Thread for atheists only!


Registered Member
This is a thread for atheists only.

No Christians
No Muslims
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No New Zealanders
No Atheists
No People

and No Angelic Beings.

Anyway if God and heaven and crap exist, would all the people in remote tribes in the jungle go to hell when they die? What sort of things do you go to hell for
This thread existed a few weeks ago...Tsk.

By the way, how can you say 'Thread for atheists only' then go on to say 'No Atheists'?
If you look back a couple of threads ago there is one titled "Thread for Christians only." I was making fun of it. I thought that was obvious.
Also, I cannot be expected to know about a thread made several weeks ago when I only registered today.
then you should have used the search function, before you started the thread.

and hello and welcome
nstepho said:
This is a thread for atheists only.

No Christians
No Muslims
No Jews
No New Zealanders
No Atheists
No People

and No Angelic Beings.

Anyway if God and heaven and crap exist, would all the people in remote tribes in the jungle go to hell when they die? What sort of things do you go to hell for
M*W: Are Medicine Women allowed? If so, the only ones who go to hell are the ones who created and embellished that worn out concept of heaven and hell (i.e. Christians).
Evidently, the remote tribal peoples go to hell no matter what. That's why there were so many missionaries.
spidergoat said:
Evidently, the remote tribal peoples go to hell no matter what. That's why there were so many missionaries.
M*W: Then I better start stocking up on sunscreen.
Yes, but all the Christians get sent to the land of the giant poisonous stinging ants.
If they sin in ignorance of the Law, they are covered by Jesus's Atonement and do not go to hell. They will be taught the gospel in the afterlife and given the opportunity to accept it or reject it there.
Why are you asking other people? You can't trust anyone, pick up a bible and find out for yourself instead of listening to all these people who don't know what they're talking about.....

nstepho said:
This is a thread for atheists only.

No Christians
No Muslims
No Jews
No New Zealanders
No Atheists
No People

and No Angelic Beings.

Anyway if God and heaven and crap exist, would all the people in remote tribes in the jungle go to hell when they die? What sort of things do you go to hell for
Frisbinator said:
Why are you asking other people? You can't trust anyone, pick up a bible and find out for yourself instead of listening to all these people who don't know what they're talking about.....

Well, we have 1 Peter 3:19, 20, which says of Christ:

"19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, 20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water."

If the souls of the "sometime...disobedient" were preached to, that means that they have hope even after death of being saved. Why would Jesus preach to them, if it was in vain and they were doomed to hell forever, no matter what?
nstepho said:
This is a thread for atheists only.

No Christians
No Muslims
No Jews
No New Zealanders
No Atheists
No People

and No Angelic Beings.

What about Hindus and Sikhs?
nobody is going to hell. it is absurd to think people who are unaware of christianity (1 of many religions to ever exist believing in one of thousands of god's to ever be worshiped) would go to hell. 'people' have been walking upright for 2.5 million years.....does this suppose that all 'people' to live from then leading up to the birth of christianity a few thousand years ago would be condemned to hell.....i really hope nobody actually thinks this.
When I think of Hell , I think of a "membership club only" - only those who are members of a religion with a hell goes there ........

Of course most of the members of these religions believe that people , who are not members of their religion will go there as well - but that is only an expression of lack of respect towards your fellow human being - and a way to pressure other people to join them in their religion : " If you do not join us, you will end up in Hell " !!!!!

Actually a kind of blackmail or terrorism , holding peoples souls hostage unless you do as they say and join .........