This is why love rocks


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
November and I have had some problems. I've felt pretty down now and then. But she just called, and now I feel great. A few simple words from her, and now I'm grinning like an idiot, all jumpy and excited. She does this to me. :)
Bebelina, you rock. Thanks for what you said the other day too. Keep up the good vibes hon. :)
Lucky bastard...that's all I have to say.

Well, I have to say a little more:

Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

Keep that in mind, it's always on mine.
we all know that feeling, right? The times of agony and longing, then moment of bliss, the times of bliss, and then the moment of agony, and then the moment of emotional growth when you learn more about the whole scheme of things.

love certainly rocks. Pity not those who have been abandoned, pity those who have never loved.
Sheesh, theres a lotta love going on around here!! I dont even know who's with who anymore! last time my brain signed on, someone cheated on someone and then they got with someone else!!! WHO need Days of our lives when you have th forum!!!

hehehe PS I lOve you allllllllllll
Someday, you'll discover that the greatest down-side to love is children. ;)

Someday later, you'll discover that the greatest upside to children is love. :p

(If you haven't killed them, first.)
the only problem with children is that they are more little minds I have to take over.... I mean I mean... kids are great hehehe (BTW im AM kidding, coz otherwise i will loose my job lol)
I love children! Doesn't matter whether they are irritating the hell out of me at one time, there's always another side to it...;)
Originally posted by Adam
November and I have had some problems. I've felt pretty down now and then. But she just called, and now I feel great. A few simple words from her, and now I'm grinning like an idiot, all jumpy and excited. She does this to me. :)

Women like drama. They like men that disagree with them. They don't want pussies that agree to every single opinion they give and one that listens to everything they tell them.

I argue on average every once a month with my gf, the making up part is always great ;) Arguing is fun also :D

But never make things too serious...women want fun guys not serious deadbeats. But you probably know this already ;)

I love the fish thingies in my signiture

There's lots of them!! (Well, 4... but then there's also the FISHCAKES!!!!) Plenty of fish to go around!

*goes around and starts partnering people up with fish*

Bye bye


The ocean shines with the light of the heavens

The beams of light piercing through the clouds

The tide comes alive with the glow of the sky

And sometimes there are these mutant jellyfish thingies that glow and make the waves all glowy and stuff and then they wash up on shore and people step on them but it doesn't hurt them because their tentacles were ripped off and battered against the shore.

-- An original poem by Welkin Etherchild
yes, the more you fight the more you will bond. If you get through with it and make it up, that is. Then there's that feeling you get when you see her photo or phone # right after a big fight, that melting of the heart...ahem! Did I hear anything???

Anyone wanna love me?:(
Originally posted by Zero
the more you fight the more you will bond

I disagree on that part. It can make you drift away from eachother farther and farther with every fight. I think it has to do with in what way you have a "fight". You can love without fights too. What is it with you people that you want to fight and argue and then afterwards make it up again? Is this what you base your love on?

It has shown in the past, this can grow very ugly, this fighting.

BTW, Zero, I love you...:)
Originally posted by Zero
yes, the more you fight the more you will bond. If you get through with it and make it up, that is. Then there's that feeling you get when you see her photo or phone # right after a big fight, that melting of the heart...ahem! Did I hear anything???

Anyone wanna love me?:(

I agreee with Banshee, there is a deffierence between fighting and arguing. Argiung is constructive, like debating, where you attck ideas not people. Fighting is usually petty, and attack people for their ideas and what they are... very thin line though!