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Yesterday I saw on TV an episode of Family Guy where all the rage in the high school was to 'lick toads' to get high. I also remember seeing an episode of Simpsons that had something to do with licking toads. I did my search on google regarding this, but I was just wondering about other peoples thoughts and knowledge about licking toads. Don't get me wrong- I have no desire to go out and find a toad and lick it, nor have I ever known anybody that had toad or has licked a toad (that I know about anyway). So... anyone ever licked a toad? Seen anyone lick a toad? Has had 'toad' offered to them? Anything really about licking toads can go here.... the show just made me wonder because there have been multiple TV shows about it- I personally think that they may be just trying to capitalize on something that people think is funny because it is not a serious matter in their lives.
I'm pretty sure there is truth to it though I've never met a toad licker to hear a first hand account.
I don't know if its a certain species or just toads but they are supposed to secrete a hallucinogen through their skin. I have toads in my yard but they're a fatally toxic species so I don't think I'll be licking them to find out.
Someone here will know more I presume.
Dr. Lou may indicate something to your question, ihavenoname (btw, how should I call you? :(:)).
That explains, if you kiss a frog it turns into a prince or princess, it must be the DMT
Yes, I have heard of this, it is true. It is a certain species of toad that, when agitated, produces mucus that has a powerful hallucinogen in it. The procedure is usually to catch one, agitate it, and rub the slime on your windshield. Then, after it is dry, scrape it off and smoke it. Interested researchers can check out for more information. This toad is a protected species, so it is illegal to own one.
The one you want is Bufo alvarius, a semi-aquatic north american toad found in the Sonoran desert.
who in thier right mind would lick a slimy toad
I would. Look what happens:

Shortly after inhalation I experienced warm flushing sensations, a sense of wonder and well-being, strong auditory hallucinations, which included an insect-cicada sound that ran across my mind and seemed to link my body to the earth. Though I was indoors, there was a sense of the feel of the earth, the dry desert soil passing through my fingers, the stars at midday, the scent of cactus and sage, the feel of dry leaves through hands. Strong visual hallucinations in orblike brilliance, diamond patterns that undulated across my visual field. The experience was in every sense pleasant, with no disturbing physical symptoms, no nausea, perhaps a slight sense of increased heart rate. Warm waves coursed up and down my body. The effects lasted only a few minutes but a pleasant afterglow continued for almost an hour.

(Wade Davis, personal observation, January 12, 1991)

..........desert soil and Gaia passing through your fingers.....a cosmic dance of diamonds raining down from the sky and cicadas playing on your eardrums.

Man, I need to try some drugs. Life is boring.

It seems they're called Cane and Bufo toads. Its cruel, but all you have to do is hold the toad in front of a plate and squeeze its glands in the forelegs, tibia and neck and let the milky white goo dry out on on the dish. You can either lick it off which would bring about immediate results similar to that of pulque or you can dry it completely out and smoke it. Smoke it.

Wonder what it'd smell like.
yeah- i definately would not want to smell or lick a slimy goo. I wonder if the effects are different if you smoke it- like less intense or for a shorter duration?
I'm not not licking toads....

actually, there are many frogs/toads who give off neuro-toxins. a couple of them will produce halucinations, but most are simply deadly. Many of the south American "poison Dart" tree frogs have a continuous poison coating on their skin which is a defense against preditors.

As for smoking the cane toad secretions, assuming that the heat doesn't de-nature any of the chemicals involved, the high from smoking should be faster but shorter than licking - there is a higher amount of mucous membranes in the lungs to absorb the chemical, therefore a faster responce.
Most liekly, the method to get the most powerful (but subsiquently the shortest) high would be by drying the material, powdering it, and snorting it.

The book Natural Mind by Dr Weil goes into chemical delivery mechnisms to the brain, IIRC - compairing the effects of different types of chemicals and different methods of taking those chmicals. It's mostly about social effects of altered mind-states brought about via numerous methods, bothy drug induced and not.

Man, I need to try some drugs. Life is boring.
Having tried drugs, I can personnaly attest that meditation can bring about the same "symptoms" without the risk of side-effects. It takes a while of practice to get to the point where meditation will allow for this sort of "hallucination", but it is much more stable. Better, IMO.
Having tried drugs, I can personnaly attest that meditation can bring about the same "symptoms" without the risk of side-effects. It takes a while of practice to get to the point where meditation will allow for this sort of "hallucination", but it is much more stable. Better, IMO.
Then tell me this: what's so god fucking awful about cocaine?

I hear it gathers all the pleasure chemicals and shoots them out at you in one fantastic explosion. Not saying I will be a crackhead soon, but I'm not above admitting the shit fascinates me.

You tried? Yes or no? And don't give me any pompous advice- I've heard it all before.
I haven't tried cocain specifically, though my college roomate told me that he had the best blowjob of his life by having the girl put some cocain in her mouth prior to the act.

What's so god-awful?
1)by taking the substance in via snorting, the impact on the brain is nearly instantanious - huge mucus membrane area, close proximity to the brain
2)The fast impact nature of the drug and the delivery system causes a high level of physical dependance
3)acidic nature of the substance when in contact with mucus membranes. I knew a woman who had no division between her two nostrils-heavy concain use had largely dissovled all the tissue of her septum, and it eventually had to be removed.
4)the effective dose is dangerously high in comperison to the leathal dose. If too much it taken by accident, death is a likely danger.

Eveything in the world can be a tool. The method that the thing is used determines if it is a tool or a destructive influence. While Drugs can be used to discover new things about the self and the external world, they can also be easily abused. While I have no problem with drugs, I have found that their possibility for abuse far outweighs their ability to be tools in an unregulated culture. where there is an attempt to outlaw and rid ourselves of drugs completely, we create a sub-culture which defies any control. By outlawing drugs in the US, we remove our ability to set up a culture where drugs and their power can be respected. In as such, we loose the ability to teach others responisble use. In such cultures, use almost always = abuse.

Take, for example, the Native American Church. They use Peyote, a cactus which naturally contains mescaline, a Schedule II substance (IIRC), in a few ceremonies. Abuse of peyote is nearly non-exsistant. It is respected for it's ability to effect the human body, it Power, and it is treated with respect accordingly. The most important aspect of this is the passing of knowledge from one generation to the next. When one is a member of the NAC, you learn how much Peyote to take, what the effects will be, who you can count on to support you while you are going through your high (or journey or trip, or whatever you want to call it).

An important fact about the use of peyote in NAC ceremonies is the fact that the active ingredient is take unrefined. Mescaline in its refined state is significantly more powerful, but the dangerous side effects are also significantly increased. By removing the chemical from it's natural setting, and all its surrounding chemicals, you remove on of the safe guards which peyote has - if you eat too much peyote, you will throw up long before you OD on mescaline. When Mescaline is taken in it;s pure form, that reaction to throw up is also removed, and taking a leathal dose is a much more likely.

In fact, the same can be said of cocain. cocoa leaves are chewed in their natural form by South American natives as a way to stay awake - a sort of coffee. There is no "high" in this form, there is no addition, there is no worry of overdosing, etc. It's not until the chemical is purified that most of the dangers come forth.

Drugs can be used for productive means, as tools. Our culture, however doesn't lend itself towards putting drugs to that use. There are certain people who do use drugs as tools, however, they need to be *VERY* careful that they don't fall into the habit of addiction. Without a social net to help direct their drug use as a tool, it's very easy to abuse it.

For me, I have found that the difficultly in keeping drug use as use and not abuse was very difficult. Being in a drug-taking environment almost requires that you are in a drug-abusing environment. Being different in such an environment is nearly impossible.

And meditation can, over much time and effort (it is not for the weak-minded), bring about as much in the way of realization and even visual and auditory halucination as any of the drugs I've tried. And the Leathal Dose for it is unknown.

lastly, as a side note, there are a few drugs, which, based on their effective dose/leathal dose comperison, as well as their side effects both during the effective time and afterwards (as the chemical is cleaned up by the body and eliminated, are not that bad. GHB, Marajuana, and others all have a great amount of effect without a great amount of physical harm. Their leathal doses are astromonical, and within limited use, the long-term physical effects are minor.
Those drugs I have little problem with (and, honestly, those drugs are classified for political and social reasons, not scientific ones), however, they are the minority. Cocain, is amongst the more dangerous drugs - given it's effects, it's dangers put it on my "not worth it" list.

edit: specific response to the question of how cocain works on the brain - you are exactly right. It triggers the brain to release all the seratonin it has stored up at once. so instead of a little at a time, making you feel ok, generally happy, you get 24 hours worth of it at once. it's like having a 30 minute sustains super orgasm. Which is exactly why you then have withdrawl. Headaches, severe depression, etc. it takes a while for you brain to create those molecules; if you use up all of it at once, you suffer until your brain has replaced them.
An addition problem is that you damage the parts of your brain that are effected by these chemicals by flooding them like that too often. by using the chemical once, you have the knowledge of this feeling like nothing else - pure bliss , as defined by how you brain senses happyness - chemicals in the brain. you then have created a desire for something you can never again have. Every time you do cocain from then on, your body releases less seratonin while also building up chemicals to sponge up any cocain it comes across - you now have a physical and mental need for this chemical just to stay in balance. You are addicted. It can happen the first time, it may never happen. It depends on your individual chemcial makeup.
Most people become addicted to cocain around the 3rd time they use it - the effect on their body is pretty significant at that point, and they most likely have begun increasing dosage in an attempt to re-expirience the initial high.
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