Time machines

Doc Brown

Registered Member
The whole UFO thing doesn't make sense to me. Even at the speed of light, it would take years to get here. And for what? To mutilate livestock and conduct bizarre experiments on people. Seems like a long way to go just for a practical joke.

I think UFOs are time machines from the future. In Back to the Future, there is a scene in which the time machine is thought to be an alien spacecraft.

I think time travel is possible because space and time are not independent. That's the whole idea of relativity, which has been proven by accelerating particles to great speed.
Earlier today I heard someone mention the possibility of "Time Ships". I have wondered of the same things in past years also.

The idea as I have seen it, in past years, does not seem to be theoretically impossible. However, the implications of someone traveling into the past seem to mean that (s)he will inevitably change the normal flow of time, whether one means to or not. IE, I don't necessarily think that the travel into the past, itself causes a contradiction, but that any interference will cause a castrophic change, which will, in my opinion, cause the entire excercise of the ever willing traveler to fail over and over again (from his own time stream point of view). In actuality, the prospective traveler may have (in a God's eye point of view) tried & suceeded many times. However the contradiction of time flow and the logical self righting of time may simply have erased the event over and over again. The time traveler would know nothing of his past failures.

I remember the example years ago about the traveler, who went into past and met his grandfather, got into a fight with him and killed his grandfather, thus he could not have.......ect.......old hat, I know...But there is an even deeper example in which the time traveler need not do something so self deactive to cause a time contradiction. Consider the following:

If I were to travel to a past event, say to any past particular day(year), I have first ceased my line, from the moment which I left my normal time. So it is understood that there is no future beyond my point of departure (in the future). Instantaneously though, I have arrived at a past point in time. Knowing (or being to paranoid to try) that I shouldn't try to alter time events, I simply try to exist in the past for the rest of my life........I submit that this is an unlikely possibility. ???????????????????????????????

In a manner of speaking, the time flow which we are NOW an end result of, is an infinately complex number of interacting events. It is like a extremely super huge mathemetical machine, which has caused us(you & me & EVERYBODY ELSE) to BE NOW. Even the smallest, seemingly insignificant change in this machines past data which cause a "Data Avalanche"! And I do mean "even the most insignificant"! Even such a small change will cause the time traveler to either not exist to begin with, or will cause enough changes that even if the prospective traveler were to born, he miight very well NOT have the emotional & intellectual drives to attempt the original experiment to begin with.??????.................. Fractal Geometry, the Science of Kaos......The Butterfly Effect........Buterflies ha.....hmmm....okokokok.....heres one:

Say I, send a Monarch Butterfly into the past. The following scenario therefore exists as a possibility (one of an infinate number of possibilities):

TIMEPOINT DESTINATION: 1914 (WWI). tHE MONARCH FLIES AROUND THE HEAD OF A FIGHTING BRITISH SERVICEMAN(something that didn't happen before), and the soldier hesitates to look at the unusual butterfly. This causes the normal events of his actions in the war to be reduced (thrown slightly out of phase). As a possible result he may now be on a collision course with a bullet (piece of schrapnel), that he avoided by mere inches in the previous time line. Therefore he dies in the now altered timescape. This soldier's death has just caused the entire timescape of the future to "CRASH!!!!". fUTHER ACTIONS, ON HIS PART ARE NO MORE! Where he may have saved the life of a fellow soldier, who may have set upon an extreme number of actions which might have kept a General alive........... Or maybe just caused an avalanche of events which would has caused millions to have lived or died. ANYHOW>>>>>>>>>>......This is only a minorly fractionalized idea put forth as an example of what could be, given even the smallest changes.........

However, it is even more to say that if such changes were made, we (you or I) wouldn't know it!!!!!! IE, if future travelers have landed and affected, then I guess one could say that you & me & all these other screamin MotherFERS, exist now, whereas in the previous timescape, neither you nor I wouldn't be, or be here to discuss this very possibility now........ AIN"T that a kick in the T_ass>>..!!!!!!!

IF THAT"S TRUE, then I guess one could say that "we" are children of the effects of the "Time Alteration", of these proposed travelers. I still have to wonder about the possible "Self Righting Mechanicals" of Time flow though..........

Under some "unusual intellectual circumstances" about 10 years ago, I managed to visualize, in a very in depth study of time flow. I believe that I made some pretty large observations and would like to share them with you now.

As I was sitting comfortably in a lawn chair, under many Pine trees (Ozarks), with the wind passing through, I had to consider that it was the energy of the sun that set the animated events which I witnessed, trees rustling, plants growing, and my dog (a very animated character, in this scape), walking about. That I realized that without the energy of the sun, there would be no trees, or winds, or dogs, or me.......to contemplate these things.......

There would be no change upon the lands, whether in growing life, or erosion of land. That our realization of time flow is the constant change of our environment (landscape/timescape).......

That if energy ceased to flow (from the sun), then our environment (and us) would be held in a state of suspended animation (like cryonics). Since I was also reading quite a lot about cryonics, at the time, it seemed especially "logical"......at the time.

That I realized that if the energies, which eventually made their way "through" my guard dog were to be stopped, the so the dog would be frozen......"literally".. And if the energy could be reversed, then Oscar (dog), would .....get younger.....Therefore I reasoned (with a great many other reasons than mentioned here) that time flow depends a heck of a lot on the flow of energy. Dare I say something about the "Arrow of Time" (for fear that Boris will jump in here & insult me)!!!!!!!!!!

But in the realization, it occurred to me that if I were able to set up a protective "force field" around me, and cause the surrounding Earth environment to have it's energy flow to be reversed, then the effect of reverse time travel would surely have to be! ! ! ! ! ......the un-erosion of the land, the un-degradation of animate organisms, ...........the world un-done around me!!!!!!! After the events were to be undone to my satisfaction, I might stop the un-events & collaspe my protective force field, then exist in a past timescape.

Of course the ability to cause the great energies, which drive the Earth, not to mention the solar syatem are daunting, to say the least!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not saying that travel to the past is impossible (by any stretch)!!! Since we all travel through time foward, it is not for a student of science to say nay toward a possibility, which he has little facts to compare against.

In fact, the United States Air force has publicly stated that high speed aircraft with precision clocks run slow in comparison with clocks on the ground.

MANY IDEAS/////, on the subject abound, mine here are but a few offhand........and truly superficial as I have related them here today. (I have known more, and done more.....but I wasn't expending a significant amount of my gray matter contending with typing & windows 98). It's also been a few years....

Perhaps in the near future, we may consider this subject in greater depth, DOC......besides, when it comes to technical innovations, It is always a matter of cheating nature, to acheive the UN-NATURAL! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



[This message has been edited by AUSSIEABORIGINAL (edited February 24, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by AUSSIEABORIGINAL (edited February 24, 2001).]
So you believe in the self-preservation theory? Well, in that case, I have a question. If an old man visits me and tells me how to build a time machine, and then when I'm old, I tell my younger (present) self how to build a time machine, where does the time machine come from?
Time Travel

I'm new here but i needed to respond to your conversation about time travel. I think you have missed the point about the nature of time. It doesn't exist, not in any form....anywhere. It is your imagination playing tricks on you. It is always NOW, always has been, always will be. The illusion of time creates an interesting forum for discussing the possibilities of traveling within it, however, it is just mental gymnastics.

Time began at your conception and will end at your death, and it won't. We bend space (time). You exist at every moment in time at the same time, this is not rocket science folks.

Time travel is science fiction because it is a reality.

You just forgot so you could play here.
We all live in a yellow submarine, or was it really a "Quantum Vaccum" ???

Try this on for size...

Within this infinite universe, exists the quantum vaccum, and the particles within the quantum vaccum continue to display even smaller entities that resemble your typical ancient relics of "Russian Dolls" except here, we are the russian dolls, and all possabilities therin, are plausible, and it knows no beginning, or end.
Originally posted by Doc Brown
So you believe in the self-preservation theory? Well, in that case, I have a question. If an old man visits me and tells me how to build a time machine, and then when I'm old, I tell my younger (present) self how to build a time machine, where does the time machine come from?

hmmmm????.....okokokok as an example:

If I were an old man, who "learned " (by some method of research or was taught) to build a time machine so that I were to travel into the past to teach HG Wells how to build a time machine.........

After I (old man), teach & tell Herbert George about all my travels in time & even show him exactly how to build a time machine.................

..............he then builds for himself, such a machine and travels to a future point, in his own time line say (40 years) .............

.............& once again teaches "the future he" how to build a time machine.........and so on?????????

Where does the idea for the time machine come from???

If I read your idea correctly, then it is also the same to say: if I were to go back to a point in my Very Early Years and give myself a chance to live life differently. Say if I knew now, how to travel in time, yet had spent the entirety of my life seeking this "Holy Grail", and only had a few months to live. I would be encouraged to go back to my young adult years & give myself a nice Christmas present, that I could use to get rich & make a great life for myself instead of spending my life (previous time line) searching and succeeding only at the end of my days on this Earth.?????

This being the case, I submit that this would cause a contradiction of time, which would erase the error out completely. IE, to do as proposed above I would, but in going back to my earlier days and giving myself the "CHRISTMAS PRESENT" would obviously cause me (the young version) to have NO REASON to pursue, contemplate & struggle for 40 years on time theories, since the moment the "younger me" received the time machine schematics, the older me ceased to exist!

Maybe it is possible that the older me sacrificed itself so that the younger me could "cruise" about space/time & get in on some really great stock market moves, ect.....& continue in his own timeline to the "End" of his Days!

As you stated question implies: how could the "time cruising" young man exist if he never became the suffering & experienced time scientists to begin with!

There is another theory of the multiplicity of existances. That In an infinate number of "universes" exists an infinate number (version) of existances. IE, when one comes to a "fork" on the space/time interstate, one becomes two, and so on. I entertained this idea (I entertain all ideas) regarding time travel, but I have come to discount the purely physical (reality) aspect of this idea & now pretty much think that all these infinate probabilities are simply patterns of probabability that exist as a logical conclusion drawn by those might reason the likely outcomes of actions & possible future actions in regard to the hand of nature, or to the hand of man.

an old man visits me and tells me how to build a time machine, and then when I'm old, I tell my younger (present) self how to build a time machine, where does the time machine come from? [/B][/QUOTE]

Well.......hmmm??????you said "AN" old man. Do you mean someone who is Not "YOU" to begin with????? " AN OLD MAN VISITS ME"?????????????

hmmm.........???????.........I'll have to get back to you on that one DOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Opinions Vary.....but logic is constant......(not that I'm logical)
Re: Time Travel

Originally posted by surfcity
I'm new here but i needed to respond to your conversation about time travel. I think you have missed the point about the nature of time. It doesn't exist, not in any form....anywhere. It is your imagination playing tricks on you. It is always NOW, always has been, always will be. The illusion of time creates an interesting forum for discussing the possibilities of traveling within it, however, it is just mental gymnastics.

Time began at your conception and will end at your death, and it won't. We bend space (time). You exist at every moment in time at the same time, this is not rocket science folks.

Time travel is science fiction because it is a reality.

You just forgot so you could play here.


Originally posted by AUSSIEABORIGINAL

Well.......hmmm??????you said "AN" old man. Do you mean someone who is Not "YOU" to begin with????? " AN OLD MAN VISITS ME"?????????????

hmmm.........???????.........I'll have to get back to you on that one DOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Opinions Vary.....but logic is constant......(not that I'm logical)

A Koan for the room:

If you hold up a pencil just right you can block out a mountain.

I'd agree with you Aussie for agreeing with me but that would be redundant, and Aussie, quit talking to yourself! jk
You could be true

Yes, the entire scheme of believers in the UFO theory of being from other planets may be in for a surprise/shock. The reality of today's inventions was a mere fantasy in the yester-years. So in the near future, time travel could be as common as catching an interstate bus.
No, those guys could really be some ones from our future. Maybe, they are coming back in time to visit us and warn us about something, the way we are going etc.
But then again, what about the grey heads, the squids, and not to forget the men in black?

Get back to me.
maybe it's aliens travelling through time!

Please forgive the length of this post...I had to make it long to describe everything.(and I hope you read it, it took me 1/2 second to come up with this hair-brained theory, but about 2 hours to type it all out.)

As a logically-minded person, I am not inclined to believe that any being can successfully travel backward in time(yes, I know EVERYONE can do it forwards). However, as a relatively open-minded person, I will admit that time travel is ever-so-slightly possible, and will use this "possibility" as the precedent of the following hypothesis:

Suppose, just for a moment, that UFOs are tools of time travel, BUT are at the same time, run by aliens(not that I necessarily believe, with full confidence, in aliens). Perhaps the situation that led to said alien time machines would start like this:

The human race dies out hundreds, or thousands, or tens of years from now(who knows?) Of course, the hypothetical timeline leading to alien-run timeships, would require that we died from external forces(something from outer space) such as a giant comet or meteor that no one would stand a chance of destroying or diverting. This is an important factor in my hypothesis, because it permanently ends the human timeline, regardless of any changes made to it before the disaster.

Now, here's where the aliens come into the story.

Throughout the eons after the comet hits earth, some surviving organisms repopulate the barren, charred planet, and a repeat in evolution occurs. This does not necessarily have to end in intelligent creatures repopulating the planet; the only imperative result of reevolution is that the earth eventually becomes suitable for some kind of "animal" (meaning "mobile", "does not create its own food", etc.)organism.
Now, the planet has no highly intelligent life, is full of food, some kind of air, and resources, and is ripe for settlement by an alien species. They don't make trips across light-years, except for ONE time...this single, albeit long trip brings droves of these sophisticated creatures to live here.
Let's say that this alien species has already populated numerous other similar planets, and over the centuries, has developed time travel, which is only allowed to be used in SAFE situations...meaning situations where time travel would have absolutely no effect on the timeline of the alien race.
If archeological evidence, or a form of time travel that forces the traveller to only be an observer with no power over the past timeline, shows, without a doubt, that nothing anyone could do to the timeline of the planet could possibly have a noticeable effect on the alien timeline, the planet would be free and open to time travel beyond a specific point in the past.
The aliens might use time travel for educational purposes(hence the numerous cases of alleged human experimentation),recreation (crop circles...maybe there's no grass in the future!), or even to get certain foods not available in their timeline(cattle abductions and mutilations).

While this hypothetical situation is very "out there" in the scheme of modern science(as are most ideas pertaining to aliens and time travel), it does satisfy the problems: a) the too-large distance between our sun and any other stars, which would probably discourage regular trips to our location by extraterrestrials, and b) the possibility of the "timeline collapse" situation that might occur if humans messed with their own past.
Most people who believe that they have seen aliens agree that they are predominantly squishy grey short people who cut people up, drill their teeth, and talk with their minds. Does this sound like human appearance or behavior?

Our entire history may very well be fabricated by alien college students 5 million years from now. We may actually be artificial creations made for a high school biology class. In fact, the ancient ancestors of these aliens might be living out their lives in their own versions of suburbia, farms, cities and towns, completely ignorant that THEY are going to survive and evolve for another few million years, while we disappear from the universe forever.


YEp and obviuously us the aliens and everything else are the project of something a lot bigger than traveling between planets and galaxies..

Everything is controlled somewhere futther up the line.

Aliens that are visiting us have ufos visiting their planets and so on.. the chain never ends..

im sure the top of the strain is so far that counting it would be useless since numbers are for things that are limited somewhat.

and whoever is at the top of the chain has the be the most confused... well the most curious anyways.
i believe ;)

I think that there are aliens im mean how could there be this whole huge ass universe and only one crappy planet has life? that would be totaly stupid! oh yeah and i believe in time travel.... but maybe its not traveling backwards or forwards but like sideways to different parallel universes with the same people but differnt lives? I dunno but i think its possible.

Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious. ~Brendan Gill
When we talk about time travel, we have a tendency to miss out a very critical item - that is the space itself. Since the earth travels around the sun, the solar system travels on the Milky Way galaxy center and the Universe rotates on some axis or moves in space, - if you go back or forward in time without absolute precision, you may end up in empty space and not in solid footing on a planets surface.

To move through both space and time, you may have to put markers at both ends before attempting to do such activities so that the engine could correct itself every nanosecond to get there.

Just a thought.
I have a question(ps. I'm in a crappy mood)

I have a question (ps. I'm in a crappy mood)

Now please don't be too insulted people, at the following written things:

But if a dog came along & hiked his leg on you, would you debate with others about the possibility of piss, or would you simply kick the shit out of the Mut?????
Time Polarization - Significance and Weaponization

Topic: Time Polarization - Significance and Weaponization

The following is an explanation of time-polarization, some weapons using it, and the significance.
Link Ref: http://www.cheniere.org/misc/time.htm
Time is a funny "dimension". In a given frame the entire universe, every piece of it, exists simultaneously at one single "time point." In other words, at any time point, every spatial point in the entire universe is "connected". One of the things most likely being worked on (not evident in weapons yet, thank God!) is the ability to rotate a 3-space entity into a single time point, then rotate back out to any other desired 3-space location in the universe. In other words, the old "warp-jump" idea. If it could ever be developed, of course, that would really be the way to travel.

Time can also be modeled as 3-space EM wave energy (common old transverse EM wave energy) compressed by the factor c2, where c is the speed of light. So it's REALLY a "stiff spring energy", when compared to normal EM energy in 3-space. Time has the same energy density as mass, for example.

Some of the scientists looking intensely into the causative factors in the cold fusion experiments saw that time-energy appears to be unwittingly being used. Consequently a completely new type of nuclear reaction was written, based on their analysis of what was occurring. Similarly, they were also able to propose specific reactions, then, for the major transmutations being observed, and also for the anomalous instrument behavior in rigorous electrolyte experiments at China Lake. So that is one real use of time and time-energy.

The Russians call their special weapons program, and the physics behind it, energetics. They divide energetics into three branches, depending upon what is targeted. Targeted against ordinary physical matter, ordinary fields and potentials, etc., that branch uses the same name: energetics. Targeted against living bodies, nervous systems, fields and potentials in the body (biofields and biopotentials), that branch is called bioenergetics. Targeted against the mind and the mind-body coupling, that branch is called psychoenergetics.

The Russian solution to the nature of mind and the mind-body coupling mechanism, is as follows:

First, observe physical phenomena occurring. When we observe with our mass-system (body senses), we apply a d/dt operator to spacetime LLLT (three linear dimensions and time), thereby stripping off the T and leaving LLL. That is why all observation is 3-spatial, as is well-known in physics. This observation process is continual and rather massive, so we have a continual stream of observations LLL interspersed with LLLT while the next observation is in process (very fast, but not totally instantaneous). In short, our senses (observation systems) are cutting into spacetime and back out with a frozen 3-space slice, at an incredible rate. That's what observation is, which most scientists studying mind have confused with mind!

Observation is not mind, but part of the input to the mind operations.

At the same "time" that those physical phenomena were occurring, our own mind phenomena are also occurring - but only in T, not in LLLT. So during the "breaks between observations", our mind is connected to our body pieces (even the atoms and their parts) in the LLLT that exists then, because mind is resident in that T portion.

But everytime we physically observe, we strip away time, and that throws away the platter containing mind and its dynamics.

So our physical instruments and physical body senses cannot "observe mind". (Mind can observe itself, however, and in the East there are many techniques for so doing).

So mind exists in time, but not 3-space. And physical detection/observation, by slicing out only 3-space, loses any ability to observe or detect mind.

Anyway, when anything moves in 3-space, it also rotates out of 3-space a wee bit. Hence it has a tiny projection over into the time axis, in the "virtual state", so to speak. However, a coherent stream of physical 3-space changes will have a coherent stream of little virtual projections onto the T axis, where they will coherently integrate, and sufficient will produce a sort of "quantum change" or "observable" or "mentally detectable" signal.

Similarly, when a mind change occurs, it produces also a tiny rotation out of the T axis, and a tiny projection into 3-space in the virtual state. A coherent set of mind changes will thus produce a coherent stream of virtual changes in 3-space, eventually producing a physical quantum change. For a living biological system, its little coherent mind-projections that eventually coherently integrate into a stream of observable changes, thus allows the mind to produce physical input to the brain and nervous system, etc.

That is the solution to the age-old problem of "intent" - how can a nonphysical mind produce physical changes in the body???

So we have a slight time delay for a given mind-intent (signal) to emerge in the 3-space body/brain/nervous system as an actual physical input. The body has many changes ongoing from intake of its changes from the external environment. Hence in the body the mind-changes (intent) input are superposed on other physical regularities and servo systems, etc. In short, we "guide and steer" the physical servomechanisms, so to speak.

The similar feedback into the mind realm (T axis) from the body's actual changes, constitutes the feedback of how the body is actually changing (i.e., its changing). The mind continually recalls its "sent intent input" and compares to the received delayed signal back from the body, and acts to eliminate undesired deltas. (We are mostly describing the conscious mind, which is a serial process but of very great speed). The unconscious is totally conscious, but is a massively parallel processor. So the conscious mind, which can only see a "single slide in the slide projector at a time", sees "black" or "nothing" when it suddenly "looks" through its projector, at the unconscious with jillions of slides That is why the totally, multiple conscious "unconscious" is not perceivable by the conscious mind.

Anyway, we have a closed servo loop with a short time delay in mind impressing intent as a physical change on the body's servomechanisms, and another short time delay before the mind perceives what response the body has made. That "closed loop" servomechanism is the mind-body coupling mechanism.

The time-delay in the complete circle, with coherence, creates the "self" or sense of self. All the other body changes that feed back into the mind, but are not coherent with intent, thus are recognized as "non self". In this way, the sense of self existing in an external world is created and sustained.

These are all physical mechanisms, if we use all EM wave polarizations, including time-polarized EM waves.

The mind, being "in" the T dimension, must and does use time-polarized EM waves, which involve changes and oscillations and patterns in the T-domain. Mind is totally electromagnetic in its functions, but time-polarized EM.

So if you make time-polarized EM waves and develop the technology, all mind-functions are thus available for targeting and change, in the T-dimension where they reside and occur and function. You can insert images, thoughts, emotions, whatever. Anything the mind does, can be externally inserted or changed.

The Lisitsyn paper in the latter 1960s revealed that the Russians had succeeded in being able to do those things. During the ensuing 30 + years, they have continually advanced the technology and the art.

An easy but terrible weapon -- the MindSnapper -- is based on the fact that the flow of time must be fairly smooth for the somewhat fragile "mind-body coupling loop" to remain intact. You can stand time-changes, if gradual. But if one "jerks" the time flow, that instantly snaps the mind completely from the body. Now every cell, amoeba, germ, virus, etc. has its own little "mind part" since it is a living thing, and hence has a mind coupling loop. All those in the "time-jerked" area, are instantly broken. A human body is instantly and totally dead, in every cell and every part of every cell. Not a single nerve cell fires thereafter, no viruses or germs or bacteria are left alive. The body falls like a limp rag, converted instantly into something like a slab of beef radiated with cobalt 60 gamma radiation for some time. Only this is instant.

That weapon was tested twice in Afghanistan, on the members of two villages. It was deliberately small, fired from Hind helicopters. Russian troops then pumped the dead bodies full of bullets, etc. The Afghan freedom fighters thought it was some kind of fast-acting nerve gas, and called it "smerch" gas, meaning "wind of death".

Note the similarity to the dead cattle in so-called "ET cattle mutilations", whose carcasses refused to decay for weeks.

So that is one simple but powerful weapon using a simple "jerk" in the local flow of time. It is accomplished by creating a burst of time-polarized EM waves in that area. Imagine what such a weapon would do to the greater New York City complex, e.g. in a larger version.

The Russians reached the point in the mid 1990s that they could take over control of a person's mind, with modified longitudinal EM waves including some time-polarized EM waves, and with a team of specialists (estimate 25-30 per transmitter, and one transmitter and team per controlled person).

The "little nation's" Quantum Potential weapons were the counter to the KGB's desires to strike the West.

On two occasions in 1997, they actually scheduled full strategic strikes (destruction in less than two hours) against the West. The nuclear weapons worldwide can be disabled in about 10 minutes or a little longer by a different set of weapons, and the first hour was allotted for that, then the full strike. Preceding the strike on the West, however, the QP weapons in the small nation had to be destroyed.

These weapons had been converted in the nick of time to the "insane mode" of command and control, which means that, say, every two hours the computers initiate the launch sequence automatically.

During that sequence, if there is a crew alive, they enter the codes and authentication, and thereby stand the system back down. Two hours later, the same thing occurs. The insane mode was necessitated by the need to counter the MindSnapper, which would have been used to suddenly kill all life in the weapon systems areas (that would have been the second scheduled attack, which would have occurred on May 1, 1997.

The little nation switched to the insane mode in the nick of time, notifying the KGB, in which case the attack had to be aborted two days before the attack, else even though the little nation was destroyed in the attack, shortly thereafter the little nation's QP systems would have fired automatically and Russia would have disappeared from the face of the earth.

So then the KGB faced the necessity of taking over mental control of each and every member of those QP weapon sites, having them stand down the systems for "maintenance" so they are in non-firing mode, and then MindSnap the weapon sites. If they are hit hard with a MindSnap, the area thereafter emits LW radiation for some months, and any living system entering it starts to waver (time-polarized waves are induced, jamming the mind-body coupling loop). The living system then falls, goes into a coma, and dies as the mind coupling with the body is lost.

So a great build-up of the transmitter-teams for psychoenergetic take-over and control of those QP operators was in progress.

Remember Captain Button, flying his A-10 Warthog toward the range, suddenly peeled away from his companions and flew off cross country for over an hour? He ignored all radio messages, circled at one point (probably dropped his ordnance there), then flew until he crashed into the side of a mountain and was killed.

That was a deliberate test in the mid-U.S. to demonstrate that a human could be controlled for one hour, while doing a technical set of tasks (flying an airplane), in a hypnogogic state, successfully. The test was a total success.

This meant that, when sufficient transmitter-teams were available and completely trained, the attack could again be scheduled, with the first attack by total surprise being the psychoenergetic seizure of the minds of the operators of the little nation's QP weapons, having the weapons stood down to maintenance mode where they cannot be fired, then MindSnap the areas. That would have removed the counters, allowing the disabling of the nukes, then the deliberate striking at will of the U.S. and its allies. Total show, about two to three hours.

A reliable foreign source indicates, however, that "something mysterious" suddenly destroyed all those psychoenergetics weapons and the sites, some time later before the strategic strikes could be initiated.

There can only be one explanation: the friendly little nation saved our necks (and their own) once again.

But one can see where the "mind control" weapons fit into the ongoing game continually being played.

Anyway, hopefully this explains the difference in the psychoenergetics weapons, some ways they can be used, and some of the events that happened, which the world press did not detect at all and is still completely unaware of.


Ref: Melvin H. Miles and Benjamin F. Bush, "Radiation measurements at China Lake: Real or Artifacts?", Proc. ICCF-7 (International Conference on Cold Fusion-7, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr. 1998, p. 101.

The Tom Bearden Website
(The Original Exclusive Website Of Mr. Tom Bearden) If you are
looking for a missing Tom Bearden file, it has been moved to his
website at...

You have some really good points there..... but did you really expect me to read the whole thing?!?!

Originally posted by xkiten
Please forgive the length of this post...I had to make it long to describe everything.(and I hope you read it, it took me 1/2 second to come up with this hair-brained theory, but about 2 hours to type it all out.)

As a logically-minded person, I am not inclined to believe that any being can successfully travel backward in time(yes, I know EVERYONE can do it forwards). However, as a relatively open-minded person, I will admit that time travel is ever-so-slightly possible, and will use this "possibility" as the precedent of the following hypothesis:

Suppose, just for a moment, that UFOs are tools of time travel, BUT are at the same time, run by aliens(not that I necessarily believe, with full confidence, in aliens). Perhaps the situation that led to said alien time machines would start like this:

The human race dies out hundreds, or thousands, or tens of years from now(who knows?) Of course, the hypothetical timeline leading to alien-run timeships, would require that we died from external forces(something from outer space) such as a giant comet or meteor that no one would stand a chance of destroying or diverting. This is an important factor in my hypothesis, because it permanently ends the human timeline, regardless of any changes made to it before the disaster.

Now, here's where the aliens come into the story.

Throughout the eons after the comet hits earth, some surviving organisms repopulate the barren, charred planet, and a repeat in evolution occurs. This does not necessarily have to end in intelligent creatures repopulating the planet; the only imperative result of reevolution is that the earth eventually becomes suitable for some kind of "animal" (meaning "mobile", "does not create its own food", etc.)organism.
Now, the planet has no highly intelligent life, is full of food, some kind of air, and resources, and is ripe for settlement by an alien species. They don't make trips across light-years, except for ONE time...this single, albeit long trip brings droves of these sophisticated creatures to live here.
Let's say that this alien species has already populated numerous other similar planets, and over the centuries, has developed time travel, which is only allowed to be used in SAFE situations...meaning situations where time travel would have absolutely no effect on the timeline of the alien race.
If archeological evidence, or a form of time travel that forces the traveller to only be an observer with no power over the past timeline, shows, without a doubt, that nothing anyone could do to the timeline of the planet could possibly have a noticeable effect on the alien timeline, the planet would be free and open to time travel beyond a specific point in the past.
The aliens might use time travel for educational purposes(hence the numerous cases of alleged human experimentation),recreation (crop circles...maybe there's no grass in the future!), or even to get certain foods not available in their timeline(cattle abductions and mutilations).

While this hypothetical situation is very "out there" in the scheme of modern science(as are most ideas pertaining to aliens and time travel), it does satisfy the problems: a) the too-large distance between our sun and any other stars, which would probably discourage regular trips to our location by extraterrestrials, and b) the possibility of the "timeline collapse" situation that might occur if humans messed with their own past.
Most people who believe that they have seen aliens agree that they are predominantly squishy grey short people who cut people up, drill their teeth, and talk with their minds. Does this sound like human appearance or behavior?

Our entire history may very well be fabricated by alien college students 5 million years from now. We may actually be artificial creations made for a high school biology class. In fact, the ancient ancestors of these aliens might be living out their lives in their own versions of suburbia, farms, cities and towns, completely ignorant that THEY are going to survive and evolve for another few million years, while we disappear from the universe forever.


<b>YEP! BEEN THERE/DONe THAT!!!!!!</b>

Again however, if those college students are of "our" timeline, then they ought to be made aware that any alteration of past events <b>will</b> cause an avalanche of time events, which will inevitably change all the history for the next 5 million years!

Jesus MAN! Simply changing the path of a Monarch (one Butterfly only) today, will (absolutely) cause a set of changes that will cause the Earth tomorrow to be hellishly different then what it would have been if the supposedly unimportant little butterfly's track had been left unchanged!

AVALANCHES OF TIME CHANGE! Imagine that a time traveler of 5 million years in the future were to come into today and simply (very simply) swat a butterfly after coming into this time! The Earth of tomorrow would be measurably changed!

Now try to imagine all the resulting events of the dead butterfly (avalanche) to come in the next 5 million years!

It is almost without question that the original time traveler, who came back here originally & killed the butterfly, would not exist to begin with!

In my opinion?????? this would be the self-riting mechanism of time. That travelers from the future cannot change past events because any action on his part would cause events to play out and thus erase his existance.

Then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If his existance were erased, he obviously could not have traveled back in time to cause the alteratiion to begin with!

------SO, if he never went back to change the past events, then he continues wandering in time mobious////

//////condemned perhaps to continue to be locked in a repeating failure of attempted time travel......

////////however, since the rest of the time events must continue, and he is a part of these events, then there appears that there would have to be a breaking point!!!!

What that breaking point is??????No idea, from me!god only knows!

To be the curious bastard that I am, I am concerned that a group of self important Nimrods will one day learn too much & attempt something like this without the benefit of a cautious eye. What the result may be?
