To be aware of S - 1737...


Registered Senior Member
This article came into my emails today via a mailinglist I am subscribed to. What do you think of it??? :(

*I've never paid too much attention to the concentration camp rumors until the Patriot Act was passed. Provisions for targeting anybody for just about anything are now the law. Think it will work? Or will it create the impetus that collapses the American dream into the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower warned Americans about almost 50 years ago? Regards, Krsanna (owner of the mailinglist)*

Subject: HILLARY JOINS THE CONSPIRACY re Senate bill S-1737


By Jim Rarey

March 18, 2002


For at least a year now stories have been circulating on the Internet about facilities being prepared across the country intended for incarceration of segments of the civilian population. The facilities are variously described as concentration camps, relocation centers, detention stations, etc. It can now be confirmed that laws are being put on the books of the various states that provide for the "evacuation" of civilians to predetermined locations in other states.

The laws are in conformance with an "Interstate Emergency Management Assistance Compact" promulgated under the rubric of "Homeland Defense." In Michigan, implementation of the compact comprises two Public Acts (P.A. 247 and P.A. 248). The former deals with the handling of "personnel" and the latter with equipment. Both went on the books in January of this year but do not go into effect until at least one other state joins the compact. (There is another requirement discussed later in this article.)

Among other things the compact provides for the following:

Mutual assistance between party (member) states in managing any emergency or disaster declared by the governor of the affected state. The declaration could involve (but is not limited to) natural disaster, technical disaster (whatever that means), man-made disaster, emergency aspects of resource shortages, civil disorders, insurgency, or enemy attack.

Emergency related exercises outside of actual emergency periods.

Affords the emergency forces of another state the same powers, duties, rights and privileges afforded in its own state, except that of arrest unless specifically authorized.

Note: Another compact from 1996, which has been adopted in most states, allows the use of a state’s National Guard troops in any other "party" state.

Specifies that no party state or its officers or employees is liable on account of any act or omission in good faith while providing aid or using equipment or supplies.

Requires each party to provide compensation to injured members of the emergency forces and death benefits to representatives of members killed while rendering aid, as if the injury or death were sustained within its own state.

Requires party states to work out plans for the orderly evacuation and interstate reception of civilians.

The states are required to establish procedures for compensating other states that render assistance.

And finally, the compact requires a provision for temporary suspension of any statutes or ordinances that restrict the implementation of these responsibilities.

The two bills implementing the compact were passed in the Michigan House and Senate on roll call votes without a dissenting vote. They were introduced in November of last year and final passage was on 12/31`/01. There was no mention of the compact or bills, at any stage, in the local media. Needless to say it was not on this writer’s radar screen either. It was only discovered while browsing the legislature’s web site on another topic.

One final step is required. The U.S. Constitution, in Article I, states, "No State shall; without the Consent of the Congress….enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State…" This is where Hillary Clinton enters the picture.

Senator Clinton, on 11//28/01, introduced a bill (S.1737) to provide for homeland security block grants. Section 12 states, "The consent of the Congress is hereby given to any two or more States to enter into agreements or compacts, not in conflict with any law of the United States, for cooperative effort and mutual assistance in support of homeland security planning and programs carried out under this Act as they pertain to interstate areas and to localities within such States, and to establish such agencies, joint or otherwise, as they may deem desirable for making such agreements and compacts effective."

The reader may note that Senator Clinton doesn’t seem to be concerned about any conflict with the U.S. Constitution, only "laws of the United States." Seven of the usual suspects cosponsored the bill; Senators Dayton, Feinstein, Mikulkski, Stabenow, Durbin, Kerry and Schumer.

As of this date (March 18th) Hillary’s bill (no, not that Bill) was still in committee. If it is not brought to the floor, the provision may be tacked onto some other legislation, possibly an appropriations bill.

All kinds of unconstitutional laws are being rushed through the Congress and state legislatures in the name of fighting terrorism. However, it should be obvious that the advance planning in putting all these pieces together took place long before September 11 of last year.

It’s getting late, folks. Stay tuned.

Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a free lance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the U.S. Constitution.

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