Thread for Atheists Only


Registered Senior Member
I kinda made this for the
thead. I think i can dumb down to their little childish level and make my Only Atheists thread. This will probably get me banned but whatever

No Christians allowed!!! No posting here!!! This is thread for atheists to share ideas, no christian input please.

I know all atheists have different' opinions but what theorys do you accept to how humans got to the point we are right now?

I strongly accept evolution and i believed it got taken off the theory list and evolution is now fact?
Oh wow...that angelic guy is a nightmare.

Anyway, evolution is pretty well confirmed. As for the beginning...why must there be a beginning? I believe that humans can't understand the idea of eternity because we have no experience of it.
I want a thread for agnostics.

Anyway I am agnostic because I think it could be a possability (although perhaps unlikely) that the universe could've been created by a higher intelligence, but reject religion because it is quite obviously stupid on most levels. You only need to read anything Lawdog writes on this forum to realize that.

Way back we had seperate forums for atheism and Christianity. Atheism had very little activity, mainly because between atheists there is apparently very little controversy - very dull. We quickly merged the forums into a single RELIGION forum.

But I will point out that this forum is for everyone and attempts at exclusion are not in the best interests of the forum. Besides, those you attempt to exclude are likely to be attracted here in even larger numbers.
ck27, there are generally two kinds of people: those that lead, and those that follow. You are quite clearly of the second category while wearing clothing of those in the first category. I love seeing 2nd category people shout "no posting here!!" as if anyone would ever listen to them.

Just thought I'd point that out. This is a forum that doesn't inhibit people with specific beliefs from posting. What you say really makes no difference to that.
yea i agree this was a little stupid but i just found the only christian thread offensive and i guess i did go way childish to go and make an only atheists thread.