time travel - impossible


Registered Senior Member
i have been thinking for a while and have come to the colclusion that time travel is impossible because even if we did attemp it watever we changed in the past would have already happened eg.

you travel back to 1980 and kill the scientists that build your time machine, then the time machine woudnt exist and you wouldnt be bak there to get rid of it so threfore it would exist in which case you would have gone back... the loop continues

watever you changed in the past has already happened so it hasent changed

Well, there are ways around it:

Self-consistency principle: No matter how much you try to kill the scientist, you will fail.

Elastic principle: If you kill the scientist, events will occurr by the means of infinite mathematical probability, ensuring that when you return, the original state has been restored.

Parallel timeline: As soon as you kill the scientist, it will split into a new timeline, where the events continue from the changes you've made.

Yet if you ask me, time travel, as in going to a point in time, that no longer exists, and is not at the same time point in spacetime, does seem to be impossible. I do however believe, that you can go back in time, by visiting a parallel universe that is near identical to your timeline. That is not technically time travel though.
vslayer that doesnt make it impossible, it just means you might screw up the timeline by doing it, like in back to the future, they screw up the timeline, but they can still travel through time, you just have to be careful what you change or you might get stuck in 1985.;)
How do you get back to your future if there's no electricity to run the machine that brought you to the past?

Cosmic traveller, surely you don't think, it's going to be mains operated :D
Of course the possibility exists if you go back in time and unknowingly change something the powersource with which you time machine runs might not be invented, so the powersource for a time machine has to be something readily available throughout time to avoid limitations.
Time travel is one that alot of people ponder, and notibly not just Science fiction buffs. The main reason for that is it's possible for some time travel to occur, however not the sort that you or I could take some journey with [just yet!].

I know it's easy for some to just blatently rule it out as being existant, with an arguement of "If you go back and kill your grandfather, you won't be born".
(This is commonly known as The Grandfather Paradox, although it would be possible to generate the same outcome without actually killing your grandfather)

As some have state, you could enter into the "Cyclic Universe State" where you going back and stopping yourself existing means you aren't there to stop yourself from going back. This is where some people might draw a conclusion of the infinity sign from, since it's a real "chicken or the egg" scenario.

There is then the theory that you could go back and stop yourself going back again, and then you would do something else and something else different yet again, this is the basis of infinite parallels where anything that could occur probably already has.
However when you start looking into parallels your talking multidimensional ways of thinking which most linear thought processes just can't cope with.

One potential method would be to generate a door between the two time points that stays open, if you make the change and the universe alters, as long as that door is open you still have connection to that parallel universe from where you came.

I use to theorise alot into parallels because I was interested in how people perceived what a "multiverse" would be, if multiple universes exist they must all exist in the same spacial reference to what we exist now so why don't we see them (or perhaps some people do), I theorised perhaps it's dangerous for them to be too close together because they would cause a fusion effect that could output high levels of quanta between the different universes in alternate flux and consider such implications to perhaps cause such things as Spontaneous Human Combustion.

This meant that for parallels to exist, they would have to have a spacial distance between them and in that distance it gave way for the reasoning that their would be time distortions in the form of parallel universes not just being parallel but diagonally staggered.

namely, rather than having this occur:
(Crude parallel time lines with each number representing an incriment)

You could potentially have parallels work like this:

In fact I hypothesised that if you could make parallels and as many as you wanted at that, you could stagger the smallest of paradoxal instances to make giant "quantum leaps".

I believe Einstein said that "Mass couldn't travel faster than light", however he made allowances for "Information". Such information is discussed in the EPR Paradox, however the theory in relationship to "Information travelling faster than light" suggests that small quantum events can occur, similar to Standing 1000m's away from a starter at a race track, when they fire the gun you see the smoke but it takes a moment to hear the sound.

Such relations are the very foundation of how we know spacetime has dips and bumps in it.

In fact all this tied in with say the constant research towards faster and higher processing computers like Quibit (Pronounced "Cube-it") Computers, which will use naural networking and very small instances of paradoxes to deal with processing great amounts of data at faster speeds. Such machines are the preverbial "Infinite Improbability Drives" of the future, where an answer will be granted before the question has even been asked.

(Although the answer would be a cascade effect, each time it answers it pulls it's answer further and further back before it answered, perhaps as far as the beginning of when the machine was made. When this happens it causes an advance in society and science, but in steps and in reverse to the time lines direction that we all take for granted as going forwards.)
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if you had a nuclear powered time machine and went back to b4 nuclear fission was discovered, the time machine could suddenly become coal powered, and if you went back to caveman times it would be a wood burning time engine :p
Actually all realities exist at once, neither parallel or unique but with each quantum possibility of movement per particle spews a set of universes. Traveling time is it just a matter of choosing the right one to land in. The one with the telotubies ruling the world, ya you know that’s not a good spot to land.
What about time travel into the future?

Several scientists have said they consider this to be possible with close to the speed of light travel or black holes.
but what i canged in the past has already happened so i cant do it so i cant go to the past and do it so it never happened
Thats linear thinking vslayer, It's already known that space is bumped when in relation to large bodies of Mass and suggests its possible to have more than one universal position existing at the same time (in two different spaces).
Stephen Hawkings says that time travel occurs with particals... With larger bodies however... the probability is too small... almost impossible...

You have a serious flaw in your theory. For instance, you said that a group of scientists created a time machine, after creating the time machine you went back into time and killed the scientists. Now you suggest that by going into the past has changed the factors needed to create this time machine. This assumption concludes that the past is set as you said here:

watever you changed in the past has already happened so it hasent changed

But, if this is so, then we cannot go into the past and alter anything anyways since the past has already happened. Therefore the scientists would not have been killed, since, according to you, the past has already happened and cannot change.
ive confused myself but i just wanted to see if anyone had an alternative theory on time travel
Be careful with impossible. Impossible relies on facts. 1000 years ago, it was a fact that the world was flat. 100 years ago it was fact that no machine would ever think faster than a human. 10 years ago junk DNA meant nothing.
Facts are based on human knowledge. Anything human has the likelyhood of flaws.
ive confused myself but i just wanted to see if anyone had an alternative theory on time travel

I will be posting my own theory on time travel in the General Philosophy forums soon, check there in a few days. It's similar to the one you already made.

My Sexy Blue Feet:
At the same time there are concepts which contradicts itself. Vslayer's theory contradicted itself. The world being flat was a product of religion rather than experiments, theories and current laws and logic. Today we use the scientific theory to come to conclusions, they only used what they believed was reasonable and religious.
Lots of people think you can't travel forward in time, because it hasn't happened yet. I do too... but that means that if you travel back in time, you can't go back, because your old present hasn't existed yet, and if it hasn't existed yet, how can you have come back in time from there?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Stephen Hawking change his position from time travel being impossible to not ruling it out? In other words, it hasn't been proven possible, but it's possible that time travel is possible.

My guess is that it may be possible in theory but not possible for humans to actually survive.

I don't necessarily believe that, if humans can time travel, that the past cannot be changed because now how do you determine which is the past, present or future? Also, if time travel is ever possible, then we would have some instances of people traveling back to our time. We may not notice if someone goes back in time and changes our timeline, because our entire history will change without anyone realizing it, but certainly we would notice someone with technology light years ahead of our own materializing in Macy's.

My feeling is that it may not be provable that it is impossible, but it will never happen since we see no evidence of future travellers passing through.