Those astonishing humans


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Colombian police say they have arrested a woman for stealing an unborn baby from its mother's womb.

The woman faces charges of drugging the child's mother and leading her to a house where her womb was cut open.

Police say the operation to remove the eight-month-old foetus may have been performed with a kitchen knife.

The baby - found with the alleged kidnapper - has been re-united with its true mother, who had been left for dead in the central town of Girardot.

Source: BBC

I ...

I ... uh--

Er ...

Yeah. I'm not quite speechless, but ... well ... this is the human species.

The perpetrators of this crime are hereby nominated for recognition as the current low end of the human endeavor. While the BBC notes that kidnapping is rife in Colombia, I'm almost afraid to wonder if this form of kidnapping is common.

• BBC News. "Colombian baby 'stolen from womb'." June 5, 2004. See
I don't understand why you don't grudgingly expect things like this to happen. We're somewhat intellegent apes - that's it. Because we can wax philosophical does not necessarily free us completely from the urge to bash skulls and all manner of atrocity. Some of us are capable of generally maintaining that freedom, but as is evidenced all across the world all the time, some of us aren't. When you live with apes, stuff is frequently bashed (not to mention the shit everywhere).

This chick must be held accountable for her crime. This serves as a motivator for those who might consider the option she chose, but if desperation, lack of common sense, or just plain animal instinct requires any act from a human... it's naive to think they won't act in what they perceive to be their best interest at the time - with no regard for the interests of society or the consequences of the action beyond the immediate.
I don't understand why you don't grudgingly expect things like this to happen.

Something about empathy. Abstractions sometimes fail to carry the emotional punch. If I was truly surprised, I think I would have punctuated the issue of "this is the human species" with a question mark.

I don't like being surprised in the Universe. And I rarely am. But that doesn't mean I have shelved my sense of awe. Every once in a while, it takes a few seconds to put words to things. Originally, I was going to simply nominate the perpetrators for Galactic Douchebags of the Year. (Can you imagine the acceptance speeches? Or maybe it's better not to--"I'd like to thank the committe for this, my first Golden Douche.") Evil has a certain beauty about it. And sometimes it can steal your words, your breath, or even your life. In this case, it's a very particular scale of evil--massive yet intimate.

I mean ... I make that nomination for Douchebag/low end even in consideration of terrorists. Warfare is warfare. It sucks. I despise it. But between atomic bombs, Nazi holocausts, and our lives' time worth of daily-grind "terrorism, evil, and warfare" news ....

But this--this is a pinnacle.

And the article discussion of kidnapping. Kidnapping? Kidnapping?! To the other, I'm not sure what else to call it. Grand theft fetus?
This could be some kind of serial trend. I heard a similiar story of a woman ripping out a baby from the womb, leaving the mother for surely dead. That was a few months ago. down in Tx or Az.
Whenever I hear or read about something like this, it just reminds me of why we have laws and rules ...and police and courts.

Now, for just a moment, imagine if we were to rescind all of society's rules and laws and police and courts. Can you imagine such a thing? How does it look to you? And to think that there are many here who advocate anarchy ...removing all laws and rules!

We're nothing but vicious animals being held inside a "jail" ....that "jail" is all of the rules and laws and police and courts of society. If you don't believe it, consider what would occur if we removed those "jail bars".

Baron Max
I must disagree. Cases like this simply catch the imagination, and so seem all the more shocking. In a global population one will always encounter such crimes, regardless of the dominant political system. The chief reasons for major crimes- and by these I mean theft, assault, tax evasion, vandalism etc and not the acts of the mentally ill or mentally unguessable such as serial killings- I would postulate as a combination of poverty and despair. poverty and despair caused by our systems. We toil our lives away serving masters that get fat off our efforts, masters that stuff their faces like hamsters with more than they can reasonably expect to need or use. And all of this is propped up by the biggest gang there is, the police, the state's lackeys. Well, thats my rhetoric used up for now. :p I'm afraid I have strayed off topic a little; but hey, if I was to draw a tenous link, I could say the crime I linked to wouldn't have occured under an anarchist system. Now let me ask you something, Baron Max. A central claim to your theory that we are evil and caged and should never be released is this- you would surely have to accept that you and everyone you have ever met at any point (or at least a massive majority of them) is not just morally grey, but by nature evil. Would you ever rip a baby from its mother's stomach?
Baron Max said:
Now, for just a moment, imagine if we were to rescind all of society's rules and laws and police and courts. Can you imagine such a thing? How does it look to you? And to think that there are many here who advocate anarchy ...removing all laws and rules!

Thank you for this amazingly obvious sentiment.

"The woman faces charges of drugging the child's mother and leading her to a house where her womb was cut open."

I didn't read the whole article, did she at least have the decency to stuff the womb full of something else once she took the fetus out? I mean, like, I know that wouldn't make up for such a crime, but if the woman woke up with a belly full of gold ingots I think that on at least some level she'd have to have a grudging respect for her attacker. Were it an Am-Ex gift card, however I could understand how her utter hatred toward her attacker would be justified - those things are worthless.
I don't understand the last post I must concede. Was it humour at my expense, or is this just my ego acting up again?

N.B I've noticed something Baron Max- Anarchism is not for the abolition of rules per se, but rather rulers. Anarchy is from the greek words an without and archy order / hierarchy
I didn't direct any comments toward you, John Smith III, Sorry for any confusion.
Baron Max said:
Whenever I hear or read about something like this, it just reminds me of why we have laws and rules ...and police and courts.
Baron Max

I don't know Max, it seems to me that there were rules and laws and police and courts and this happened anyway. Maybe this sort of deranged individual can act regardless of those things. Do you honestly know that there would be more of them if there were no police or courts or rules or laws? Could there just be a tiny hardcore percentage of people who do things like this no matter what, and the rest of us just wouldn't think of it under normal circumstances? When was the last time you heard of an attempted armed womb robbery being foiled?
I know that if there weren't any laws or structure, my crew and I would have collected a lot of heads, and I'd have a lot of dead friends.

Speaking of really crazy stuff, I heard about this Arab in some -istan country, like Ugistan or Allahstan or something who got caught having an affair with a woman. As punishment, a village council decided to gang rape his sister.