Time slips

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Ever been in a time slip? Perhaps a few moments when you feel everything around you has changed, and then is confirmed by people in old style clothing or buildings from yesteryear? Then you may have been in a time slip. I experienced something like that many years ago in my hometown. I was walking out of a convenience store and there was a yellow 57 chevy parked in the lot. The car was beautiful and appeared brand new. A young man got out and asked me if I would give him a jump. He was very well dressed and his hair well combed like in the 50's. And he was really polite, like someone from the old days. I gave him a jump and he went on his way. To this day I wonder: was that a time slip? Here's some reported ones that may intrigue you:
"On a sunny Saturday afternoon in July of 1996, Frank and his wife, Carol was visiting Liverpool's Bold Street area for some shopping. At Central Station, the pair split up; Carol went to Dillons Bookshop and Frank went to HMV to look for a CD he wanted. As he walked up the incline near the Lyceum Post Office/Café building that lead onto Bold Street, Frank suddenly noticed he had entered a strange "oasis of quietness."

Suddenly, a small box van that looked like something out of the 1950s sped across his path, honking its horn as it narrowly missed him. Frank noticed the name on the van's side: "Caplan's." When he looked down, the confused policeman saw that he was unexpectedly standing in the road. The off-duty policeman crossed the road and saw that Dillons Book Store now had "Cripps" over its entrances. More confused, he looked in to see not books, but women's handbags and shoes.

Looking around, Frank realized people were dressed in clothes that appeared to be from the 1940s. Suddenly, he spotted a young girl in her early 20's dressed in a lime-colored sleeveless top. The handbag she was carrying had a popular brand name on it, which reassured the policeman that maybe he was still partly in 1996. It was a paradox, but he was relieved, and he followed the girl into Cripps.

As the pair went inside, Frank watched in amazement as the interior of the building completely changed in a flash to that of Dillons Bookshop of 1996. The girl turned to leave and Frank lightly grasped the girl's arm to attract attention and said, "Did you see that?"

She replied, "Yeah! I thought it was a clothes shop. I was going to look around, but it's a bookshop."

It was later determined that Cripps and Caplan's were businesses based in Liverpool during the 1950s. Whether these businesses were based in the locations specified in the story has not been confirmed. 1

Frank's experience is not that unusual in the realm of strange phenomenon. There is even a name given to such events -- time slips."====http://uforeview.tripod.com/timeslips.html
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"A classic example of a time slip can be seen in a note from Lyn in Australia. Lyn had read the book, Time Travel: A How-To Insiders Guide, (Global Communications, 1999) and thought her experience was similar to others featured in the book.

In 1997 Lyn lived in a small outback town that was built in 1947 and had changed little since that time.

"I was driving toward the main intersection of the town, when suddenly I felt a change in the air. It wasn't the classic colder feeling, but a change, like a shift in atmosphere. The air felt denser somehow. As I slowed at the intersection, I seemed to be suddenly transported back in time to approximately 1950. The road was dirt, the trees were gone and coming toward me to cross the intersection was an old black car, something like a Vanguard or old FJ Holden. As the car passed through the intersection the driver was looking back at me in total astonishment before he accelerated. From what I could see he was dressed in similar 1950s fashion, complete with hat.

"This whole episode lasted perhaps 20 seconds and was repeated at least 5 times during my time there, always at the exact spot. I tried to make out the registration plate number but the car was covered in dust."

Lyn wondered if there is someone out there still living who remembers seeing a strange sight at the intersection back in the 50s...of a weird car with a bug-eyed woman at the wheel."=====http://uforeview.tripod.com/timeslips.html
Ever been in a time slip? Perhaps a few moments when you feel everything around you has changed, and then is confirmed by people in old style clothing or buildings from yesteryear? Then you may have been in a time slip. I experienced something like that many years ago in my hometown. I was walking out of a convenience store and there was a yellow 57 chevy parked in the lot. The car was beautiful and appeared brand new. A young man got out and asked me if I would give him a jump. He was very well dressed and his hair well combed like in the 50's. And he was really polite, like someone from the old days. I gave him a jump and he went on his way.
I can't think of any explanation other than this guy was transported though time into the future. Let's look at the facts. There was an old car that looked in great shape. There was a guy who was dressed nicely and had his hair combed like in the 50s. It is a slam dunk - there is no other possible explanation.

Another real thought provoking post!

I am going to have to return you to my ignore list because I do not want to face the obvious truth that we live in a magical land...
I can't think of any explanation other than this guy was transported though time into the future. Let's look at the facts. There was an old car that looked in great shape. There was a guy who was dressed nicely and had his hair combed like in the 50s. It is a slam dunk - there is no other possible explanation.

Another real thought provoking post!

I am going to have to return you to my ignore list because I do not want to face the obvious truth that we live in a magical land...

Maybe you should just avoid the Fringe forum altogether if it gets your panties in a wad. lol!
I experienced something like that many years ago in my hometown. I was walking out of a convenience store and there was a yellow 57 chevy parked in the lot. The car was beautiful and appeared brand new. A young man got out and asked me if I would give him a jump. He was very well dressed and his hair well combed like in the 50's. And he was really polite, like someone from the old days. I gave him a jump and he went on his way. To this day I wonder: was that a time slip?
I too have experienced such a time slip.

I went to the local Canadian Tire on a Saturday to get some things. Upon pulling into a side lot, I discovered I was surrounded by at least a dozen vehicles from the fifties. Their owners were standing around in period clothes, polishing their cars and admiring each others' vehicles.

Matter of fact, it has happened more than once - same parking lot, always in the summer and always on a sunny Saturday.
I too have experienced such a time slip.
I had an experience that might better described as a "time warp"...
It was maybe 10 years ago when I was but a wee lad some 10 years younger than I am now, and having had a drink or two I was probably in a state that was more conducive to accepting and experiencing these things. Anyhoo, we ventured into a club and before I knew what had hit me it seemed I was back at university, with every tune played being one that I distinctly remember from those halcyon days, and a large number of people being people I recognised from my university days. And not only that, everyone seemed to look exactly as I had remembered them... just a bit older.
That's why I think it was a time warp rather than time slip.

So yep, I'm a believer! Not a trace of doubt in my mind!
Either that or it was a reunion party... but I'm going with time warp! (It's just a jump to the left....!)

"According to Moberly and Jourdain, the two women decided to visit the Palace of Versailles as part of several trips. On 10 August 1901, they travelled by train to Versailles. They did not think much of the palace after touring it,[5] so they decided to walk through the gardens to the Petit Trianon.[9] On the way, they reached the Grand Trianon and found it was closed to the public.[5]

They travelled with a Baedeker guidebook, but the two women soon became lost after missing the turn for the main avenue, Allée des Deux Trianons. They passed this road, and entered a lane, where unknown to them they passed their destination.[9] Moberly noticed a woman shaking a white cloth out of a window[10]and Jourdain noticed an old deserted farmhouse, outside of which was an old plough.[10]

At this point they claimed that a feeling of oppression and dreariness came over them.[11] They then saw some men who looked like palace gardeners, who told them to go straight on. Moberly later described the men as "very dignified officials, dressed in long greyish green coats with small three-cornered hats."[12] Jourdain noticed a cottage with a woman and a girl in the doorway. The woman was holding out a jug to the girl.[10] Jourdain described it as a "tableau vivant", a living picture, much like Madame Tussauds waxworks. Moberly did not observe the cottage, but felt the atmosphere change. She wrote: "Everything suddenly looked unnatural, therefore unpleasant; even the trees seemed to become flat and lifeless, like wood worked in tapestry. There were no effects of light and shade, and no wind stirred the trees."[13]

The Comte de Vaudreuil was later suggested as a candidate for the man with the marked face allegedly seen by Moberly and Jourdain.

They reached the edge of a wood, close to the Temple de l'Amour, and came across a man seated beside a garden kiosk, wearing a cloak and large shady hat.[14]According to Moberly, his appearance was "most repulsive... its expression odious. His complexion was dark and rough."[15] Jourdain noted "The man slowly turned his face, which was marked by smallpox; his complexion was very dark. The expression was evil and yet unseeing, and though I did not feel that he was looking particularly at us, I felt a repugnance to going past him.[15] A man later described as "tall... with large dark eyes, and crisp curling black hair under a large sombrero hat" came up to them, and showed them the way to the Petit Trianon.[16]

The figure that Moberly saw near the Petit Trianon was claimed to bear a resemblance to the Queen as depicted in this painting

After crossing a bridge, they reached the gardens in front of the palace, and Moberly noticed a lady sketching on the grass who looked at them.[17] She later described what she saw in great detail: the lady was wearing a light summer dress, on her head was a shady white hat, and she had lots of fair hair. Moberly thought she was a tourist at first, but the dress appeared to be old-fashioned. Moberly came to believe that the lady was Marie Antoinette. Jourdain, however, did not see the lady.[18]

After this, they were directed round to the entrance and joined a party of other visitors.[19] After touring the house, they had tea at the Hotel des Reservoirs before returning to Jourdain's apartment."====https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moberly–Jourdain_incident
Or they simply wandered into a themed party being held by a neighbour.
Which seems more rational to me.... hmmmm?
Or they simply wandered into a themed party being held by a neighbour.
Which seems more rational to me.... hmmmm?

What's irrational about timeslips? Do you know they don't happen..hmmmmm? No you don't. Could be goin on more than we know.

"In mathematical physics, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a world line in a Lorentzian manifold, of a material particle in spacetime that is "closed", returning to its starting point. This possibility was discovered by Kurt Gödel in 1949,[1] who discovered a solution to the equations of general relativity (GR) allowing CTCs known as the Gödel metric; and since then other GR solutions containing CTCs have been found, such as the Tipler cylinder and traversable wormholes. If CTCs exist, their existence would seem to imply at least the theoretical possibility of time travel backwards in time, raising the spectre of the grandfather paradox, although the Novikov self-consistency principle seems to show that such paradoxes could be avoided."===https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed_timelike_curve
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What's irrational about timeslips? Do you know they don't happen..hmmmmm? No you don't. Could be goin on more than we know.
It's not that time slips themselves are irrational in and of themselves, but the conclusion that that case in question was a time slip rather than a far more mundane explanation (such as wandering inadvertently into a neighbour's party) is what makes the conclusion, to me, irrational.
If a problem has two possible solutions, I consider the more mundane solution to be the more rational to accept.
That's not saying the other isn't possibly the right solution, but you'd need to show it more likely a possibility than the more mundane.
It's not that time slips themselves are irrational in and of themselves, but the conclusion that that case in question was a time slip rather than a far more mundane explanation (such as wandering inadvertently into a neighbour's party) is what makes the conclusion, to me, irrational.
If a problem has two possible solutions, I consider the more mundane solution to be the more rational to accept.
That's not saying the other isn't possibly the right solution, but you'd need to show it more likely a possibility than the more mundane.

That assumption is a fallacy in that it always rules out extraordinary events from happening. But we know every now and then extraordinary events have occurred, such as the big bang and the evolution of life. So the mundane is not always the more likely. Extramundane things do sometimes occur.
That assumption is a fallacy in that it always rules out extraordinary events from happening.
No it does not. What it does is NOT rule out mundane explanations.

If you start with the assumption that extraordinary events can happen and therefore should be given similar weight, then why do you accept such a mundane explanation as a time slip? It is just as possible that you stepped into an entirely alternate universe, where everything is the same except that one event. Or would you agree that that is a less plausible explanation?
No it does not. What it does is NOT rule out mundane explanations.

If you start with the assumption that extraordinary events can happen and therefore should be given similar weight, then why do you accept such a mundane explanation as a time slip? It is just as possible that you stepped into an entirely alternate universe, where everything is the same except that one event. Or would you agree that that is a less plausible explanation?

I would like to see you provide the calculation for those odds! :D
If you start with the assumption that extraordinary events can happen and therefore should be given similar weight, then why do you accept such a mundane explanation as a time slip?

I don't know what planet YOU live on, but a time slip isn't mundane by any stretch. The mundane is pretty much staying in your own time moving along your own worldline.
I don't know what planet YOU live on, but a time slip isn't mundane by any stretch. The mundane is pretty much staying in your own time moving along your own worldline.

His point is, why would you choose that particular explanation instead of other radical propositions? Why not an alternate universe instead of a "time slip"?

There are plenty of strange and interesting reports. And people sometimes have seemingly, or perhaps genuinely strange experiences. But you can't go around leaping to conclusions. I was kidding with Dave but his point is valid. Why would you assume that one wild explanation is better than another?

Arthur Clarke discussed a few incidents like the ones you mention in his Mysterious World series. A couple of them were interesting but still strictly anecdotal.
That assumption is a fallacy in that it always rules out extraordinary events from happening. But we know every now and then extraordinary events have occurred, such as the big bang and the evolution of life. So the mundane is not always the more likely. Extramundane things do sometimes occur.
The mundane is by definition more likely to occur.
It is mundane for a given person to not win the lottery jackpot. It is extraordinary for that person to win it.

It also doesn't rule anything out from happening, only that when two theories equally fit the observation we should conclude on the mundane / more common before jumping to the conclusion that it is the less common.
What we deem rational is a practical view only, not one that says that the extraordinary can not or does not happen, only that we shouldn't conclude that it is, in this case, the extraordinary when the unextraordinary explanation also fits the observations.
We can conclude on the extraordinary when we rule out the possibity of the unextraordinary.

You yourself agree that the notion of a time slip is far from mundane. So why should we accept that this is what happened in this case when a far more mundane explanation (inadvertently wandering into a neighbour's themed party) explains the observation equally as well?
The rational explanation to accept as being what happened would be the mundane, until such time as other observations from that event do not fit that mundane explanation.

It all harks back to the notion that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.