Thoughts on God

I don't see "God"(for lack of a better term) in the traditional sense. I don't belong to any organized religion or anything. I tend to focus on the Universe to find "God". For me, the Universe is much more interesting to look at then some tampered so-called "Holy Book". The Universe also demonstrated the Power of "God"....Infinity. God is not a "He". "God" is Everything"

My comprehension of 'God'

is 'It' is the 1. The only thing not created, namely self-exisistant.2. It is the source of all creation. 3. Time/Space is not applicable to 'It'. 4. The creation was the means 'It' used to free 'Itself' fron the restrictions of absolutness and unqualified infinity. 5. The creation is evolving into an image/reflection of the characteristics 'It' bestowed out of 'itself' into the creation. 6. 'It' is undiminished even after giving so much of 'Itself" to the creation. 7. 'It' is not cruel,vindicative,or insecure but loving,mercyful,just and wise to an infinity we(humans) don't understand. :) Peace Amp
Re: My comprehension of 'God'

Originally posted by Amp
is 'It' is the 1. The only thing not created, namely self-exisistant.2. It is the source of all creation. 3. Time/Space is not applicable to 'It'. 4. The creation was the means 'It' used to free 'Itself' fron the restrictions of absolutness and unqualified infinity. 5. The creation is evolving into an image/reflection of the characteristics 'It' bestowed out of 'itself' into the creation. 6. 'It' is undiminished even after giving so much of 'Itself" to the creation. 7. 'It' is not cruel,vindicative,or insecure but loving,mercyful,just and wise to an infinity we(humans) don't understand. :) Peace Amp

Hmm....very interesting. I kinda agree with that.

The perceived entity mankind created in his (Women didn't have a say in those days!) own image, (Apart from the six armed versions etc) and who is responsible for the most confusion, the most deception, not to mention the most death this planet has ever known.

It's followers chief bods are among the richest in the world (The catholic church in particular. The contents of whose coffers could wipe out famine and depravation in the entire world at a stroke, by the way).

For all other ideas go back to the religion page read on and stop reinventing the wheel.

Sits back, sings popular christian hymn
" oh god this one goes on and on and on and on for days"

Humans bless you :)
god (god)

1. God
a. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
b. The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.

2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.

3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.

4. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.

5. A very handsome man.

6. A powerful ruler or despot
hmmm I'm a very powerful and beautiful perfect despotic ruler, who is worshipped in all known unierse...........are u talkin'about me:D
(sorry cpuldn't resist, always wanted to be a god)
A primitave idea!!.

God created by ignorance and fear, since primitive man did not know the answers to many questions they created the ultimate easie answer, god did it!!.

Since man has fear of death, they found away to cope with it, "we don't die if we were true to gods word, we go to heaven." "if you believe in jesus, you will go to heaven" of course men had to invent for those whom did not believe a place for them "hell", " if you don't believe in god, you will end up in hell"

men without knowledge of existence, created two other dimensions of existence, "heaven & hell" The Jin&Jang, They formed what morality should be to their own ideal. Religions were invented to rule over the masses.
That's nothing new Godless. :)
I think tht everyone knows tht already.
True Avatar...

However thiests need to be reminded constantly, just as they constantly "preach" to us!!. :rolleyes: :D
Tell me all your thoughts in God, id really like to hear them.

- Don't follow the wrong god, or you'll got lost.
- Search It with right concept, you'll find.

Seems so simple. Actually, it's hard to do, but it worth.
Re: A primitave idea!!.

Originally posted by Godless without knowledge of existence, created two other dimensions of existence, "heaven & hell" The Jin&Jang, They formed what morality should be to their own ideal. Religions were invented to rule over the masses.

Just like the new institutionalised religion of today, evolution.


Jan Ardena.
Hi Messor,

Welcome to sciforums.

It appears that humans have always, or as far back as we can determine, created imaginative explanations for things they cannot otherwise understand or determine as objective truth.

For millennia the Sun was seen as a god because it brought light and warmth. Many other natural phenomena, that lacked scientific explanations, were also commonly attributed to the magical powers of gods.

Throughout human history humans have toyed with the ideas of multiple gods or a single god that does everything, in attempts to explain what they cannot explain otherwise. In modern times we still don’t have answers to the origins of the universe, for example, and so it is natural human behavior to attribute these types of unknowns to gods.

When considering the whole of history and the multitude of ideas for gods, and then realize that in all that time no one has ever seen a god or shown anything that indicates that gods do or even could exist, then it seems highly likely that gods are purely the baseless products of the human imagination.

These fantasies are used by many people to help them feel comfortable about things that otherwise have no explanations. People just don’t like to be told that there isn’t an answer to something, and they much prefer to believe anything, whether true or false, rather than nothing.

Human dependence on these imaginative fictions should gradually dissipate as real knowledge replaces human ignorance.

Posted by Cris
"For millennia the Sun was seen as a god"

After that came the moon... Why?

Because it came out at night... And it changed shape!!

I always found that the fact that God wasn't ever described physically is interesting. I mean moses saw a burning bush but not God. Most religions had pictures of their gods, except this God.
My thoughts on God:

1) He does not exist.
2) If he does exist, it is not in the form that we have made him to be.
3) If he does exist, I don't think he will be a God. I believe a more reasonable idea is that the God(s) described in the many religions around the world can be easily attributed to our ancestors meeting a race of aliens with advanced technology and hailing them as Gods. (After all, if we brought a nuclear bomb back to 0AD and detonated it for a large crowd of people to see would they not consider us Gods?)
4) If you think this idea to wild, consider that religion could easily be nothing more than a way to control the masses. After all, if there were no consequences after death for your actions in this life, the world would be a much more evil place indeed.
Re: Re: A primitave idea!!.

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Originally posted by Godless without knowledge of existence, created two other dimensions of existence, "heaven & hell" The Jin&Jang, They formed what morality should be to their own ideal. Religions were invented to rule over the masses.

Just like the new institutionalised religion of today, evolution.


Jan Ardena.


Evolution is not a religion, it's a science!.

Have you ever seen an athropologist, praying at a Dino's bones?