those ventilation shafts again


Registered Member
carrying on from my original message i have come across the site of of Dr Gatenbrink who sent the robot Upaut (the opener of the ways). This sites answers many questions and even contains details CAD drawings.
access it at
pperetti, Do you actually think that those are really "ventilation shafts?" Allow me to clarify myself by saying up front that I haven't got a clue if they are or not, but the construction of the pyramids from the ground base upwards would seem to preclude the necessity for such air shafts not to metion the odd angle at which they were built seem more conducive toward the flow of water rather than air. I've heard that they were believed to be "corridors for the soul" and were aligned with various significant stars of Ancient Egypt. Now, what is really interesting is why would the workmen of old block that one shaft with that stone slab and not the other three. Did somebody bungle the numbers and the shaft not line up with the proper star? (I don't think so since that lot had a pretty good grasp with numbers) Then again if these were indeed air shafts, why plug up just one and not all four. Hope I didn't bore you too much, but would be interested on your views on those ambiguous shafts.

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited February 20, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited February 20, 2000).]
There seems to be a lot of space with nothing in it in that cad.... I wonder how much more is still to be discovered in there?
Does anyone have an up-to-date layout of the guts of the pyramid?

The Ancients had the use of mirrors, although not the clear images we have today. Is it possible that the holes were used to allow in a little light that could be bounced off of reflective surfaces to provide light for the interior workers? It would seem to explain how they did all of the interior painting without leaving any traces of torches or fires.

Eh, just a thought.