Time is imagined


Those who don't believe that Time is imaginary, presumably believe that it's real (I can't honestly think of any other options with this).

If you believe it's real, prove that it is. Show us all where Time is, and tell us what it looks like. How easy is it to store? What sort of containers does it come in? Where can I buy some? Does it look like a liquid, solid, or a gas?

You can do none of the above. This is because it doesn't actually exist. It doesn't exist for the simple reason that it's imagined.
It's something that "appears", when distance changes. Distance is something that entropy (dispersal) "causes".
Time is the imaginary part of entropy. It looks real, but then so does distance.

So which smart, well-educated physicist can prove that the above is all wrong? Who wants to show everyone how TIme is NOT imaginary--that it's as real as, well, something real...

Oh no it isn't, Mr "I'm a real smart physicist". Why do you keep saying you don't believe it's imaginary--does this mean you think it's real? :rolleyes:
I don't think anyone can prove or disprove it.

Its like man and woman, day and night, life and death, in and out, yin and yang, reality and illusion, day and dream, black and white, empty and full, absolute and relative, back and forth, here and there, this and that, you and me, happy and sad, wave and particle, beginning and end, and every other polar thing I could list.

Time does and does not exist...both. Its the only answer that makes sense to me. Because the brain is divided by left and right regions that operate on logical and emotional processes respectively, we have people who say time does exist (logical intelligence) and people who say time does not exist (emotional intelligence).

Logic and emotion influence each other. Usually one side dominates the other.
A scientist is left-brain dominated and an artist or religious person is right-brain dominated. When the two hemispheres are balanced out, we say that time both exists and does not exist, and we are capable of understanding this as a complementary completion rather then a contradiction.

When one area dominates the other, we cannot see this as being possible, either one or the other must prevail. This distorts the ability to see both sides of the coin and we tend to view the incomplete as being complete.
No, time doesn't "exist"--not like real things that we can pick up and look at, at least. I don't see how we can both imagine it, and also it can be something real (ontological). It's epistemical, but it never actually shows itself; it only suggests its existence to us, if you will.

That's the problem--many will chuck aside any idea about time being imagined--it's an important physical concept. Look how many equations use time; mathematically it's real but always derived.
It can't be represented by anything except numbers, and we can only refer to it, in terms of how far something "travels", in a given time. It's orthogonal to distance--time and distance appear together, so change in distance is a measure of time, or it takes time to change any distance.

But that's it. There isn't any more you can say about what time really is.
time is motion and change, it sure as Hell exists... hell doesn't exist though.
Imagination is soley due to the observer though Learned Hand. May i just say, that without you, there would be no duration, nor a mind to count the seconds pass on the proverbial clock.
Those who don't believe that Time is imaginary, presumably believe that it's real (I can't honestly think of any other options with this).

If you believe it's real, prove that it is. Show us all where Time is, and tell us what it looks like. How easy is it to store? What sort of containers does it come in? Where can I buy some? Does it look like a liquid, solid, or a gas?

Simply tap rhythmically a pen or pencil on a table. You just created time.

I'll send the bill in the mail.
A dog is conditioned to also its own reality, as much as we condition our own.

It's the lack of understanding around here which amuses me most.
Let me explain time.

Time is a property of motion.
Freeze all motion in the universe and time has stopped- right down to the bio-electrical image of the thought in your mind (BTW, which currently is something to the effect of 'whats this a-hole blabbin about this time').
Reverse that motion (from the smallest to the largest scale) and time reverses. Not that you actually could reverse that motion.
Time is not a dimension. You can go two ways even in one dimension (up, down). Time is a property of motion (which resolves to a property of matter, which resolves to a property of energy, which resolves to a property of potential... ah I degress).
Hence, the paradoxes of time travel. You will get bullshit nonsensecal results when you seriously consider a fundamentally flawed premise.
It should be a clue that you have an unsound theory when its applications produce contradictory or paradoxial results (Hello QED).
But listen the point is this:
I am great and you all suck. Now go suck a tit.
Again that is you. Remove you and there are no taps on the table.

Try thinking beyond the bloody obvious.

So, construct a machine that will run on solar power and batteries for a very long time. The machine could do the tapping for you, so that if you remove me, and everyone else, the tapping will continue.

Perhaps we can call this machine a "clock." :rolleyes:
As I see it:

The "arrow" or direction of time is a function of a mind and memory.

The 'rate" of which time passes is a function of mass, energy, and space-time itself.

Substitute 'time' with 'wind' and see how foolish your argument is.

Those who don't believe that WIND is imaginary, presumably believe that it's real (I can't honestly think of any other options with this).

If you believe it's real, prove that it is. Show us all where WIND is, and tell us what it looks like. How easy is it to store? What sort of containers does it come in? Where can I buy some? Does it look like a liquid, solid, or a gas?

You can do none of the above. This is because it doesn't actually exist. It doesn't exist for the simple reason that it's imagined.
There's absolutely nothing foolish about the wind (motion of air molecules), and time.

Except for: it's foolish to say that you can substitute time for the wind, or for anything, because there is only one kind of time--the one that always goes forwards. I don't think you can substitute for it in any dynamical equations, at least (you wouldn't get many marks in the exam).
There's an idea (we've had it for a while now): we might get something to run on solar power (a really well-built solar converter, that lasts forever, say).
Then get it to run some gadget that taps rhythmically, or maybe a pendulum is kept swinging, or a record is made with some kind of mark on something.

Great. Now we can all disappear (remove ourselves from the "equation")--no humans needed to run anything, and it should last a really long, er, time...

Except it isn't going to do anything useful until an observer has a look at it. So much for keeping track of time.
Those who don't believe that Time is imaginary, presumably believe that it's real (I can't honestly think of any other options with this).

If you believe it's real, prove that it is. Show us all where Time is, and tell us what it looks like. How easy is it to store? What sort of containers does it come in? Where can I buy some? Does it look like a liquid, solid, or a gas?

You can do none of the above. This is because it doesn't actually exist. It doesn't exist for the simple reason that it's imagined.
It's something that "appears", when distance changes. Distance is something that entropy (dispersal) "causes".
Time is the imaginary part of entropy. It looks real, but then so does distance.

So which smart, well-educated physicist can prove that the above is all wrong? Who wants to show everyone how TIme is NOT imaginary--that it's as real as, well, something real...

Oh no it isn't, Mr "I'm a real smart physicist". Why do you keep saying you don't believe it's imaginary--does this mean you think it's real? :rolleyes:

Great ideas man... Keep em comin!
Perhaps we can call this machine a "clock."

You can't eat a clock. Therefore it's not real.

Except it isn't going to do anything useful until an observer has a look at it. So much for keeping track of time.

So, time is about doing useful things?

Well, one thing this device would be doing (hard to say how useful it might be) would be timing the longevity of the sun. Being solar powered and all, it would stop counting ticks when the sun stopped providing it power to tick.

But, above and beyond that, it would be ticking.