To creationist theists: Are you happy that God created you?


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
An inquiry to creationist theists:

Are you happy that God created you?
Not happy not sad. I accept i exist. Once your in life you just got to accept it and keep on keeping on until it is time out.

Being at peace is a lot better than happy or sad. Peace of mind is of great value.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Being at peace is a lot better than happy or sad. Peace of mind is of great value.

Is that the blissful ignorance (being at peace, peace of mind) theists keep harping on about?

Why would you rather be brain dead than experiencing happiness and sadness? You've evolved these emotions, why not use them?
Not happy not sad. I accept i exist. Once your in life you just got to accept it and keep on keeping on until it is time out.

Being at peace is a lot better than happy or sad. Peace of mind is of great value.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I believe you have made it clear in the past that you can't wait for death. Given that the topic is about creationists and that this refers to the physical universe, it has certainly seemed like you were not pleased with any of what God created.

I think Greenberg's question is especially appropriate for you since you have not seemed happy with Creation. You accept it and expect a later reward for having endured it with the proper spiritual outlook. But that seems like another issue.
The true reward is when we leave this fucked up place! Greed, murders, wars, starvation, incest, and hundreds of other things that realkly make this world a not so nice place in which to live....unless of course you are very rich and can afford great medical insurances, own your own homes, travel anywhere at anytime and have money enough to buy your happiness! :mad:
Is that the blissful ignorance (being at peace, peace of mind) theists keep harping on about?

No it is not Blissful, Blissful is associated with great happiness. Pease is different. And it does not come from ignorance but from the knowledge of God and His Love for me.

Why would you rather be brain dead than experiencing happiness and sadness? You've evolved these emotions, why not use them?

Emotions are not used. Emotions come and go naturally depending on what effects are upon one at a particular time.

i experience sadness and joy in life just like other people. My answer was to greenbergs specific question that relates to only one issue:

Are you happy that God created you?

He did not ask me if my emotional state consisted of either being happy or being sad through my life, but it was specific to one issue only. Was i happy that God created me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The true reward is when we leave this fucked up place! Greed, murders, wars, starvation, incest, and hundreds of other things that realkly make this world a not so nice place in which to live....unless of course you are very rich and can afford great medical insurances, own your own homes, travel anywhere at anytime and have money enough to buy your happiness! :mad:

Yes the world is not a nice place. The only real good comes when we experience love from others. But one thing is also true money does not buy peace of mind, there are many examples of poor little rich kids suiciding from deep depression or living self destructive lives, a result of living a loveless and to them a pointless existence.

Wealth is over rated, but i guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence until you make it there and find out it isn't.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Actually, money, for the vast majority of people, does indeed buy happiness. I'm not talking about filthy rich spoiled celebrities. But studies have shown that people with enough money to ensure a secure retirement and the luxuries of life are genuinely less stressed, more generous, and happier.
happiness is over-rated and generally short-lived and circumstantial. it comes and goes.