Timeslip phenomenon


Any thoughts on this?


Well we know that Deja Vu is real. Also there is a delay in the proceesing of information due to the time it takes for an action to occur and the time it takes from when the eye sees the event to when the brain processes the information and make sense of it.

If i take a peanut and release it from my hand to the time it hit my desk the delay would be minimal. Probably nearest to real time as possible with the equipment (eyes - brain - cognition) we have to work with.

Now take it a little further. Suppose a car accident happens in front of you. This is of course a traumatic experience and the speed at which it occurs and the time it take to register may be proportionate to the fact that we really dont want it to happen at all and the fact that events and happening so quickly. Also can two humans witness the same event but at slightly different times. There really is no way to know for sure. The more of an effect the event has on an individual the longer the time.

Taking it even further. Can we even begin to accept that everything that happens is on a universal human delay? This delay can be from milliseconds to literally minutes. The most would be ten minutes, in my estimation of what is actually possible, if not likely.

Picture a satellite dish beaming information to a base station\ data center.

The satellite is just for referance so dont get carried away with it.

*Note: If anyone sees this discussed anywhere just remember who's idea it was FIRST. I am referring to "Universal Delay".
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Any thoughts on this?


Well we know that Deja Vu is real. Also there is a delay in the proceesing of information due to the time it takes for an action to occur and the time it takes from when the eye sees the event to when the brain processes the information and make sense of it.

Deja vu is an error in memory. The person has the experience of remembering a situation while he never actually did experience it before.
I think that many things happen to us in our early years. The years up to mid 20s are particularly active and then they taper off. I think that supernatural events occur during these years and if you are aware of them and accpet them as real and not just tricks of the mind then you open new possibilities.

The thing is we have very little control over them but we can effect them to an extent. Afa Deja Vu, i have had a few instances where they were very real and that included obviously the location, time of day, the way the arm smelled and most telling was that i knew what the person i was with was going to say before they said it.

It was not exactly common but it got to the point where i accepted this happening and i am sure nearly everyone else does\did as well.

On a scalof of one to five i would rate Deja Vu a three in terms of supernatural events i have personally witnessed and i am assuming others as well. So if anyone has abilities let us know in this thread.

Another thing was visions of a disaster which i had for a period of months before it actually occurred. The visions were far too vague to be particularly meaningful\useful but after the event they stopped happening.
I think that many things happen to us in our early years. The years up to mid 20s are particularly active and then they taper off. I think that supernatural events occur during these years and if you are aware of them and accpet them as real and not just tricks of the mind then you open new possibilities.
Why would you take them as real without first pursuing a conventional explanation ?
In the timespan you mention the brain is still developing, after that they are mature.

The thing is we have very little control over them but we can effect them to an extent. Afa Deja Vu, i have had a few instances where they were very real and that included obviously the location, time of day, the way the arm smelled and most telling was that i knew what the person i was with was going to say before they said it.

It was not exactly common but it got to the point where i accepted this happening and i am sure nearly everyone else does\did as well.

On a scalof of one to five i would rate Deja Vu a three in terms of supernatural events i have personally witnessed and i am assuming others as well. So if anyone has abilities let us know in this thread.

Another thing was visions of a disaster which i had for a period of months before it actually occurred.
Deja vu is not supernatural..
As for your premonitions.. no comment.
Why would you take them as real without first pursuing a conventional explanation ?
In the timespan you mention the brain is still developing, after that they are mature.

Deja vu is not supernatural..
As for your premonitions.. no comment.

What conventional explanation?
deja vu happens if you have experienced a similar thing before... it's nothing strange.
My brain may not be mature just yet, but I do occasionally have instances when I feel like I've done something or seen something before. When I was studying neuroscience many of my professors and mentors always said that it was the brain confusing the past with the present or as Enmos said a recording error in memory. For some of the instances this explanation seemed logical, but I have also had instances where I remember certain things happening afterward and then they happen just as thought they would. Its sort of creepy, but I think some people are more in touch with it than others. I don't know why it happens and even though I had a few people make up answers for me, I'm pretty sure they don't know either.
On "timeslips" themselves, if these people really had traveled into the past, there's an easy test for that: have someone in the past make a note of the encounter: time, place, details of the supposed "traveler", etc. Some of those details should survive and after we accumulate and analyze enough of them to rule out hoaxers, at least there'd be some evidence.

Alternatively, it seems like its the timeslipper's word versus common sense. Sure, the timeslipper may know details of the time and place he or she supposedly visited, but that proves nothing (unless the knowledge is both (a) unknown by modern people and not otherwise the subject of later speculation and (b) independently verifiable, though combining those two limits the likelihood of such evidence existing).

I personally find the story of the pair of teachers referenced in the wikipedia article startlingly unconvincing. Anyone can say "Phew! I sure did see Marie Antoinette!" At the least the girls who claimed to have seen fairies went to the trouble of faking photographs of them.

I think it would be amazing and awesome if we could slip back or forward through time. I would welcome that discovery with open arms. Still, if I myself woke up in the past or the future and later returned my first call would be to a psychiatrist, not a newspaper. If I were so convinced of the reality of my experience that I was sure I was not crazy, that by itself would be evidence that I was being irrational, as we're all subject to mental illness.
On "timeslips" themselves, if these people really had traveled into the past, there's an easy test for that: have someone in the past make a note of the encounter: time, place, details of the supposed "traveler", etc. Some of those details should survive and after we accumulate and analyze enough of them to rule out hoaxers, at least there'd be some evidence.

Alternatively, it seems like its the timeslipper's word versus common sense. Sure, the timeslipper may know details of the time and place he or she supposedly visited, but that proves nothing (unless the knowledge is both (a) unknown by modern people and not otherwise the subject of later speculation and (b) independently verifiable, though combining those two limits the likelihood of such evidence existing).

I personally find the story of the pair of teachers referenced in the wikipedia article startlingly unconvincing. Anyone can say "Phew! I sure did see Marie Antoinette!" At the least the girls who claimed to have seen fairies went to the trouble of faking photographs of them.

I think it would be amazing and awesome if we could slip back or forward through time. I would welcome that discovery with open arms. Still, if I myself woke up in the past or the future and later returned my first call would be to a psychiatrist, not a newspaper. If I were so convinced of the reality of my experience that I was sure I was not crazy, that by itself would be evidence that I was being irrational, as we're all subject to mental illness.

Why doubt your senses? If I woke up in the past and then returned to the present I probably would assume it was a dream, but if I was sure that I wasn't dreaming then I would write it off as an unexplainable event. Lots of things have happened to me that I can't explain. I'm not ready to write myself off as crazy just yet, though.
Why doubt your senses? If I woke up in the past and then returned to the present I probably would assume it was a dream, but if I was sure that I wasn't dreaming then I would write it off as an unexplainable event. Lots of things have happened to me that I can't explain. I'm not ready to write myself off as crazy just yet, though.

Occam's Razor. Suppose I wake up tomorrow believing that I am Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. What is more likely, that I am Napoleon Bonaparte? Or that I am crazy? If I think I am Napoleon, then the simplest explanation (even if I really feel that is correct) is that I am crazy, not that Napoleon was somehow transported through time and trapped in my body.

Mental illness happens and no one is immune to it. Refusing to admit the possibility that mental illness or, at least, glitches in the brain may explain wild and unusual experiences is irrational.

Timeslips would be no different. Even if you really did travel through time, unless you could eliminate all possibility of a mental defect causing you to hallucinate up the experience, denying the possibility that it was a figment of a mental illness is irrational because that is *always* a possibility.

Besides, human memory and senses are terrible and easily fooled. Eat the wrong kind of mushroom, let yourself be hypnotized and "regressed" or huff model airplane glue and you can see a dramatic illustration, but plenty of studies show that the brain alters its memories to fit preferred theories of how experiences unfolded and "fills in" gaps with wholly invented data. That's why eyewitnesses are such bad evidence in criminal trials and misidentify perpetrators so often.

It's nice to pretend that we have latent superpowers, but one should not let the fantasy overwhelm reality. That would arguably be a symptom of a psychiatric issue by itself, if not evidence of a full blown illness.
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actually enmos i tested that, i was having a conversation with PB and i knew i had had it before. Not another convo about the same topic but the EXACT same convesation in exactly the same spot so i tested it. i cut her off with exactly what she was about to say.

the look on her face was priceless:p
I think it would be amazing and awesome if we could slip back or forward through time. I would welcome that discovery with open arms. Still, if I myself woke up in the past or the future and later returned my first call would be to a psychiatrist, not a newspaper. If I were so convinced of the reality of my experience that I was sure I was not crazy, that by itself would be evidence that I was being irrational, as we're all subject to mental illness.
Ever see the short lived Tv series Journeyman? This guy started slipping back in time at random intervals. He soon figured out he was supposed to fix something that had gone badly the first time around. To prove he wasn't insane, he took his wife's wedding ring and buried it in his backyard in a spot where (in the present) there was a concret slab. So when he jumped back to the present and his wife wouldn't believe his story, he tore up the patio and dug up his wifes wedding ring.

It wasn't a bad show. Too bad it only lasted one season.
Time Slip Experience

Hello I would love to meet other true time travelers who had travel thru time in real life like i did who experience a Time Slip Phenomenon. Please dont hesitate to contact me

My memory of this Time Slip occurred during this experience did not start surface again until 1971 when I moved, 3 years later..I kept in silence the memories of my experience became on and off thru out the years until now.. I was finally able to come to terms with the possible reality of these Time Slip events and began researching the Internet to find corroboration for my experience and the corroboration that initially had the biggest impact for me was found at about.com and allexperts.com ( Of the Paranormal).

IT IS POSSIBLE THAT TIME TRAVEL CAN BE A REALITY!!! Take it from me from my phenomenon experience.

I had an unusual Time Slip phenomenon experience when i was a child (7 years old) back in July of 1968/69 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts on a Hot sunny day when I decided to take a walk into the woods alone in my neighborhood to explorer like most kids do. The woods were thick and shady I was pulling off branches and leaves away from my face, hair and body. It was a 10 minute walk..When i came out of the woods on the other side..I was shocked and stunned of what i saw which I describe as a futuristic neighborhood..The houses and roads look well-advanced, extremely clean, colorful and beautiful.. The roads was not made out of black tar but silvery/white metallic cement that you can see the sun shines right off of it..The houses looked well-advanced with many huge windows, colorful roof tops and the street lights look different too.. I have never seen this before..I was only there for 6 minutes and there were no people around ONLY ME, the future houses and the road. I can hear a deep humming sound which to me sounds like ( An alive power box) I am not sure if that what it was. I felt a little bit lost.. I decided to go back into the woods to tell my mom..My mom did not listen to me and said, "Stay out of the woods" The next day I snuck out and went back into the woods to find the future place and it wasnt there..It was GONE..I looked and looked NOTHING!!.

P.S..... Before I had my Time Slip experience..On May 1968/69 I was playing near by woods and decided to go for a walk into the woods until i saw a big tree fire burning. I ran to a near by neighbor and told him...The neighbor ran towards the woods saw the fire was spreading and yelled into the woods "anyone up there?" No one came out of the woods and the neighbor ran to his home to call the fire department and the fire was put out. I was just wondering if this was all connected some how..WE tell our true story experiences, Its well documented and it is up to the scientists or paranormal experts to figure this all out. Maybe one day we will have a full explanation and answers to all of our phenomenon experiences.
Nice thread John,

You mention in your thread a car accident. We have all experienced a slow down of time during a traumatic event..where an event that only took seconds seemed to last for much longer. Does anyone know the cause of this?
where an event that only took seconds seemed to last for much longer. Does anyone know the cause of this?

Dementia....is the progressive decline in cognitive function
cosmic i think he is refering to nor-adrenilin which speeds up the nural pathways of the brain and there for alows a much more rapid assesment of a situation. From the inside this is felt as a slowing down of time but in reality its a speeding up of prossessing