Toe curling sex.

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I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
For all of the anti-evolutionists out there, I would like an explanation for this please.

I've talked to a number of people about this.

When having an orgasm, many times my toes will curl up and my feet will arch (good stuff!). Many people experience this.

Now an evolutionist would explain it this way: You have an ancient automatic response to "grasp" branches while in the throes of orgasm. Why? Because the survival of a common tree-dwelling ancestor who mated in the trees depended on not falling out at the moment of climax.

Please reflect on feet in general and their curious resemblance to "hands" and their curious tendency to grasp under certain circumstances. Please give a simple explanation for this behavior from an "evolution is a farce" perspective.

Maybe this should go in a different thread? I dunno.
For all of the anti-evolutionists out there, I would like an explanation for this please.

I've talked to a number of people about this.

When having an orgasm, many times my toes will curl up and my feet will arch (good stuff!). Many people experience this.

Now an evolutionist would explain it this way: You have an ancient automatic response to "grasp" branches while in the throes of orgasm. Why? Because the survival of a common tree-dwelling ancestor who mated in the trees depended on not falling out at the moment of climax.

Please reflect on feet in general and their curious resemblance to "hands" and their curious tendency to grasp under certain circumstances. Please give a simple explanation for this behavior from an "evolution is a farce" perspective.

Maybe this should go in a different thread? I dunno.

Satan makes you to lose motor control, causing all your muscles to clench.
Feet put me off sex, so these are two things I don't want to think about at the same time.
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