Time Machie


Senior Member
Registered Senior Member
Building a Time Machine?.....we are!
and if you know anyone else who has the guts to try this, put them in touch, I sure would like to exchange some reviews.


Yeah, we've been building one for years now.

Its down at the local library under "H" for history.

We're still building it and at the same time can use it to go back in time.

We've also got plans for the future ;)


I have some posts from about a year ago on this subject. Go to 'search'at the top of this page, then enter >Bxmkr< in the 'search by name' dialog box near the bottom, and then you should get four results. Look for the one called 'interstellar travel', It's a couple of pages long and contains material relating to my thoughts on the subject.

Just a strange little thing i thought up. I'm not sure about acual time "travel" as you say, but, theoretically, if light waves were to bounce off the earth and travel out, it might contain the information from it's own little travels. So if we were to intercept that light over a broad range from a certain distance and translate it, maybe you could come up with a picture of what happened x years in the past? Sound strange?
ya, it kinda does....

but a few years ago i was pretty into the whole time travel thing.and i got a lot of information. they think of time as a spring, and if you can get in the middle then you can choose your destination in time. or jsut go into a blakc hole, considering these grav. pulls are sooo intence that they suck in time, i bet you could do some math and figure something out ;)

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
i have plans that i dreamed up to build a type of time machine that uses a colapsing magnetic feild or magnetic vortex,in theory i could build it,if i knew some scientist who could help me and i could get some funding from someone.if you would like to discuss my hypothasis or yours maybe we could colaborate on a joint project,my e-mail is rndbush@cyberback.com

ron bushong
You wanna see the past like right to the begining of the universe...depending on the effort you go to you will see further back....ready

Tonight look at the sky all those purdy lights up there are showing you a picture from MILLION to BILLIONS of years ago...you wanna go back further get a telescope...

I've been to a certain forum a while back where there was alot of talk about time travel etc...alot of talk about a matrix and the thing that really turned me off the whole thing was the talk of MAJICK (thats how they spelt it). Is that what you are into astral projection in time etc..and do you claim to be able to do it????
alright, i got it, how about we take a dalorean, strap a power flux generator to it, use platonium to shoot it up to 88 miles per hour, tehn send sopme kid, back to the future.... anyone with me???? oh ya, you can call me doc now......hehehehehe

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!


OI to the punx!, OI to the skins!, and OI to the world and everybody in!!!

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited August 31, 2000).]