To everybody......


Registered Member
Dont wast your time...whit aliens...or ufos.......
They dont exist........
God is the creator...........
everybody.everyday are trying to..turn your from cristianism
James Cameron..( free mason) ...are one of this......
When he do that film....stigmata.......he are doing.a .kind of....
punch in Jesus history....and ok , is just a film..but.....
somebody ..are tinkhing about that shits..untill today..

Cris Carter.are another one.....whit that X (shit) files..
Do the ...kkind of...secret of this hystories..make people like us
stop and think about that...but .not me.....not anymore..
they are ficcion........Aliens=ficcion....
I had see to many youngs like yours.wasting your time...whit this teorys......we are not alien creation......
So dont wast your time whit..this shits......
Aliens never exist...and ufos too....
Jewish..are best choice for God...because they dont have a God wants ( that time).build a new culture
So they take jewish fron Egipt.......but they are like me or yours
so.........bye for now
Aliens do exist and they are in USA. That is why we have boarder patrol....some aliens are terrorists....

Aliens from another planet, dimension, space, time - I guess the Earth is the center of the Universe. Could be flat too. Ignorance is sometimes bliss. Some say, no need to go to school, as long as one believes....

UFO - hey, if you can not identify what it is that is flying up in the sky - that is UFO.

MARCELLO why do you think god excists,he has not done much good lately what with the trade centre disasters, and so on, also if you are so religious then answer me this god made adam and eve eve had two sons cane and able but eve went into the land of nod to find a bad partner,that means it must have been one of her sons.:confused:
Hi blastoff......god evening

About trade normal.we atribute...disasters to God.
But certainly.God are crying so much......for that what He see.....
God never wants that this hapen.......
Buty men are doing this bad things.........
Terrorism are not .doing whit not God consentiment...
Never...think that God....let this happen
God your brother like yourself............dont kill.......
see the comandments.......
But in this are crazy......and they turn the face,against God......and..look just to this materials things..........
The terrorism......are so bad and God are not happy whit this......
God are so ..sad see this things happen...
The bible say about Able and Caim.....because they are more
relevant.....and if bible will talk about any person......we can read in a .bible talk about some persons......
But Adam and Eve...had .more sons.....and in that time are normal....brothers and sisters...get married.....
you have to admit....if this dont exist...never will human race..exist too
if you read bible whit can undewrstand
But about world trade center.......
God are so sad......and the justice will be made........
but you now........who put money in the hands of Osama??
Eua...........wo put arms in hands of saddan?????? Eua......
in true.......all guilty are Eua government........dont people....
but Us army......are used to sell any one in the world.......
and this include .afegans.....when they fight against URSS....
so........please dont put a responsability in God.......
Jesus love you........too.........
and im
anybody here in Brasil are choked.....and .as you many Brasilians are in the ...WTC that to many .families
will pray....for anybody who lost their life in that terrible day....
Marcello- Where are you from that you don't write in complete sentences? I understand if you're from another country or have a shaky grasp of the language, it just makes for difficult reading and the appearance of broken, incomplete ideas.
What a bullshit you give here.
Have you nothing serious to talk about
I find you irritating, just like your PM's.
I am sorry.
I can't help it, sometimes it happens. People do not like eachother. Ok? Leave me alone. I get creepy feelings from your posts.
If you don't mind, I would rather have no PM's any more from you. Ok?
Thank you.

are you by chance catholic? I guess so, that's probably why you've taken religious comments to heart. I hope you understand though that world doesn't revolve around one religion, no matter if you are taught/told or believe that there can only be one religion.

I suppose you might disagree with certain fictional presentations within films or series, because they conflict with your beliefs, that is understandible, of course others like watching these due to there recreational value and it doesn't necessarily mean that they believe that things portrayed exist or are real.

I know people have had problems with your sentences, There might be a way of dealing with this but it would involve you writing your post twice. Once in English to the best of your ability and the other in your native tongue.
(we can then use to convert your language into english (Some of us might find that easier).

I'm not going to act hostile towards your posts, as the entire reasoning of forums like this isn't to alienate people, but to allow them the chance to express their opinions, no matter what opinion it might be.

(Of course I'm sure Racism/religious hatred and sexism are a few things that can't be tolerated, but that of course is something that Dave will have to mention. In fact in my haste of joining the Forum, I didn't note or remember noting if those points are specified within the Forum rules, sheesh!, Dave could of had the rules stating "If you agree to post 200 times then you'll buy me a brand new spanky-doo-dar car!")

are you by chance catholic? I guess so, that's probably why you've taken religious comments to heart. I hope you understand though that world doesn't revolve around one religion, no matter if you are taught/told or believe that there can only be one religion.

I suppose you might disagree with certain fictional presentations within films or series, because they conflict with your beliefs, that is understandible, of course others like watching these due to there recreational value and it doesn't necessarily mean that they believe that things portrayed exist or are real.
................................................................................................... not catolic...... im not cristian
Jesus are not religios....they are dead by religious men .in that time
" because they conflict with your beliefs" they conflict whit bible
not my belifs......
beware whit theorys who conflict whit bible
Marcello, I do not want to be rotten to you, I have trouble with the way you write.
I have the feeling you can do this better.
If you are so bad in english, how can it be that you perfectly well, understand what Sryderunknown wrote to you?

Why can't you write back in the same way.
My english is not good, I know that, I say that too if necessarry.
But by my means no one has problems, just once in a while I misunderstand and overreact in my reply.
So, some one tells me I misunderstood and I apologize to him/her.
It is not that difficult.
And then, you can check your spelling before you reply.
Before you send your reply you can check your reply on spelling mistakes.
I never tried, maybe you can. It can help.
If I came on to you to hard, I am sorry. I do not want bad understandings with the rest of the forum members. I like it here very much and the members are ok.
I hope I understand better what you mean, next time.
Bye Marcello. :)