This never made any sense to me


If virtual particles can come from nothing then why can't God?

If some things like virtual particles can pop up from nothing then why can't God simply had come out of nothing and created the universe and everything we know?
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If virtual particles can come from nothing then why can't God?

If some things like virtual particles can originate from nothing then why can't God simply had come of nothing and created the universe and everything we know?

Because instant complexity isn't the same as instant simplicity.
If virtual particles can come from nothing then why can't God?

If some things like virtual particles can pop up from nothing then why can't God simply had come out of nothing and created the universe and everything we know?
Gods are fictional characters, they're imaginary, so you're free to imagine for them any beginning that takes your fancy.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to particles created "from nothing" due to quantum vacuum fluctuations. Basically, the more massive the particle, the shorter the time it can exist for before disappearing again.

As for God, maybe he did appear for a microsecond or two and create the universe. Then he was gone. Or maybe not.
God could be more explained by science if we could prove there is something tangible that connects everything. Then a Universal knowledge/All that is/God would make more sense.
God could be more explained by science if we could prove there is something tangible that connects everything. Then a Universal knowledge/All that is/God would make more sense.
Then we would call that "thing" by another name and God would still be left as the yet unexplained.:)
Virtual particles disappear in an incredibly short period of time.

God tends to persist longer.
Complexity takes up a lot of space. God wouldn't want to be a planck-sized pea-brain.
The OP answers it's own unlikelihood. This system has to be too simple to be believed.
If virtual particles can come from nothing then why can't God? If some things like virtual particles can pop up from nothing then why can't God simply had come out of nothing and created the universe and everything we know?
That implies that the universe is more complicated than it already appears to be. It violates the principle of parsimony (one facet of Occam's Razor): test the simplest solution first. Otherwise you could spend thousands of years trying to find the evidence, build the tools, assemble the test cases, and develop the methodology to test a more complicated solution, when the correct one may have been right under your nose all the time.
That implies that the universe is more complicated than it already appears to be. It violates the principle of parsimony (one facet of Occam's Razor): test the simplest solution first. Otherwise you could spend thousands of years trying to find the evidence, build the tools, assemble the test cases, and develop the methodology to test a more complicated solution, when the correct one may have been right under your nose all the time.
Well I disagree. What could be simpler than creating everything out of nothing?:)
Well I disagree. What could be simpler than creating everything out of nothing?
Try describing the process in more detail and you'll find out.

For starters, you're postulating that one of the things or creatures that is part of "everything" already exists and then creates the rest of "everything."

Whoops! Where did he/she/it come from??? This is the Fallacy of Recursion. The usual punishment for committing it is a wedgie.
God may be a virtual particle, and nothing more.

Or God is not particulate, merely virtual.

Or God, time-Lord of Creation, traveling from an infinite future into an infinite past, while sowing the seeds of virtue also sowed virtuality. Doing so, God,on occasion, would-slash-will-have invariably collided with His work products moving forward in time, so that, on occasion, particles of reality do seem to manifest a certain createdness, though, in balance were neither created nor destroyed, for, as it was written: "In the Beginning, God will create the Heavens and the Earth." So none of this even virtually yet transpired.

This is a Church to which I would most gratefully tithe. Please, now all bow heads in a moment of silent particle exchange. Amen.
Well, He must have wondered what is he, and are there others like him. Ansewers; everything & nothing, and no. Atleast for the time being there is nothing like God, not even Like God is truley like Him. Maybe, Michael is the most like God of any thing, but thats like saying the green elephant is the most like the one aligator in a room full of odly colored elephants.

Bascialy what we are is a scienctific theory to test nature, and for God to understand what he truley is in relation to everything.