Alex my friend,
I have seen you repeatedly make the claim that God does not exist, so please go ahead and prove your claim. I await your proof.
Easy. I can back up anything I say else I don't say it...the truth is most important to me.
First are you prepared to accept that the rules of evidence as would apply in your country or mine that will apply to a criminal conviction ..they should apply..I mean if the courts of our land will accept the method I apply will that be good enough for you?
My claim has been that the god of the bible was an invention of the Sumerians and as an invention can not exist as a real entity in much the same way as Santa is an invention and does not exist in reality. Further that much of the bible came from the same folk who invented this god in the first you know Where the flood story came from? Does it not perplex you to notice that in the bible the floor story is clearly cobbled together from three different sources? Does that mean there were three gods? Interestingly your god was actually one of should learn this stuff..just think why atheists thinks theists are uninformed..dontvyou think it funny atheists know more about your religion than you do..that probably is why they are atheists because they know the truth not the nonsense you cherry pick.
If you want me to prove the above then tell me that you will accept a procedure that would be acceptable in a court of law.
I assume you must, but you may care to think about my claim, I made it because I can back it up, I made it knowing that written evidence exists that supports the claim if the form of clay tablets written by those who invented the god in the first place.
What I do not understand is given such information is only a couple of clicks away for you why do you feel it is necessary for me to do the clicking?
Do you think that somehow the facts will change as I relate them to you.
The facts are there for both you and me to see and you better understand just because you go thru life making wild statements, incapable of support, that the invented creator of the universe saved your father that my approach is the opposite..If I say anything it can be backed up as I believe that making any statement that you can not back up is no better than lieing.
In other words although I regard myself as a casual and uncomplicated person that does not mean I am casual with the claims I make and there is indeed nothing complicated for you to learn what I have told you is the case both as to the invention of the god of the bible and by whom and that Jesus is clearly another invention based in astrology due the humans wishing to replace the Sun as the center of worship.
Your problem is you don't know anything about the religion you follow.
Yes, God healed my father, immediately after prayer at home. What is the big deal? It was only one of the many miracles that God has done for thousands of people worldwide. Accounts of miracles go back for thousands of years throughout recorded history.
As I have said in the past, all it takes is one miracle to falsify Atheism.
Prove all of your claims.
Show that your prayers were answered by God...else don't name drop.
The fact is folk pray and if they get a happy outcome they claim gods intervention, well if it is so obvious it should not be difficult to prove and I will not hold you to a y proof greater than what our law courts would require and if you can't satisfy what a court of law would require you have nothing it is that simple and not to accept such a proposition means that you consider yourself not limited by the reasonable requirements of our you believe you are somehow entitled to be above the law?
You make the claim so prove it..and tell me this was your father being treated by a priest in church with holy a doctor in a hospital with medication and tested may have prayed and he may have recovered but that does not entitle your to be a name dropper and claim you have the ear of god...or do you suggest you can get that from god but probably the president would not accept your phone call...time for a reality check mate. Further why does your lot claim miracles..we see situations where buildings collapse for example in Earthquakes and hundreds die but they find someone alive after days when they expect no more will be found alive..miracle miracle miracle go your mobs tell me why did this god apparently very calable saw fit to let the hundreds of others do you rationally explain that..come on explain that ..could it be the claims of miracles are unfounded.
Anyways as I said believe what you want but if you think you can make ridiculous claims here and not be put on the spot you are as wrong about that as you are about your reality.
It saddens me to see decent folk like you unable to think, unable to read history that can only make you snap out of it but the terrible thing is you happily doom your kids to this superstition and denial of truth...not to mention you think you have the answers when you have never ever looked for them.
Anyways prove your claims or don't make them.
Now if you want to continue with me proving my claim why don't we back each other by way of a wager ..I mean if you want me to do all the work you could and should do it is only fair I get compensated. What do you think?