To commit or not commit.


mors ante servitium
Registered Senior Member
Does commitment imply ownership?
If I commit to someone - like manogamy - does that mean that person has, in theory, ownership of my sexuality?
Hey DrLou, how are you?
Fuck-you DrLou.

*As I stand naked infront of my comp. doing the helicopter*;)
You coudl say that. My opinion is that this comes under the "looks like it from one angle but not from another" category.
If you commit completely and without any strings at all, then yes you are effectively owned by them, although maybe youd like to define ownership better.
the question: to commit or not to commit? the answer: if you have to ask, don't.

the question: does committment imply ownership? the answer: no. no one can own another individual.

ex. 1: parter A and partner B- partner A has full ownership of own sexuality. partner A can do with it what he/she wants. BUT partner B also has ownership of own sexuality and can withhold body from partner A if partner A chooses to share with unknown person C.
ex. 2: parters A and B have sole ownership of sexuality. partner B asserts ownership of partner A's sexuality. assertion classified by law as rape. partner B goes to jail.