To Theists: Why do you value hope more than truth?

A very vague and mushy question. I will wait for something more defined and solid.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
how are apples, water, radiation and plasma objective indicators of god's non-existence?
Where's the implication that these were given as indicators of god's non-existence.

Crunchy Cat was asked for examples of what he means when he defines "truth" as "what objectively is", and he gave 4 examples.
At no point does he state, or even imply, that these are evidence of God's non-existence.

It is certainly not implied from the thread title... as in this thread he has merely asked theists why they value hope more than truth.

So please do not feel you need to jump to the defensive quite so soon. ;)
Crunchy Cat is asking why theists, superstitious and supernaturalists prefer mystical things which don't exist instead of just living their daily life and seeing things for what they are

People in the above category speak about 'materialist' existence as if it is some sort of bad thing and constantly use the word 'material' as if people are somehow empty if they live their life with no mystical beliefs.
Is Kundalini considered something that "objectively is"?

Kundalini Yoga concentrates on psychic centers or chakras in the body in order to generate a spiritual power, which is known as kundalini energy.

Don't know what that is, but it's certainly not objectivity. If you're just talking Yoga, then it's relaxing perhaps, and has many benefits including physical excercise and relaxation... But if somebody calls it spiritual, and that it heals 'psychic centers' of the body, that's when it's just a load of bollocks.

Now everybody needs to stop this tactic of bringing up eastern religions simply because they are more respected or peaceful in appearance... it's still as bullshit as any other Christian or Islamic religion. It may only be more respected because it is the least known of religions in western society, but when you look into it, it's actually even more daft than western Christianity.
So, I'll give a little insight into where I am going with this. We have this sub-forum on a science site in which 'God' existence is repeatedly fought for. It seems as if scientific knowledge keeps on chipping away at the validity of people's beliefs... invalidating what they might have considered 'big important questions' or what they might have considered 'correct answers'. When this happens, it seems to remove 'hope' (ex. the hope that consciousness persists after death). To compensate, such people find creatuve ways to shield their beliefs or outright embrace new ones that give them that hope. In other words... truth is taking a back-seat to hope and I want to know why.
It certainly objectively exists as a belief.

Some people claim to have physical sensations of an objectively existing energy in their bodies, but westen science cannot detect anything. Should these people be believed or not? Are they just imagining it, or is something which isn't just their imagination objectively taking place?
Kundalini Yoga concentrates on psychic centers or chakras in the body in order to generate a spiritual power, which is known as kundalini energy.

Don't know what that is, but it's certainly not objectivity.
Let me get this straight, your looking this new term up on the internet, and think you have enough authority to pronounce it nonsense. Why don't you try doing some actual research on it instead of just assuming you know it all. That's ignorant and arrogant and thoroughly unscientific.

If you're just talking Yoga, then it's relaxing perhaps, and has many benefits including physical excercise and relaxation... But if somebody calls it spiritual, and that it heals 'psychic centers' of the body, that's when it's just a load of bollocks.
That's just your opinion. You don't exaclty sound like an expert on the subject so with all due respect your opinion doesn't really count for much.

Now everybody needs to stop this tactic of bringing up eastern religions simply because they are more respected or peaceful in appearance...
That's no why they get brought up. One of the reasons they get brought up is because eastern religions do not rely on faith.

it's still as bullshit as any other Christian or Islamic religion.
Just your opinion. Again, you're no expert so your opinion doesn't count for much. You might as well keep your opinions to yourself. Don't bother googling terms you've heard for the first time and cutting and pasting them on here. It's a waste of your time.

It may only be more respected because it is the least known of religions in western society, but when you look into it, it's actually even more daft than western Christianity.

Just your opinion. Based on nothing much. Seriously, what meakes you think you know everything? It's ignorant.
So, I'll give a little insight into where I am going with this. We have this sub-forum on a science site in which 'God' existence is repeatedly fought for. It seems as if scientific knowledge keeps on chipping away at the validity of people's beliefs... invalidating what they might have considered 'big important questions' or what they might have considered 'correct answers'. When this happens, it seems to remove 'hope' (ex. the hope that consciousness persists after death).
Soemtimes it goes the other way too. Science shows something that gives evidence of life after death.'_NDE

In ttis instances the so-called science-minded sceptics dismiss the science. Why? Truth is taking a backseat. I guess cause they like their nice safe worldview where they have the universe completely figured out.

To compensate, such people find creatuve ways to shield their beliefs or outright embrace new ones that give them that hope. In other words... truth is taking a back-seat to hope and I want to know why.
The truth has not been settled as fundamentalists of all stripes would like to have it. It just isn't that simple, can't be pinned down by humans with their limited intelligence and perceptions. We are merely the smartest monkeys on this planet. Pretty ridiculous for the smartest monkey to think it has everything figured out.
Looking forward to any / all responses :).

It's the opposite, I value the truth as the highest, atheists can't handle the truth so they say "oh well, lets just say there is no God, nothing supernatural is true, religion is all false" "we all know that evidence causes something to become true, nothing is true without evidence"

The purpose of religion is to discover the truth...