To overcome as Jesus overcame.


Registered Senior Member
Jesus would have not asked this of us if it were not possible.

Why would Jesus ask us to be perfect as our Father in heaven, to overcome as He overcame, to be one just as the Father and He are one?
He probably didn't. The Jesus myth may very well be a complete fiction or it could be loosely based on the beliefs of an actual cult leader. That doesn't imply that he actually is divine or a god incarnate. Nor does it imply that a god actually exists.
Why would Jesus ask us to be perfect as our Father in heaven, to overcome as He overcame, to be one just as the Father and He are one?

The question is rhetorical. In order to place himself in the position of a cult leader, he must acknowledge himself as the one person who has a connection with the god while everyone else does not. It would therefore be a requirement to follow such a leader in order to become one with the god.
Many on this forum know that the Jesus of the gospels has no relevance because they know this Jesus to be a myth/a complete fiction. That is okay, but it does not answer the question asked to those that believe otherwise who are Christians.

Jesus asked us to be perfect as our Father in heaven, to overcome as He overcame, to be one with Him just as the Father and He are One.

The reason I brought this subject up is to ask why He would ask this of us if Jesus was born Divine that is not being conceived of a natural man and woman.

Divine -> of, from, or like God, or a god.
-> more than human excellent

If Jesus was born from man and woman then the request Jesus asked from us would be possible. >>> be perfect as our Father in heaven, to overcome as He overcame, to be one with Him just as the Father and He are One.