Those wacky activists


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Ever since I signed a petition for a campagin called the million for marriage ( ) I've been getting newsletters from them updating me on all sorts of wackyness. For the past few months it's been all about this "Marriage protection week" which is aparently the name for an event taking place this very week wherein a lot of right wing fundy groups are gathering together to discuss how best to slander harrass and screw over homosexuals and destroy homosexual familys. Anyway aparently at some point president Bush either said that he'd be attending these meetings, or he endorsed them in some way and so they are all up in arms and starting a campagin to show that there are people who are against this "Marriage protection" week and what it stands for. I figured I'd share with you the most recent news letter that they sent out, just 'acuz I'm a nice guy.

Even in the midst of "Marriage Protection Week," it's hard to believe they can get away with this:

"[Studies] clearly show that society must not approve of domestic partnerships. Societal approval of same-sex marriages is likely to lead to the increased spread of disease and death from HIV infection, the normalization of pedophilia, and polygamy. Our society must not approve of behaviors that destroy the lives of women and children"
--From a document that the Traditional Values Coalition is urging members to print and distribute during "Marriage Protection Week"

They say they're "protecting" marriage. They're lying. "Marriage Protection Week" protects no one by attacking our families, our children and our community.

It's day four of "Marriage Protection Week." Do your elected officials know where you stand? Without you, the only messages Congress is going to hear are those of the extremist right, who is behind this blatant call to discriminate against GLBT Americans.

They need to hear YOU, and they need to hear you NOW. Here are two easy ways you can drive our opposition to these extremist attacks against our families and yours:

Tell your elected officials that you've signed the Million for Marriage petition and that you oppose "Marriage Protection Week" by clicking here.

The ultra-conservative extremists say that over 600,000 people have signed their so-called "Marriage Protection Petition." We're headed towards 200,000--and KNOW that there are millions of people out there who support civil marriage equality. Please, help us show Congress that our numbers are growing. Click here to tell your friends how they can help even the balance, and reflect the majority of Americans for civil marriage equality!

Stay with us this week--and keep up the fight. We're already making great progress!


Seth Kilbourn
National Field Director
Human Rights Campaign

The link they gave to protest marriage week (in a little sidebar) is here:
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Yes, and that's exactly the problem!

I love how these nuts put it. They keep ranting about how they are "for marriage", but they aren't supporting anything that's under attack, that's our side. They are against homosexual marriage and that's all. What a bunch of missleading doublespeak.
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I'm confused, don’t pedophiles rape kids, and polygamists marry multiple people at once, and promiscuous people promote HIV? How exactly is homosexual marriage going to promote any of those things?

*Sigh* that’s the problem we have with the religious right wing, they don’t need REASONS for things, because their arguments always come back to “I have faith” and for some reason they still get taken seriously.
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What's the point of protesting a protest? Those who lack heroic values will always whine instead of actually doing something.
Originally posted by and2000x
What's the point of protesting a protest? Those who lack heroic values will always whine instead of actually doing something.

Well encouraging people to write to elected officials in keeping with the idea of making sure wild extremists are the only ones who's voices are heard hardly seems like whining to me. What exactly are you proposing? Should we take matters into our own hands and start killing conservatives? If you're not suggesting it, I think I will.
Originally posted by and2000x
What's the point of protesting a protest? Those who lack heroic values will always whine instead of actually doing something.

What perfectly stupid rhetoric. Forming an orginization that lobbys law makers, informs constituents, and trys to grow large enough to throw some weight around isn't doing something? What else would you suggest, starting the revolution perhapse?
Spymoose, you have to remember the And2000x is an admitted admirer of Ted Kacynski. Now there was a man of action, who accomplished a great deal in popularizing his cause! What could be more "heroic" than sending letter bombs to utterly unsuspecting people in order to convince people of, well, something. Not quite sure if ol' Waffles (Ted) himself completely understands the point he was trying to make.

But at least he didn't just sit there and whine about things!