To Protect and Service: Officer on leave after broadcasting sexual encounter on duty


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
The lede says it all:

A Snohomish County sheriff's sergeant who allegedly left his two-way radio on while having sex in his patrol car has been placed on paid administrative leave while the department investigates the incident.


The longtime veteran of the Snohomish County Sheriff's Department allegedly left his radio microphone open for a short period in September, broadcasting "what sounded like a woman moaning". A departmental miconduct investigation is underway, and expected to be completed in a matter of weeks.

The incident is at least the third time in recent months the issue has come up; allegations in Mill Creek, Washington saw two officers resign lasts spring, while an incident in Bellevue, Washington, earned an officer a demotion.

All of which led Sue Quinn, former president of the National Associaton for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, to explain, "It's never OK to have sex while on duty when you're a cop."

Bellevue Police Chief Linda Pillo recalled the incident in her department more philosophically: "It was absolutely unacceptable, but does that make him a bad officer?"


Thompson, Lynn. "Cop on leave after allegedly having sex while on duty". The Seattle Times. November 12, 2010. November 13, 2010.
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There is not enough info to say he actually was having sex while on duty. We do not know the circumstances.

With that being said, IF he had sex while on duty, not such a good thing.
If there was an emergency, those few minutes while he gathered himself together to respond could be minutes, seconds that could save someone's life or property.

Taxpayers dollars at work too. Not cool.

Ummm, what is in the water in that place where there are so many excited police officers getting caught having sex? LOL.
Something about insanity

Yellow Jacket said:

Ummm, what is in the water in that place where there are so many excited police officers getting caught having sex? LOL

Um ... coffee. Cinnamon. Vanilla extract. Nutmeg.

No, really, that's true. Not about it making people horny, or anything. But, apparently, fish in Puget Sound have elevated caffeine levels, and come out of the water pre-spiced. In truth, I'd have to search for a while; it was some random, locally produced segment on KUOW (public radio) up here a while ago.

But, yes, it is worth mentioning that Mill Creek is, quite literally, right up the road from me.

And what kills me about them having a sex scandal is everyone in Mill Creek is massively repressed. Literally. They have private security guards writing people tickets for leaving their garage doors open for more than two hours. And garden patrol. Can't have any undesirable herbs or foreign vegetables. Or ... something. The CCRs in Mill Creek are insane.
I wish there wasn't a double standard for the police in America, where they almost never get charged with anything. Society had this problem centuries ago, which resulted in the Magna Carta. Sounds like we need another Magna Carta, especially since all those pedophile priests were never tried.
The Magna Carta was written to protect those in power from the King. It did nothing to protect the peasants and serfs. Subsequently the protections afforded by it were extended to all though other legislation. The problem here is not one of laws, but of interpretation and application of laws.
Yes, thank you, Ophiolite.

I actually meant the power struggle that existed among the three groups that the Magna Carta helped to quell. Such power struggles included: the king trying the clergy; the church excommunicating the nobles; the nobles challenging the king's power; the king imprisoning someone without reason; etc.

As it stood back in ancient times, the clergy had a government unto itself, and they would prosecute "their own" which, unfortunately, has continued to this day regarding pedophile priests.

Same thing with police and other law enforcement personnel, where the police settle out of court with the victims, reassign officers, quietly ask them to resign or, in extreme cases, actually fire them. Very rarely are law enforcement personnel brought up on charges.

For example, the officer in this instance seems guilty of broadcasting obscene or pornographic material, yet I seriously doubt the FCC will get involved. If a college radio broadcasted live sex over the airwaves, the FCC would be all over them, shutting them down, slapping fines on them, etc.

There used to be something called "police brutality". We still see the same stuff today (and more vividly than before due to cell phone videos, etc), but they now call it "violating one's civil rights". How quaint.