Today is the worst day of my life


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
Right, I get out of bed and go to have breakfast, only to find the milk is all gone, no biggy I thought to myself, I'll grab something at the shop. I go to get my money and find my sistr has left an IOU in my money bank:mad:

Thats not so bad so far. I walk to college to meet a friend and I get verbally abused by a guy in a car (very offensive stuff) and then this groupof idiots threaten to beat me up just for wearing a Rammstein T-Shirt.

Walking on to college, I go to cross the road, I then hear what I think is a lawnmower and think nothing of it. I then proceed to cross the road only to be nearly run over by, get this, a great big APC. My heart is now racing and I try to calm myself down before crossing the other half of the road. I go to cross and another, YES, ANOTHER APC nearly runs me down. My heart is on the verge of bursting a valve at this point. I then take a break. A little sit down to calm myself down.

I then carry on walking to college. Do my thing, meet my friend, see my ex-girlfriend (awkward) then walk home.

I go to cross the same bit of road, being very cautious now. I go to cross and then I spot a Mitsubishi GTO speeding to where I am standing. I was extremely lucky that I spotted it as if I had crossed, it would have knocked me down for sure. It was going, what, 90-95mph on a public road.

And worst of, the shop around the corner has ran out of Pepsi.

I've only been up for two and a half hours, what gives?
The guy in Afghanistan who just stepped on a land mine feels very sorry for you and asks if he can do anything to help.
Of course all misery is relative. Just thought it would make you feel better. :)
If it's any consolation I ran out of cereal this morning, so I'll be hungry for most of the day.
well that all right we all have our bad day

remember when i lost £450 (my Hearing aid)
aww, come on guys, I was hoping you'd post your worst day on here:(
Well at one point I had just been having a bad day when I went to lunch, had to have the school loan me money for it because I forgot any smidgen of cash at home and then I spilled the lunch I had just bought all over myself. Now THAT really, really sucked.
well that all right we all have our bad day remember when i lost £450

well that was my worst day and the broken arm thing and the leg
you know the story thor
Well, uh, why see an ex-GF? I mean, if she was a current GF, that would make sense, maybe she could hug you and make you feel better. But it seems to me, an ex is just asking for trouble.

Well Wet1, he could go back to bed yes, but we don't want him to get kicked out of college to skipping class, that would make the situation worse
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Your day is not as bad as my day. I got pulled over by police and didn't bring my billfold with me. I didn't have drivers license or proof of insurance.
Heres something similar to what nearly hit me

It wasn't one, but TWO
No, the South of England *cries*

Theres been a lot of military activity lately. Wander why?
My friend in Germany was just telling me western Europe is not a war zone, except for northern Ireland (protesticles and catholics), now this :-S

He said EU countries are safe. Ah yes, Italy, from the ancient romans, to stalin and being hitlers main ally in WW2, to the american mafia/mob coming from the island of Sicily, to the pope living there; I'd have to say, sterotypically Italy is pretty high on morals :D

But eastern Europe, nope, war zone. Let's not forget the Serbs and Albanians in Yugoslavia 3 years ago, then there's Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, CzechoSlovakia, Urkane, these would not be the safest of places to walk down the street, almost as bad as their neighboring countries to the east. :-S
Well, a squadron of RAF Tornadoes just flew past my window just now. That hasn't happened in five years.

Is there any safe place on Earth. My answer would be no, but you prove me wrong. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG

This has seriously been a bad day for you? That's all? No Pepsi?

Dude, you are one big sissy.

PS: I'm just teasing. :p
my worst day was the day my alarm clock failed, i was speeding to work, got pulled over by the police, got a speeding ticket of 200 euros, arrived at work an hour late, got stuck in the elevator for half an hour, so when i finally arrived at my desk i was an hour and a half late.

the day continued with more disastrous things: spilled coffee all over my keyboard, dropped my cell phone which broke into tiny little pieces, went for a mc Donald's lunch to comfort myself and yes they were out of barbecue sauce.

that afternoon i broke the xerox machine and the fax machine. going home i decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator and when i came downstairs the guy using the automatic rotating door after me managed to stop the whole thing making me bang my head into the glass.

on the way back of course there were heavy traffic jams.

that evening i ordered chinese food (which went okay) and got into bed early watching tv and waiting for doomsday to end..

anyway, my advice: leave school, tell them you're not feeling well (which is probably true) and get into bed. hide.
Well today could be decriped as a bad day for me too:

Got up (not my most liked time of day)
went to work