Thread for Atheists only


du hast mich
Registered Senior Member
This thread is for Athiests only.
It is a place where we can come together and discuss our idea and their relevance to society, their relevance to religion, and their contribution towards the development of Mankind.


1. Youdo not talk about Athiest Club
2. Only mainstream Athiests
3. Christians can just read but must not contribute. Preferable that they
dont visit this thread at all.
4. Angelic beings are not allowed
Topics can be started by anyone, about anything that you feel we as Athiests must be aware of.

I Love You.
Athiest - Atheist...whatever. Why discriminate against Christians? Most of the rest of the world's religions have gods, no?

Anyway, I think I get your drift. As this is my first post here its good to come clean... yep, I'm an atheist.

If you're looking for an issue I'll give you one that's come up within the last couple weeks in Ontario(its a province, the equivalent of a state), Canada. Turns out that a group of Muslims have applied to the Government to have the right to settle disputes through the use of religious tribunals, called Sharia Law. This caused a bit of an uproar amongst the populace especially those fighting for the rights of women. The Government showed some incredible wisdom by saying there is no way that any religious group will have such power.

To a lot of people's surprise it was discovered that some other religious groups were already doing it (Jews and I believe Hindus if my memory is correct). Now they are protesting along with the Muslims for the right to conduct religious tribunals. I for one do not ever want to see religion and politics(law) mix. Constitutionally we all have the same rights under the law and do not need more court systems, especially those that only cater to certain individuals. This can't be good. I'm hoping the gov't holds their position but I'm afraid that having to buy votes will make them give in. They have my vote right now.
actually aparently im a budist leaning agnostic:p

then athiasam
then wicam
then catholisium
then who cares:p
you agnostics have the right to speak hear. after all, you are beautiful people
