To spank or not to spank that is the question!

Is it ethical to...

  • hit a child...

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • spare the rod...

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • not sure...*you deserved to be slapped to for that*

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Canada has upheld a law that allows adults (parents, teachers, etc) to use "reasonable force" on a child:

The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld a century-old law that allows parents, teachers and caregivers to spank children, but ruled the use of corporal punishment be confined to children between the ages of two and 12.

The top court had been asked to rule on whether spanking constitutes "reasonable force" for disciplining children, or whether it is a form of abuse. The court has heard arguments pro and con the efficacy of Section 43 of the Criminal Code, which allows parents, teachers and caregivers - including babysitters and foster parents - to use corporal punishment as "reasonable force" to discipline children.

You decide is it ethical to hit a child, or not to hit a child.
It's nice to see Canadians can outline the parameters of violence and subject their children to what they consider "reasonable force."

Welcome to the middle ages, Canada.
I was treated strictly as a child and I'm doing well as a polite and mature adult. My sisters had a less strict upbringing, and one of them lives off council benefits and has no respect for anyone, is on her way to being a single mother, the other is still in school but can't even do simple math or spelling at age 11. It's disgraceful.
Siddhartha said:
I was treated strictly as a child and I'm doing well as a polite and mature adult. My sisters had a less strict upbringing, and one of them lives off council benefits and has no respect for anyone, is on her way to being a single mother, the other is still in school but can't even do simple math or spelling at age 11. It's disgraceful.
This does not mean anything....If you were going to use this as an example of how spanking or slapping around kids can help their demeanor and personality in the coming years then it isn't wise to since there is no concrete proof that hitting kids helps their sense of responsibility and discipline.

With that said I do believe in strict discipline when it is needed. Though treating them like people and actually listening to what they have to say has been a positive method for me to get through to them, a slap here, now and then does assert an adults position as an authority and a figure to listen to.

The problem is that people hit their childern for inane reasons. If a 5 year old drops something or spills liquid on the floor or writes on the wall people will procede to slap the child. A 5 year old does not know its head from its ass so how can you possibly slap around such a young child when it doesn't even comprehend its own actions or its only wants to it on the wall or on paper.

Sadly for many it is easier to slap a child into fear and respect rather than go the extra effort and this lazyness stems from the fact that many parents just simply aren't ready to have such a responsibility, they are not ready to raise a child.

I do not condone constant supervision through the rod nor do I condemn any and all physical discipline. For me it comes down to when one must use force when it gets too far.
I think that spanking (from my observation) shows me that those people who were spanked as a child are much more insecure about themselves, and tend to be more violent. I was not spanked as a child, and I think I might have too much ego, and confidence, but I'd rather have the latter then the former. I think using force against a child is wrong in most circumstances, but sometimes the child need a slap on the wrist (not on the face, the Supreme Court banned the use of anything but the hand.) This law applies to those who are 2-12 years old, although it does seems a bit backward, but the US just got rid of her Sodomy laws while Canada did in 1967! I think that spanking should really be the absolute last resort, to those parents who spank a lot, they should watch it. Their child will have a greater propinquity to use violence against their own children, and spouses, and abuse alcohol or drugs. Obviously if the child gets hit on the hand these things will not happen, but really bad spanking or common place spanking will do that trick.
A child will never learn what the word "no" means if it is repeated to them a million times with nothing behind it. I have seen kids walk all over their parents knowing that they wont get hurt by their partents, and they'll cary that attitude with them. We need something to support the word "no".
Well, here in Australia we've classed smacking/spanking children as assault on them... because we had several cases that took it too far. In fact we've totally wiped violence out of our culture (with an exception to the abo's... violent sort... (n.o.) And for that we're brain-dead slobs who live off Burger King and spend our pointless days as zombies transfixed by American Sit-Coms and MTV.. fun life, huh?
scientists have proved that kids should be led with the carrot and not the stick, hitting and shouting leads in most cases to children being angry at their parents
I wasnt hit much as a child, a few times, and when i was all i wanted to do was hit back or hit someone else, it made me angry and i needed to take it out on someone or something, i'd like to think im a relatively nice person now for not being hit a lot, to be hit is an injustice, children are people and have rights like adults, it doesnt mean you cant say no to them or teach them a lesson in other ways, its cliche but violence really doesnt solve anything, like fighting terrorism with a few wars(guess some adults dont treat each other much better).
With proper parenting, there probably shouldn't be a need to hit a child, but, so much depends on the child itself. 2 b cont'd
I think my mother may have spanked me a little when I was quite young, but in all his lifetime my dad only ever slapped me, lightly, just once, when I was 14. Before that, just the thought that he might hit me was probably enough to keep me in check, but I was never a rowdy or naughty child anyway.

All in all, I experienced very little violence from my parents and so it didn't affect me one way or the other. I forgive them, even for the little that I did experience, because they were of a generation and culture that made them ignorant of all the subtle complexities of good parenting and of cultivating a child's talents and personality.

Even the best parents can't be perfect and, on occassion, I see nothing wrong with a light spanking on the backside, if it's deserved, but, if parents rely on violence to get their point across, they will probably become abusively so over time.
Spank the hell out of the oldest kid, in plain view of the younger ones, on a regular basis. The younger kids will get a clue and learn not to misbehave.
chunkylover58 said:
Spank the hell out of the oldest kid, in plain view of the younger ones, on a regular basis. The younger kids will get a clue and learn not to misbehave.

Wow, now we now that chunky is that spoiled rotten baby that wishes evil to his older sibling.
Nope. Just watched the older sibs get whipped quite often. Made me rethink being a bad kid ... Or, maybe it made more clever in not getting caught. ;)