Thou shalt not murder (kill)

It's interesting because some prophesies from God says it's good to kill? weird.

Moreover, the god of the Hebrew testament was always ordering somebody or another to go off and kill their kinfolk. Likewise, they were indeed an adulterous bunch of bastards.
Killing to protect is different than a murder for that means you planed it and are not protecting yourself or family but only want to murder for other reasons.
Killing to protect is different than a murder for that means you planed it and are not protecting yourself or family but only want to murder for other reasons.
I don't seem to remember the commanment being "Thou shalt not kill.... excpet..." :D
what is the difference?

and why is this 'command' so relevant to mankind but not of mother nature?

Because we can choose. We have options. Or so we like to think?:)

I don't seem to remember the commanment being "Thou shalt not kill.... excpet..." :D

Its all relative. The "ten" commandments are not ten, they are 14 or 15. :D
what is the difference?

and why is this 'command' so relevant to mankind but not of mother nature?
The animal kingdom also doesn't any issues with rape, theft, incest, cannibalism and justice.

Even though every civilization has its filigree of malignancy, there's certain requirements that have to be met in order to even point in that general direction of "civil".
I don't seem to remember the commanment being "Thou shalt not kill.... except..." :D

Religious philosophers? :rolleyes:

What if the first commandment was 'thou shalt not destroy the mind of another'?
Worse than death but it must have the seal of approval.
Because we can choose. We have options. Or so we like to think?:)

And yet we are the most murderous creature on this planet.
So, the only species that has the ability to think about his actions and take responsibility is in fact a mass murderer. What does that say about us ?
I don't seem to remember the commanment being "Thou shalt not kill.... excpet..." :D
Except a better translation of the Hebrew word is 'murder' rather than 'kill'. The word 'murder' leaves open certain kinds of killing, which can be seen built into pretty much every legal system.
Because we can choose. We have options. Or so we like to think?:)
anyone can hang themselves by choice

and children are even bringing guns to school

lot's of choices people make in that arena (some good, some bad)

Its all relative. The "ten" commandments are not ten, they are 14 or 15. :D

even up to 613 misfits

but in the 'book of commands' (bible) the comment that i see of such direct representations is from Mark 10

the J man is supposedly speaking

17And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

looks to me like he means BE RESPONSIBLE (and who the fvk am i)

notice; no homage stuff, not bowing, no calling HIM some stud muffin

basically be responsible

BUT.............. why if killing/murder is not something we are supposed to do/chose; why in nature, it is natural?

Why can we experience something in nature but find it inconsistant with human observances within our species?

What if the first commandment was 'thou shalt not destroy the mind of another'?


then there would never be a divide from the church, science, philosophies (of life) and mankind.

meaning: if no one was allowed to fib, there would be no divide between truth and religions (sciences or even the ignorance in over half the worlds knowledge)
then there would never be a divide from the church, science, philosophies (of life) and mankind.

meaning: if no one was allowed to fib, there would be no divide between truth and religions (sciences or even the ignorance in over half the worlds knowledge)

Maybe destroy was a bit too harsh, but you got my point. Manipulate or control would work better. We'd probably sit around all day trying to decide who sinned if there was such a commandment. But at least if we're talking we're not killing.:D
what is the difference?

and why is this 'command' so relevant to mankind but not of mother nature?
Lots of people were killed in the name of religion .
They are not following the common sense not to kill but they follow the crazy thoughts to indeed kill .
History is full of blood .