Time Factor & Human's Behaviour


Registered Senior Member

Can you tell & discuss the following aspect if looks logically correct:-

Should anyone get benefit/relief as of crime done unintentionally in somewhat uncontrolable, hypnotised, attuned, sick or mad type condition -- if he is/can be effected by somewhat ' Bad Time Natural Factor '?

It is indicated in several mentionings that Time Factor is important & can effect the behaviour of any person eg. astrological/spritual tellings about good/bad time of a person. Good time may make a person to behave in senses for his good & bad time may make him to behave in non-senses for his bad, unintentionally in uncontrolable/hypnotised/attuned/sick/mad type manner. If we look the results of time factor, we may find that he has done all good for him in good time & all bad in bad time-- and all these can be just unintentionally & without proper prior planning as if he has been hypnotised or attuned to do so.

What do you say: Does the time factor can effect the senses & behaviour of a person to do some acts & deeds unintentionally & should he be punished fully or not in this case?

Best wishes.
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:rolleyes: I hope this comes out right....
I believe time factor is very relevant in a persons actions. Should they be punished? That truly depends on the nature of the crime. I believe that some form of punishment should be due, but the extent and nature of the punishment should vary. :eek: :m:

It is true. You have accomodated both & mentioned both in natural & social sense. Btw, Do we have some provision in social justice for the same?
I am not very good at conveying my thoughts, but I will do the best that I can.

I feel that in a whole, the justice system should make some provisions in all instances of crime. Crimes are not committed by people without some form of circumstance. Whether it be caused by illness, impulse, poor judgment, financial circumstance, survival, or any other reason, the fact is that a crime was committed and there is a root cause. What type of provision should benefit the criminal and society. Aid and help should be offered, but punishment should also be administered. If a starving man steal, we can incarcerate him, teach him skills so when he returns to society he may find appropriate means of support. If a man rapes a woman, then he should have help, jail and castration. The same for other sex offenders. Although some laws may need to be revamped before such a justice system could take place.

All these things may indicate that: to maintain civility- some punishment is necessary even though it opposes the nature's rules. However the intention, reason & cause of commiting the crime should be well considered in deciding the punishment. If there is no valid/planned intention or reason then it can be either due to some natural factor or due to some disease. However, Time factor ( day/night, weekly, monthly, moon phases, seasonal, some time patterns of years, astrological effects etc. should be studied, standardized & incorporated in current justice to effect the justified justice. See here one example:

Suppose a person do some sex voilance or rape a woman or steal the food, it can be due to his natural urge or initiation. But suppose he stops these due to civil resistances & restrictions--it may supress & may cause some disease or health problem. Under common fundamental right ' right to live' or right to justice' he may not be a guilty person. How then it will be decided?
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Kumar said:

All these things may indicate that: to maintain civility- some punishment is necessary even though it opposes the nature's rules. However the intention, reason & cause of commiting the crime should be well considered in deciding the punishment. If there is no valid/planned intention or reason then it can be either due to some natural factor or due to some disease. However, Time factor ( day/night, weekly, monthly, moon phases, seasonal, some time patterns of years, astrological effects etc. should be studied, standardized & incorporated in current justice to effect the justified justice. See here one example:

Suppose a person do some sex voilance or rape a woman or steal the food, it can be due to his natural urge or initiation. But suppose he stops these due to civil resistances & restrictions--it may supress & may cause some disease or health problem. Under common fundamental right ' right to live' or right to justice' he may not be a guilty person. How then it will be decided?

I pondered on the best way to answer this.

First off, we must look at the main reason we incarcerate criminals. It is because they are a threat to society and people have a right to safety. The fact that a person has stopped committing a crime of such nature implies he knows right from wrong. He demonstrated free will in the event of stopping and starting again. As for the person manifesting a illness because of acting in a morally sound manner, leads me to believe that he does not in fact suffer a mental illness, but rather a mental disorder. With that said, then incarceration for a long period of time, is duly in appropriate.

Common fundamental rights are not to apply only to the people who go before the judge. Those right are entitled by all. Mental illness or mental disorder can not be used to excuse behavioral problems. If these problems truly exist for the person, then he or she is better off being institutionalized for life as they pose a threat to others. Mental illness may be controlled by medication, but if the person stops taking the medication then there is the possibility of a next victim. As for mental disorder, these are just labels. Excuses used to disguise lack of moral judgment, selfishness, ill restraint, etc... In cases of mental disorder, incarceration should be advised, so to protect society.

Well explained, thanks. But all these things are just for social reasons not the natural ones. A person may look to behave in sound mind but he may not be like so, due to some natural or time factor, seasonal, biorrthmic, aging,astrological or other not commonly apparant/seen effects. People's behaviour & tempraments can also be effected due to social reasons like irrational & unjustified behaviour of administrations, CREATED pollutions & unnaturalities by the modren civility( which may oppose our fundamental & natural rights). How we can deal with it for true justice? Should we consider that these do not have any provision/importance in awarding social justice? When the administration can't/don't do properly--may be intentionally, how it can expect from a common person? Will it not oppose our fundamental or natural rights?
This thread sounds like someone is needing an excuse for something that they did. There are a number of reasons that people do things that are deemed against the law. Often it is because they think they are above the law, the law doesn't apply to them or they have a disorder that skews their judgment. Then there are those that are needy, out of work or whatever and they result to crime to eat, clothe themselfs, or the like to provide basic needs.

In all cases of crime there are excuses why it happened. The excuses could be real, or the excuses are made up to try and escape maximum punishment. But in all cases punishment should be levied. It is a deterrant to it happening again and reenforcing the fact that it is not acceptable to society. The innocent have to protected. Women should feel safe to walk about. Store owners should feel safe to make a living. And society should feel safe to go about there business.

If mental illness is involved, then that person should be institutionalized to receive medical care and let out into society when (and if) cured. If mental illness is not involved that person should feel the brunt of the law and penalized by a fine relative to the crime or prison or both. People who intentionally take advantage of another person for personal gain should feel the full wrath of the law.

Our laws are there to protect society from predators. To help us feel safe in our surroundings.
Rhizobacter said:
This thread sounds like someone is needing an excuse for something that they did.

This thread sounds like someone is needing lessons in grammar. Honestly it’s all rather difficult to read.

I'm going to suggest that this thread be thrown into parapsychology on grounds of nonsensical psychobabble.

Is is not truely true that all the things which you are mentioning shows just social attitude to which we are addicted & so can't even think otherwise in natural sense. There is nothing as such 'needing an excuse for something that they did' but to understand a aspect in true/natural sense. Is it not correct that some social restrictions suppress our natural feelings or initiation which are gifted by nature like sex voilance for differanciation & fittest reproduction, aggravating health & social problems & effecting our fundamental & natural rights?
Kumar said:

Is is not truely true that all the things which you are mentioning shows just social attitude to which we are addicted & so can't even think otherwise in natural sense. There is nothing as such 'needing an excuse for something that they did' but to understand a aspect in true/natural sense. Is it not correct that some social restrictions suppress our natural feelings or initiation which are gifted by nature like sex voilance for differanciation & fittest reproduction, aggravating health & social problems & effecting our fundamental & natural rights?

Guess at what point of this paragraph you just made me sick. Key words being:
we are addicted
social restrictions suppress our natural feelings
gifted by nature like sex violence (yes I fixed your spelling)
and the remainder of that paragraph.
:bugeye: Seems my next term should be "mental evaluation".
If you truly feel this way, please seek help.
As for the crimes you just mentioned, I feel punishment to the full extent of the law. That is not crimes due to mental disorder, or illness. Those are just crimes to empower their victims. It is no different than acts of terrorism.
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genteel, sorry you felt like that. Btw, Do the sex voilences( due to vigour, excitments, initiation, survival of fittest, reproduction of best..), snatching for hunger etc. is a natural gift,requirement or curse & if it is a gift or requirement, how it can be punishable offence in nature? If it is a curse--why the nature has created it? Do the single/restricted marrige is sufficient for right reproduction & differenciations?
Your justifications for rape is an abomination of the highest order. You need help Kumar. And if help does not work, you need to be put away until you understand that it is not acceptable to force your-self on another human being. However long that takes.
Are animal, birds etc. means all or most other natural species than humans are better placed & privileged for these natural gifts, urge or initiations i.e. sex voilance, food for hunger etc. etc.? However, we may have to deny it for social reasons. Most harash oppositions & nailing could even, not deviated the real/natural truths.
All the replies indicate that we may be having no concern or respect to nature's laws or rules inspite alike our body, which kept us here since now countable years in existance & given us this form. Since more oblized, dependant or addicted to social rules--we may like, accept & apply those preferably? Is it the right conclusion?