To disclose or not to disclose, that's the horror of it.

Given the scenario indicated, should the government disclose all that it knows?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 89.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ivan Seeking

Registered Senior Member
Let's assume for a moment that ET is here, and that the bulk of the conspiracy theories have some basis in fact. Now, imagine that we know his [its] intent, that the truth is absolutely terrifying - horrible beyond imagination - and that there is nothing that we can do about it. Finally, assume that releasing this information will likely cause many people to panic.

Should the government disclose this information anyway? Would you want to know? Would we adapt? Would the world fundamentally be changed?

This comes to mind only because of the latest in ET storytelling.
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Finally, assume that releasing this information will likely cause many people to panic.

I was going to disagree about the panic assumption, and say "why do we always assume that humans would panic if ETs revealed themselves?" But then I recalled the Salem witch craze started by two young girls trying to guess their marriages....

Still, if there is no perceived threat, then I would doubt "panic."

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Should the government disclose this information anyway?

Yes. If someone in government were to know the truth, then I think it would be the wiser choice... rather than wait for a credible leak and the suspicion that would undoubtedly arise surrounding the secrecy.

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Would you want to know?

Does a one-legged duck swim in a circle?

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Would we adapt?

We are perhaps the most adaptive species on the planet (next to cockroaches and bacteria)... I think we would adapt fine.

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Would the world fundamentally be changed?

No doubt about it. Culture would adapt and change according to how much exposure to the alien race(s) we had. Even zero exposure would change the culture... look at the crap you can buy in the malls with the mythological alien effigy (big head, big eyes, small mouth/chin) on it. If trade were established, many of their culture traditions would be adopted within our own and vice versa.
Government? So you think we have a government somewhere? It is a common fallacy to think we have government but all we really have now is akin to gang warfare. If there is special powerful new knowledge to be gained from ETs I suspect what is euphemistically called government today will try to keep it to themselves and claim it is their own if they can figure it out. I don't think the ETs, if they are or have been here, will give the most devout anarchists any keys or manuals to their wondrous technology.

I haven't read all here. Has someone posted a link to project disclosure?
why would you panic if you are disclosed the knowledge that there are ETs around for a long time.

I might panic if they were heading for earth in a very hungry mood and with an appetite for human flesh. Human flesh that is only to be eaten when the owner is still alive.

But what are the chances of that happening?
Of course, your assumption is that ETs arrive at just the right moment in our technological development that various world govts possess the techynology to detect them, and the general populace don't. So that would mean only in the last 50 years or so, and the advent of radar, and satellites etc.

Of course, many telescopes of many different types are in the hands of Academia, so the data from them isn't easily suppressed, and academics love a first, and will publish. Not to mention amateurs. who squint through telescopes, listen in to satellite and other radio transmissions.

But accepting your premise, panic. Why panic? Fundamentalist churches may panic, when it is realised that Genesis isn't literal. Hippies and new agers will all start banging bongos and try and talk to aliens telepathically (so what's new?) and the average man in the street will still have to go to work and pay his bills.

There wasn't that much panic when we were in danger of nuclear destruction. I had to admit, there were a few tense moments where I got very worried, but then I lived on an airforce base which served nuclear bombers. When the sirens went for exercises or security alerts, there was no looting, panic, or affray, everyone knew they had to get on with their lives, for as long as they lasted. Of course, the hands on the clock never moved past four minutes to midnight.

So I think people would be OK. We've lived through two world wars and a cold war, and going further back, plagues. and plunderings. We're still here to talk about it.
With disclosure there is always the hope that someone will come up with a positive solution and if no one does what is a little panic in the face of assured destruction.
Calm down Walker,,,,breath,relax,...there you go.
Here's a cookie.
Feel better now?
That's good.
Now run along. shew, shew.:)
Discolsure would be great, yet not very probable. I mean, if the government came out that for all these years, then who is gonna beleive them. People would want a regime change. Now I dont think that the American Government wants that.
Under the scenario you described, I believe it would be best to keep the information secret. At least we would be living in blissful ignorance until the end.

A year or so ago some astronomers discovered an asteroid, one which they predicted would likely collide with the Earth in thirty years. They later retracted their claim, based on what they said was a more accurate prognostication after additional plotting of the orbit. But for those few days, I considered what it would be like as the time of the impact approached.

Had it been a real threat (assuming they didn't lie about the <i>revised</i> orbital information, heh heh), the whackos would have been out in force, knowing they had nothing to lose. As much as I hate the idea of government secrecy, an unavoidable end-of-the world scenario is one I dearly hope they successfully keep under wraps.
If evil ET's would come to Earth, then it's the governments responsibility to tell the rest of the earthlings about it, because even if the government feel that the situation is hopeless and nothing can be done, then maybe somebody else can find a solution. It's every earthlings right to know this and try to ensure the survial of the species.
phlogistician's analysis is plausible.

the secrecy issue might be simply due to nations positioning themselves into a relatively advantageous situation over other nations. that sound pretty realistic to me as i, if a leader, would do the same. i would try to cut as many deals with em before other nations got at them.

thats assuming they are peaceful

if warlike, an assessment is made if the threat is best met by all or some are sacrificed so others can live. the need for secrecy will depend on this assesment. if doom is assured, life will go on. infact hedonism will be the name of the game. i like that
Spooky is on the right track (I think).

I agree with the need for MY government to harness the power to control YOUR government(s) with everything on a human playing field. IF private industries (people and/or companies) get the gods then you have more problems - fanatical type problems.

If the field changes (ET-type rules) then all bets are off and my people need to know what's coming down the pipe. History says we'll fight - and fight hard. Why would my leaders want to keep us silent, possibly have their constituents eliminated from life and ultimately leaving the landscape open to re-inhabitation with someone (or something) else?

I guess it's babble BUT I, too, would like to know.
If they don't tell us, I hope they at least tell Bruce Willis or that drunken pilot guy from independence day... Oh yeah, he died... Guess its up to Bruce then...