Time Travelers, not Aliens?


Registered Member
hello. first post.
i was wondering if anyone has ever brought up the idea that: all of these sightings and such could just be of time travelers from a distant age on earth rather than aliens?
i've heard of "UFO's" being seen in the mountains: a large spinning circular type craft. then the ufo just dissapearing. spinning/vibrating to light speed, but relatively staying in the same place- but slowly as approaching and maybe passing the speed of light leaves our particular "time dimension" and so no longer visible to us.
Fun to speculate, but as difficult to prove as an alien theory, I guess.

:m: Peace.
I have not discounted this theory, or the Dimensional travelers theory either.

I don't know where these craft originate from. The only thing I'm convinced of, is that they are real, and are not being imagined. And, not all of them, are constructed on this planet, in this time, or this dimension.
Hi austere, welcome to the forums, especially this section :D

firstly, realize that these crafts are infact travelling thru time, no matter where they came from.
1- if they are aliens from other planets in other galaxy's, they've got to travel faster than light, meaning cut thru time in order to get here.
2- if they were in fact people from earth from the future, then they must be travelling backwards in time, seeing their advanced technology and dissapearing like you said. * read down by the quotes

but one thing to think about is that there has been little aliens found dead (and some alive) around UFO recovery sites, and let's not forget the countless abduction testimonies describing the alien figures clearly.
(an ex-top-secret-clearance scientist testified that the US gov't has over 57 classified species of extra terrestrial life documented)

this is why i dont think this UFO crafts are humans from our future, it just doesnt fit the current puzzle pieces, ya know? but i doesnt mean you are wrong. this area of discussion is still up in the air so we can't discount any speculations yet. in fact all theories and wild ideas can prove to be helpful.

i dont think humans will have the power to travel back in time, thats a power for higher dimensional beings only. we can, of course- rocket forward in time, this will be space exploration at its best. but who knows just like prometheus stole fire from the gods maybe we will someday achieve the godly status of time travellers.

And, not all of them, are constructed on this planet, in this time, or this dimension.
a good statement- because it has been rumored that the government has already began engineering devices and possibly crafts based on the UFOs technology that they have recovered. It has even been proven that they Got one of these Crafts to work, a human was able to navigate the craft up to speeds of Mach20!
(this supports Your idea actually- because think about this- what if the government has already sent someone into the future(space) inside one of this newly developed (or original) crafts - then it could definetely be true that this man could go into the future(space) and one day return (might be before he even left!) ) its really mind boggling. or maybe they havent left yet- but soon the govt will finish the engineering problems and finally send someone out- but we've already seen him visit?!
i agree with your idea- but i think theyre other life forms (beings, aliens, whatever) from the future that are coming here- not humans from our future on earth. think about this:

theres aliens from other galaxies, they are advanced enough to travel space with their gravity-propulsion crafts- they visit here and there and we've even seen them and some have crashed (they can break light speed but cant fly straight??) these are your little gray dudes.

theres interdimensional beings- these are the true time travellers, except we cannot really see them- these beings go in and out of dimensions, one of them being Time. these are your ghosts, angels, and that kind of thing-
these beings work on the other side of Time, trying to fix things of the past after seeing the future. but u see its an ongoing war i think. because of free will the future is re-written many and many times over. this beings have a very busy job. since they are interdimensional this means they have no physical body to worry about- they can fly from one end of the universe to the other fairly easy (a speculation of mine) while travelling in time. they are like energy beings, or spiritual beings, if you will. this is what i believe is the next step up in life forms. (when you die)

of course it can't be taken as more than just a speculation, but i think it will spark some ideas in your heads too. i would go deeper but that would kind of steal the threads flow with my wild ramblings.
What if they are earthlings, just like us, from our time, but more highly evolved. We assume we are the most advanced species on this planet. I would suppose the dolphins and monkeys assume the same and are quite suprised and frightened when they see the technology of the human.
its a good theroy

but like goofyfish said, there really not much proof of this
Time travel backwards? there is no reason to beleive this is possible; Dimesional travel?maybe; ETI travel? much more likely.
Time travel backwards? there is no reason to beleive this is possible

um i can think of one very good reason to travel time backwards:

to fix errors of the past.

i know u have wished you can go back in time at one point or another in your life.
I also wish I could fly; should I jump of a building now and see If I can fly?

No offence, but there is no logical basis for time travelling backwards. The past is an existence that has elapsed. If you went back to the past, you would cease to exist, further more you would no longer be in the same position in space when you arrive at a point in the past.
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he didn't say that there is no reason....he said that there is no reason to think its possible.

Besides think about time travel for a second...every particle that has exists in a fixed time t of where you wanna travel back to...has moved over the course of "time". Some have disappeared and new particles have arisen...
Now think of how many particle there are in the universe...do you think its possible to trace all these particles out???
well to stray from the topic of this post a bit;
this is my take on backwards time travel.
i believe that only those in higher realms of existance are able to travel backwards in time- why?
because these spirits higher than us do not have any physical properties, they are unbound souls, etc... therefore it doesnt matter about the particles and all of that, they are pure energy.
furthermore, i would even go as far as saying that these people might use blackholes, wormholes, or things similar for their time travelling.
i would say that those very high (older, ancients) in the spiritual world probably dont even need to use these shortcuts, they can just do it at will.

back to post:
i would agree- they are time travellers.
maybe some humans from our future
more likely aliens from other places

i agree with all your oppositions (neuro, mikey) to time travelling- we (mortal humans) cannot do it and it would really cause some problems if we tried...
Zonabi, why should spiritual, or pure energy entities be able to time travel? Mass and energy are interchangable. If mass cannot time-travel; so can't energy. Time applies to energy too.
Time Travelers, not Aliens?

Yes, we have discussed the posibilities two years ago. Based on the rumors, it is possible that if the government is aware of this, they may be told not to interfere by the future government. The reason for visit: To get some facts for history may be. Interface with them could mess up future timeline??

Otherwise, if they are real aliens, they could easily come in daylight over New York City. Why sneak around always at night? Do we send our Rovers to Mars at night and hide during the day?
Kmguru, aren't you being presumptious, saying aliens only visit at night. There have been sightings in the day too. Comparing our Rover expeditions on Mars to UFO's, is like comparing apples to oranges. We know there is no life on Mars to intercept our Rovers. However, aliens would know there is "intelligent" life on Earth that can intercept them, hence the secrecy doctorine. There are ramafications of an advanced ETI race disclosing itself to a primitive race prematurely. It would shatter the cultural and religious paradigms, it would incite paranoia at the roots of socieity, it could bring the world to a state of anarchy. Knowing this, a sensible alien race, would be more cautious and paitent and when it is ready to make official contact, it would engage only the most highest ranking members of our kind.

In fact the first Alien contact, would most probably not be UFO's flooding the skies for all to see, but government officials stepping out and announcing their existence.
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crazymikey said:
We know there is no life on Mars to intercept our Rovers.

Are you sure? Not even an observation post? :D

Besides, how do you know, all intelligent life are bipeds and basically look like us? And do not live as dark matter nor have forms totally alien to us?

BTW: Majority of the sightings are at night...
Theoretically, timetravel does tie in with Chaos theory. The fact that the current system we are use to, although it's said we can't predict events or the future, the reality is that we could potentially engineer a method to be able to, this would mean that all events you see that seem chaotic are in fact predestined/predetermined.

However the creation of a "paradox" through timetravel would unleash true chaos, since no longer woud the universe to our knowledge have any foundations of order for predetermining things.

This is why I looked at how particular books that were written centuries ago, might have been written with a ruleset in mind where the timeline isn't messed with which allows for things to be predicted before they happen, however there were two other aspects to this.

On one hand if people didn't follow the exact timeline then certain branches of ancestral paths might be cut off meaning that 100s of thousands, millions or even more numbers of people would cease to exist in regards to that plotted timeline (Which could be a great loss if those numbers contained great intellectual minds)

On the other hand, prophecy from such timeline manipulation would eventually reach the point at where the information was originally collected and sent back into the books coelescence, which means prophets that read from such texts would read a preverbial brick wall to which they can not spy any more future and therefore think that an armageddon structure had take place.

The reality of course there is either someone would have to write another volume to said book, or we truly get granted the freedom of none repetative timelines. (Although repetative ones allow predictions)
kmguru said:
Are you sure? Not even an observation post? :D

That question isn't if i'm sure; it's wether they are sure ;) :D

Besides, how do you know, all intelligent life are bipeds and basically look like us? And do not live as dark matter nor have forms totally alien to us?

I don't know. In fact I think alien life can vary dramatically in form, or even on the quantum level.

BTW: Majority of the sightings are at night...

Have you been sifting through the hundreds of thousands of cases of UFO sightings and the other hundreds of thousands of cases that are not even reported? If they were at night, when the human species should be asleep, and considering their secrecy doctorine, don't you think that would be an appopriate time?
The best way to understand timeline related paradox is to think about a simulation where one can freeze the simulation and go back to any point to change the conditions and run the simulation from that point on. As soon as you do that ,the past result only exists in a different time line that is independent of the new time line. It is a bubble inside a bubble where the observer is in a separate reality than the simulation even though the simulation time is synced to the observer.

Let observer time line is T
Let simulation one has a timeline of T1
Let the new simulation timeline is T2

T1 would exist as past in Timeline T but events do not continue when the simulation is stopped.
T2 continues with new results which creates the new reality within the simulation.

Bottom line: They are two separate events with two separate time lines within a larger framework of a master timeline. So, in order to go to past or future, one must move out of the timeline to the master timeline and then enter any point in the bubble which creates the new bubble. Then the paradox of killing your grandfather does not exist because in the new timeline you would still exist coming from a separate timeline as if you came from a separate parallel universe.

I am not sure if I made myself clear....
So, in order to go to past or future, one must move out of the timeline to the master timeline and then enter any point in the bubble which creates the new bubble

What is the master timeline. I obviously did not follow you.
Master timeline:

These are ideas since we have no such proof. The idea is this. If you look at three phase AC power circuit, you will find that the L1, L2 and L3 are separated by 120 degrees out of phase. Each one has a common master reference of time to each other. But power from another independent power source while would have their own common references would not have any relation to the first source. However they both are related to the earth time. This earth time is the master source that they synchronize when power systems are connected together.

This is similar in idea or metaphor for the lack of a better metaphor.