Originally posted by kajolishot
Is there really anything useful in time travelling?
Relativity forbids (if i remember correctly) travelling back into time because of paradoxes and the issues of causality, but not the other way around.
The time traveller would want to return to his life after the "trip"...but relativity states that once you travel away from your origin planet you no longer are in the same reference frame as the origin planet and time can (and does) elapse at different speeds for you and the planet. So if you take a "trip" you would return back to your origin planet in the future and perhaps your civilization may be extinct by then.
Or something like that.
Oh relativity allows forward travel,without a doubt,your second paragraph is about right,you leave earth torwards the speed of light and youll only age (or time will pass for you slower relative to earth) maybe a year,youll get back and 20 years might have passed.
As for backwards travel im not sure special releativity forbids it,i think einstien fudged some equations.
Basically paradoxes would only be the case if you dont believe the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics,i think at a quantum level either way time travel shouldnt be an issue but in classical terms its a worry incase people go and kill there granfather before his grandpa had sex with grandma,bit of a key problem,although its NOT a physics problem with time travel,its a logical problem.
Theres not much in physics that says you cant go back in time its just very difficult,youll be using black holes,space craft and all sorts of things to make wormholes which might not be invented for....well NEVER probably,
thats not the point though,the point is to eventually prove its possible,not that we might one day be able to do it,it is taken serious,it is a serious area scientists study esp in theoretical physics.
People MUST understand that nobody can actually give a definate answer when you ask
Is time travel possible?
once you may have got a no, a yes/maybe,
now its just maybe! or "well i dont think so but i cant prove im right"
We just need a straight answer,and so far there has been none,so the purpose of studying it is to get that answer to understand more about the universe,i mean it seems silly we cant answer these questions but its just a fact of life,but in time we will know like we found out you could go to the moon,like the earth is round and orbits the sun and so on.