some people absolutely have no use for der-ders and others just love them. So I guess it is where you place your value.

What is a der-der you ask? It is the thing that you had when you were a kid and walked around saying der der into...
toilet paper? bah!

i alwase use kleenex.. there softer, and more economical: you only take one sheet at a time instead of wadding a huge amount of toilet paper up and wiping.

unless, that is.. you use toilet paper correctly (by taking one sheet at a time)

and look! im like some woman!

<img src=""><br><a href="">Which Angelina Are You?</a>

i feel all feminine and tingly inside.... :eek:

*think of naked women.. think of naked women.. think of naked women*