TIME~Travel is Possible!


Registered Senior Member
TIME~Travel is possible, and I have the perfect website that has enough information from reliable sources to Validate this claim!

The source is Dr. David Anderson, Former USAF Officer, and he runs an actual TIME~Travel Research Center in Smithstown New York...(interesting, that the "Mountauk Project" also in relation to the "Philidelphia Experiment, was located in N.Y.)

Visit the website:> www.time-travel.com

and don't forget the "dash"

Please read the interview with Dr. Anderson, and send me your comments, do you not find this in the least bit strange that this place actauly exists, yet is hidding in plain sight as opposed to remaining secretive?..perhaps the concept of TIME~Travel is so incomprehensive to most people, that they think of it to be to outlandish in the first place?

Perhaps because the condition of most people not willing to accept it as a reality, permits them to hide in plain sight without suspicion, or the threat of anyone attempting to run this all over the public media?

I do not understand it myself why no one as of yet, has steped forward to give this place any media exposure to let the rest of the world up to date where good GVT and our tax dollars are being used for, as in the "TRUTH"

I strongly believe that Y2K is also going to be remembered in history as: "The Year of Disclosure"

The Following, is a copy of the front page found on "Steven Gibbs" website... it is in relation to those who wish to learn of any available "TIME~Machines" and not to be misconstrued as "Spam"
I am Not this Mr. Gibbs, I am only posting this for informational purpouses only.
Thank You.
"Everything You Know,...is Wrong"!


Dear Friend,

Have you ever dreamed of traveling in time? Now you can experience what you have only dreamed of. With the Hyper Dimensional Resonator you can travel into the past or explore the future. The world will be at your beck and call and you will have all the time in the world to explore it.

As you will see on the following pages, I sell an instrument which can be used for both, out of the body time travel and can also be used to help heal the sick.

Go to the Hyper Dimensional Resonator to see what it can do. The schematic will show you what this unit looks like. You can go to the order form to see a brief description of my Booklets and Reports. Please print the order form and place an order via snail mail.

You can read the interview I did in "Strange Magazine" by clicking here. http://home.inreach.com/dov/tt.htm
If you would like to talk to me in person, my phone number is: (402) 893-3809. I hope to hear from you all in the very near future.


Steven Gibbs

[This message has been edited by TIME02112 (edited March 12, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by TIME02112 (edited March 13, 2000).]
Yes, Time travel.... Been there done that. The problem is that when you go in the reverse direction (to go into the past) everything happens backwards. I remember the food I ate came out of my stomach and back onto the plate; words started as a thought in my friends brain, came out of his ears as sound waves, went into my mouth, vibrated my vocal cords, and then appeared as thoughts in my brain! Hey, the hardest part is taking a dump, the stuff comes right up from the toilet and into your butt! I tell ya, its dangerous business traveling through time.
Hi Energy1, ouch that sounds painful.

I think you've been watching too much Red Dwarf. It had a neat episode with that exact thing happening, well except for the last bit.

Tony H2o
I haven't laughed so hard in days! Good one! :D

I am; therefore I think.
Lets see old mate Gibbs say's: "I hope to hear from you all in the near future"

(I'm sure he does) Except someone who claims they can time travel would certainly KNOW who and how many people he'll be hearing from....

It IS pretty funny :D