This needs some Justice!

*What is worth worrying about are the gross human rights violations this loathsome package will invite. A positively criminal tool, marketed by -- what else? -- a convicted criminal. ® *

What else? -- a convicted criminal. Go figure who are working for the U$ government...:rolleyes:

Not convicted criminals??!!
Just another reason to abolish the Death Penelty when things like this are happerning (sorry just been arguing with *strgl*)
Yes!!! Agree, full heartedly!! Another reason to abolish the death penalty...!!
Did I miss something while I was skimming the article? What does the article have to do with the death penalty???

Sorry, Im in a rush:D
I had just finished posting a repy to you in the DP thread when i read the artical and it just shows how the law can be abused and that it is hard to get 100% proof someone is guilty

Oh, okay, I get it:D Sometimes my mind wont allow me read really long passages, so I skim em, and Im quite sure I miss things:D
*One thing it would be absolutely useless for, of course, is legitimate law enforcement. But that doesn't concern our Jones. He's happily bottom-feeding off LEAs and securocrats in countries where civil rights are weak, and off corrupt and/or stupid LEAs and securocrats here in the civilized world. ®*

Civilized???!!! Mmmmmmmmmm...

Guess the U$ is overeacting in their race against terrorists. I bet they dream about it, worse, they even daydream about it.

What's next??? Oh I am so fed up with this kind of behaviour. I better shut up, Now! :(
So much for all my faith in us

I always thought that generly our cops played by the rules (except for a few bad eggs). I have always trusted that they want to because that is what makes them better than the criminals the are trying to stop (I have a friend who was a cop and i concidered joing myself). I don't feel angry just sad that it has come to this:(
:( *So, will this reduce the amount of KP circulating on the Web? Will it protect children from exploitation by pornographers? Obviously, it will do neither. It's pure self-congratulatory legislation with no appreciation of the practicalities, and no hope of accomplishing anything worthwhile.

It will, of course, accomplish Internet censorship for PA residents, which may later be expanded once the necessary tools are in place; it will tax the resources of ISPs struggling to comply with impossible demands; and it will impress the uninformed with Pennsylvania's devotion to child protection.

But it will not make the slightest dent in the trafficking of this filth.*

:( :( U$ in action!!! My, my...What a f**king mess!!:( :(
Acually i sympathise with them on this one.

What CAN they do to stop it. No parent wants there child abused like that so firstly they have to do SOMETHING (even if its really nothing) just to reasure parents that they are TRYING to solve the problem.

Second it MAY stop ONE person which makes it all valid. If just ONE child is not abused because of this then I AM ALL FOR IT.
We need microchip brain-controllers in everyone's head. All linked to the nintendo controller thingy in my pocket. Anyone seen Clockwork Orange?