To Former Christians and whom this may concern.


I saw the Light
Registered Senior Member
I have recently been exposed to a different side of Atheism that I didnt think about. I am the kind of person who believes what I think to be right(so in other words I am like every person in the world). The one thing that I have noticed is that Atheist have a testimony too. I know that is sounds stupid and makes me look like an idiot but I have never thought about it. I was moved by a recently written post of a former Christian now atheist. It is natural for a man to do the most logical thing. You will do what makes sense to you and you will beleive what makes sense to you. I am a Christian and I also believe in Eternal Salvation (because thats what makes sense to me). So the way I explain a "Christian" gone atheist is in two ways [1]you are a Christian who is very confused and lost or [2]you were never a Christian to begin with. So now I will move on to the purpose of the thread and hope you continue to read.

To the first group ([1]):

I hope that the words that you are about to read redirect you to your first love. If you think that you can move from the hand of God you are dead wrong. I pray that light will be shed in the darkness of your confusion. If you have heard the story or analogy of Jesus knockin at the door from revelation associated with receiving salvation then I hope you didnt agree with that. John wrote to the Church which are Christians and already have salvation. He trying to get them back in focus saying hey wake up. I have questioned Gods existence and so has alot of other people but I have never doubted. I remember a few nights ago I scared out of my mind. I thought you know what if God isnt real then I just die. So I started thinking in mind and my doubt was cleared. I thought about how there had to be something greater so I started feeling better. Then I remembered the so called "quiet times" with God that I have and I know I am not just calling out to nothing. My cry is for those who doubt then search deeper. I am not scared to test my Faith. I dont know what has proven Christianity to be false to you but you had to have had peace. This testimony I recently read the guy said even I wanted to beleive but God didnt answer, but I wonder two things did he ask other Christians and the place where I read his piece of writing was in a place where I know two Christians are able to help him maybe God is answering him. I really admired this guys honesty though.
There is Hope.

To the second group ([2])

I can say only one thing.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in you heart that God raised Him from the dead then you wil be saved.
Romans 10:9

I would love to see more testimonies of Atheist. If you would also be so kind as to point out specifically what made you doubt your salvation or prove athiesm i would like you to tell me. To those that have questions about Christianity i say to you ASK. I can at least try to answer and if i cant well then i just look like a fool. Thanks
Warrior61 said:
To the first group ([1]): I hope that the words that you are about to read redirect you to your first love.
my first love died in a car accident, I am now married with children, I love my family. I do not pine for my first love, but I think of her often, but she was real.
warrior said:
If you think that you can move from the hand of God you are dead wrong.
of course I can move it does'nt exist, it would be infantile for me, to feel I was being held by an invisible force.
warrior said:
I pray that light will be shed in the darkness of your confusion.
where you say confusion, I see only clarity. you are the one with a subjective creature controling you mind, mine is free, would you like to rephrase who's confused.
warrior said:
I have questioned Gods existence and so has alot of other people but I have never doubted.
I have no doubts either, that it does'nt exist,I have never questioned a things existence if it exists, however if it does not, now thats another question.
warrior said:
I remember a few nights ago I scared out of my mind. I thought you know what if God isnt real then I just die.
wow that the most sensible thing you've said.
warrior said:
I am not scared to test my Faith.
whats to fear faith is subjective no harm can come to you from thinking[well that's not quite true halucinations, believing in strange supernatural and spiritual things can cause lunacy)
warrior said:
I dont know what has proven Christianity to be false to you but you had to have had peace.
the fact that it's fiction, and yes I do have peace.
I remember a few nights ago I scared out of my mind. I thought you know what if God isnt real then I just die. So I started thinking in mind and my doubt was cleared. I thought about how there had to be something greater so I started feeling better. Then I remembered the so called "quiet times" with God that I have and I know I am not just calling out to nothing.

Thinking in your mind is exactly that, it is not a confirmation to the existence of gods.

All you've done is replaced reality with your version of what you want reality to be.

A Christian who turns atheist simply turned on his brain and has begun to think for himself.
I think you are confused. If you insinuate that you are a former Christian and you love your wife more than God then I think you are in group number 2. So since you have gone through the rest of my post and stated the what you disagree with why dont you read it again and look at my point. Thats fine if you want to take the time and write a little bit about everything I say but i would rather you explain how you became an atheist.
I've always been an atheist. I knew about god and religion as a young adult, but never had any opinion either way. Just didn't concern me (girls, cars... you know).

But when I started to become aware of the real impact this all has on humanity, I started to notice it. The first thing I noticed was that I was what people called an "atheist". I had zero belief in imaginary sky beings. Since then, I've come to realize that unwarranted belief in something that you believe is essential for the well being of others is a vile and dangerous thing.
that helps me understand a whole lot more.

I suspect not.
Warrior61 said:
I think you are confused.
I think we've been through this,so I repeat.
stefan said:
where you say confusion, I see only clarity. you are the one with a subjective creature controling you mind, mine is free, would you like to rephrase who's confused.
Warrior61 said:
If you insinuate that you are a former Christian and you love your wife more than God
I love my turd more than god, the turd exists.
Warrior61 said:
then I think you are in group number 2.
what earthly reason would I have to get on my knees and talk to myself, because that is what I'll be doing, i'd be halucinating or delusional, to try to talk to fantasy figures, would'nt I.
Warrior61 said:
So since you have gone through the rest of my post and stated the what you disagree with why dont you read it again and look at my point.
what point, your just preaching.
Warrior61 said:
Thats fine if you want to take the time and write a little bit about everything I say but i would rather you explain how you became an atheist.
I was born an atheist the same as all children, then they tried to indoctrinate me, but my brain remained free, I was one of the lucky ones, born with an ounce of intelligence, so not subseptable to brainwashing.
as Q as already pointed out to you "A Christian who turns atheist simply turned on his brain and has begun to think for himself." been thinking for myself all my life.
stefan said:
you are the one with a subjective creature controling you mind, mine is free,

that former christian is actually an agnostic not an atheist you clearly dont know what an atheist is, you cant ask us to talk to a god as we have no belief in a god or devil or anything supernatural. our first love could never be a god it does not exist to us. as I tried to get you to understand in my first post. you are wasting your time trying to convert us, you may as well tell us the theres pretty pink polka dotted fairies that dance on candyfloss and sing rock songs at the end of the garden thats just as believable.
stefan: "that former christian is actually an agnostic not an atheist you clearly dont know what an atheist is, you cant ask us to talk to a god as we have no belief in a god or devil or anything supernatural."
M*W: I disagree. I was a xian, then I found the truth. Atheism, I believe, is a process. Coming to sciforums made it abundantly clear.
M*W: I disagree. I was a xian, then I found the truth. Atheism, I believe, is a process.
Yorda: You really believe atheism is the ultimate truth, don't you? Then this will be the end of your evolution. But no. In all of the world, there are no absolutes, no ultimate truths - but rather temporary truths, which simply take us from one relevant concept unto the next. Truth, any truth, is relative to where we happen to be at any given point on this journey of ours.
Yorda said:
M*W: I disagree. I was a xian, then I found the truth. Atheism, I believe, is a process.
Yorda: You really believe atheism is the ultimate truth, don't you?
and it is, the is no other reasonable path to take, theres no deity required, we are not sheep, it is a Poor man whose pleasures depend
on the permission of another.
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Yorda: You really believe atheism is the ultimate truth, don't you?
M*W: Yes, I do.
Yorda: Then this will be the end of your evolution.
M*W: No, it won't. My genes will continue to evolve through my
children and grandchildren and my great grandchildren to come, long after I'm dust.
Yorda: But no. In all of the world, there are no absolutes, no ultimate truths - but rather temporary truths, which simply take us from one relevant concept unto the next. Truth, any truth, is relative to where we happen to be at any given point on this journey of ours.
M*W: What's truth for me, may be hair on a rat's ass for you, Yorda. You don't have to believe what I believe to be true, but you're also not in the position to tell me I'm wrong about what I believe just because you don't understand it.
Im new to this forum, medicine woman why do you say xian. if a xian is a christian whats a christian to you? Or is it just some clever labeling scheme
No offense Warrior61, but your post reveals that you don’t really understand what causes a person to become an atheist. People usually become atheists after thinking about religion very carefully (often for a long time) and concluding that there isn’t sufficient evidence for them to believe in God. They say to themselves “How do I know if something is true or not? I look at the evidence.” Then they “look at the evidence” for God. Usually when a Christian does this, they are critically examining their religious beliefs (in the same way that they would examine any other belief) for the first time ever. Then they conclude that their religious beliefs don’t stand up to the tests that an idea must pass for it to be believable.

So, if you want to convince them to become a Christian again, you need to present them with evidence of some sort that would make Christianity “pass the test” of evidence. In your post you don’t do anything like that. Read your original post carefully and ask yourself what part of it would convince someone who didn’t believe in God to reconsider that belief.
M*W: What's truth for me, may be hair on a rat's ass for you, Yorda. You don't have to believe what I believe to be true, but you're also not in the position to tell me I'm wrong about what I believe just because you don't understand it.
Yorda: I can do whatever I want, and so can you. I indeed understand atheism since I don't believe in God either. You say that I'm not in the position of telling you that you are wrong, but here you are, telling me that I am wrong (when I said that you are wrong, although I didn't say it). Haha.

Atheism isn't an objective truth only because you believe it. Otherwise, you are like some of the religious people. They think that only because they believe, it becomes true to everyone.