

Registered Senior Member

“Time has its own way of distilling all things to their essence, and to washing away, if no substance exists, only time”.

We are all subject to time, controlled by its rhythms and patterns, marching to its beat as we do, between day and night. Genetically we are coded to follow the cycle of the sun, and are in essence, children of the sun – followers of the sun. Mother Earth provides us with all that we require for us to sustain the body, but it is the sun that sets the pace, or tempo of our life upon this living breathing home that we call earth.
Instead of thinking of time as a quantity that is objective and separate or as an end to be reached, we can think of it more poetically as a quality or the means to an end. Think about time in new ways. We can think of time as the source of preciousness in all things. Seen in this way, no longer is only our time precious, but Time itself becomes precious. With an awareness of such impermanence, our sense of separateness may dissolve: we really see just how fragile it all is. We learn that time and intimacy are interconnected. The inevitable decay of this world holds suffering in all that we are able to touch; and more, for all that touches us. Here is our interconnectedness. For if we are all separate egos and left only to ourselves - our portals of self-resilience, self-protection - we will fail to inter-touch. Time's flow is only seen as decay and never yields the insight of preciousness.

Hey, I can be as obscure as the next guy!

Im impressed goofy

i didn't think you were the Philosophy type

shouldn't this be in genral Philosophy?
Originally posted by goofyfish
Instead of thinking of time as a quantity that is objective and separate or as an end to be reached, we can think of it more poetically as a quality or the means to an end. Think about time in new ways. We can think of time as the source of preciousness in all things. Seen in this way, no longer is only our time precious, but Time itself becomes precious. With an awareness of such impermanence, our sense of separateness may dissolve: we really see just how fragile it all is. We learn that time and intimacy are interconnected. The inevitable decay of this world holds suffering in all that we are able to touch; and more, for all that touches us. Here is our interconnectedness. For if we are all separate egos and left only to ourselves - our portals of self-resilience, self-protection - we will fail to inter-touch. Time's flow is only seen as decay and never yields the insight of preciousness.

Hey, I can be as obscure as the next guy!


Nice goofyfish, but you stole that from 'Time and the Art of Intimacy" by Joel Bennett, a relationship councillor.:bugeye:

see this link: http://www.spiritual-endeavors.org/basic/time.htm
This thread is about "Time". It happened to be that I opened up the e-mails this morning and found the following message on the subject in there. In the line of the topic "Time", here is an interesting idea. See what you think of it. :)

Synchronizing and reconciling different slices (streams) of time is one of the most interesting topics going right now. One of the reasons it is so interesting is because of the preferred illusion that we are all in the same time. It's gotten popular among some New Agey crowds to blithly declare that time doesn't exist. The response to that particular piece of fluff is to ask how we can explain that the sun will rise tomorrow if there is no time, if time does not exist. For some people the sun will not rise tomorrow because they are not participating in this particular time stream.

Time exists differently for all of us, because each of us creates his/her own time stream synchronously within the larger time stream in which each has chosen to participate.

How many times did Earth's sun rise for you when you were not incarnating in this time stream? People who are stuck in making this particular time stream the one big concrete reality of all realities are particularly arrogant.

Originally posted by Hollow Man
...Joel Bennett, a relationship councillor.
Never heard of him - I stole it from a friend who obviously stole it.
Egg on my face, and I'll be sure to pass it on. That'll learn me! :eek:

"Time exists differently for all of us, because each of us creates his/her own time stream synchronously within the larger time stream in which each has chosen to participate. "

Creates?...more like "experience" or "observe"...

Then again...according to old rishis - realities are like bubbles controlled by transcending beings that can have bubbles within bubbles...(in my mind like programs within programs....or simulations within simulations....

Lately I have been reading more on the 5th dimensional nature of our world....I wonder how time fit into that...Are time streams parallel, just one stream all pervasive, streams that have phase differences like 90 degrees out of phase....multiple densities....
The Canvas

The universe consists of a matrix; think of it as a circuit board, to which various aspects (e.g., time) can be plugged in.

From this matrix, various aspects connect and are in turn made operational via their connection to the matrix.

The matrix is the underlying element to which all things that make up the universe are connected.

A better way may be to envision this as a canvas, to which creator the gods painted as they so chose.

We have time because the aspect, or element of time has been programmed, or plugged into the matrix.

All systems having been created, designed in, beforehand – as opposed to bursting forth from nothingness as a result of the “Big Bang”.
Time for this, time for that...

One thousand one, one thousand two... so on and so forth... I like to think of time as a means to pop my popcorn in the Microwave. 2 minutes 10 seconds. Nice and fluffy.


Seriously though, it could be 2 minutes 11 seconds and it wouldn't matter. I like to have a loose grip on my time. Time for everything I want to do in life and then some.

Time to play
Time to be serious
Time to get naked!
Time to make a difference
Time to set my clock
Time to stop thinking about time

time is not seperatable from matter. we have timespace here in our universe. but time can also be regarded as a vector.

Sure time can be separated from matter. It is just that you wont be there to observe it...you will be just a photograph....:D
hey all :)

it seems to me that time is only relative to the individuals experience.
this can be altered to include other people mostly just one
and most often (as in the poem) in intimate moments but you have to know what love is to be able to control the time zone with more detail.
i believe that some humans posses the ability to manipulate time
and space, although on the whole most humans i have met are far to materialistic and ego-centric to come close to self actualisation so the bulk of society will dismis it as clap trap.

one could also say that time does not exist...BY ITS SELF
because it is mearly a form of mesurement!!!!!!!!!!!!
just like a cat or dog which has a shorter life span IN COMPARISON TO humans.


the jews? ...... (re, current invasion of civilian towns and shelling of family homes)

or is it the people who have been forced out by gunpoint?

Point in facts... if jews have a rite to israel then the germans have a rite to polland!!!!

we have no need to remember the genocide of our granparents.
because we all have to be frozen in "all" time periods at once.
wisdom of the old
youthfull looks of the young
mature for your age
young for your age

all things come to those who wait...,
unfortunately not all people recognise all things!!!

groove on all

peace, love, and misery to all greed merchants!