Thoughts on the clone...


Chaos Product
Registered Senior Member
I was driving downtown today and saw a fellow on the side of the road which about stopped my heart. This gent was bent down picking something up off the ground. He looked up at my car just as I was coming up to the corner. His likeness was so much like my own that time seemed to stand still for a moment. My heart was pounding very loud in my ears and I had a very weird sinking feeling, like I was stuck in time. Then it seemed all at once the moment was twirled about like that Matrix shot where Neo is about to get blown away complete with the screeching of my tires which threw me back to reality.

A huge lump sat in my throat as the man stood up and regarded me also. Did I have a twin I didn't know about?? What was going on here? I was freaked!! I drove through the intersection and pulled to the curb.

Then I woke up.

My whole day today was dedicated to research on the clone. I'm still on the fence about whether to clone or not. What are your thoughts?
I'd suggest <A HREF="">killing him and taking on his identity</A>.

Oh, wait, it was just a dream. Never mind.
It´s said that we all have a doppelganger and it seems like you have met yours. A similar event happened to a friends father, who was visitng Turqey ( I think it was..) and was suddenly standing face to face with a man that looked exactly like him. The other man screamed in panic and ran away, and my friends father was equally freaked.
Some questions

Frightened is an understatement. Freaky…

Into the conscience mind for a moment. (I think) there for you are? Would not the thought pattern (wave) of your clone be the exact same as yourself? Could you possibly share part of the human thought process with this clone? Might these thought processes be turned on and off as naturally as raising your hand to ask a question?
