This Is Why I Joined: April 14, 2010


Registered Member
If it's allowed, I was there. By 2am on the 15th, I sent an email to the local radio station. Within days, Hollywood knew the story. I don't want to corrupt the information and cause background radiation that blocks your own thought and ideas, but, there are people who care what I have to say. If you ask, maybe 300 civilians know of this. A few in the scientific community, and of course the media and government. This is a true story. all the facts are there. Hope I didn't screw it up for too many readers. And, thanks for reading.

1. Asteroid 2010 GA6 near close approach: 4-14-2010:;orb=1

2. Eyjafjallajökull erupts 4-14-2010:

3. Fireball Over Midwest 4-14-2010:

*check the solution date for the Asteroid. it has been changed and the diagram is no longer accurate for the past close approach (it hurt the story)The asteroid and earth no longer align as they did that day. Some will look at the diagram and come to a conclusion that the asteroid wasn't even close.

My best theory:

1a. I found iridium venting from some volcanoes. The iridium is outbound, not inbound, but there is iridium at some volcanoes. Therefore, the fireball came from the volcano. Sure I would have loved to see a new crater on the Moon. Just wasn't a big enough eruption.

All the rest:

1b. The three events are not connected. The asteroid missed. It was a volcanic eruption. The fireball is a completely different object.

The Holy Grail:

The asteroid traveled through a ribbon of space where VSL is allowed. Earth's weak gravitational force only slowed it down. The asteroid impacted the planet. A piece broke off. The asteroid bounced off the planet passed by the moon at 6.8 miles per second a few hours later, regained and continued it's present orbit around the SUN.

The fireball:

was the same event of 5 hours earlier and seen at safe speed.
Was a piece that broke off at impact and reentered the atmosphere

Like when you throw a ball into a puddle, the ball speeds up.
A veil which made the light of the asteroid invisible.
The fireball trajectory went from Nebraska to Wisconsin heading towards Iceland.
Please state what you want to say more precisely. I am not sure I understand. Can you give us three sentences (about 15 words) that will give us the gist? :confused:
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1. Asteroid 2010 GA6 near close approach: 4-14-2010:;orb=1

2. Eyjafjallajökull erupts 4-14-2010:

3. Fireball Over Midwest 4-14-2010:
I remember seeing a meteor for the first time when I was about 12 years old. I thought it was a plane crashing at first but as the thing burned out I knew that it wasn't but thought the whole incident as pretty cool to watch. Although it didn't make headlines or was that big to detect back then it was very exciting for a young person to see and I'll never forget it.
The GA6 Meteor's closest path to the earth was 359,000km
The Exosphere (The extent of our atmopshere) only reaches 10,000km.
In fact the "Moon" was stated to be the "Interfering body" to the meteor, expressing just what sort of distance away it was. (incidentally the moon is 384,400km from the Earth)

I'm not going to bore you with mathematics (mainly because someone else will likely have fun working that one out) however to create a "fireball" and launch it "further than the moon" would be a little more energy requirements than Eyjafjallajökull's eruption. (And I can't emphasise how much of an understatement that "little more energy" is)

Your theory I'm afraid is correct in being pseudo-science.
1. The meteor was well within the distance of the Moon. It was closer than the one this Monday, and don't forget, the distance is from center of Earth to center of Asteroid. There's 6,378.1 kilometers right there.

2. This wasn't just a meteor sighting. There was an asteroid close by and a volcano eruption within 240 minutes.

3. This is why I put it where it here.

Thanks for sharing. It's the same response I get from most everyone. No big deal. Nothing newsworthy. Nothing that strikes me as interesting. I hate to say it, I should have just kept it to myself and let everyone remain in the dark for another 589 years.

This is the only recorded instance where an asteroid was that close when a volcano erupted, and a fireball lit up the sky. Sure, everyday these things happen. Always an erupting volcano and always meteors, maybe fireball. Always an asteroid at close approach.

Anyway, it put me on the map.;orb=1

Why on Earth do I always think people in science communities will care. Doh!
I complained to NASA a few days after. I knew they were busy with Deep Horizon in the Gulf. I complained that they didn't continue watching this rock until it passed close approach.

They sure watched YU55 a long time....
however to create a "fireball" and launch it "further than the moon" would be a little more energy requirements than Eyjafjallajökull's eruption. (And I can't emphasise how much of an understatement that "little more energy" is)

The next time you are at a pool hall, strike a ball with the average stroke. Note the speed. Then, set the cue ball 2 inches away from the object ball and strike it lightly, and then with a normal stroke once the object ball is in motion. You will see a vast increase in speed from the "little more energy" that initiated the momentum.

So in a volcanic eruption a surface rock is hoisted a short distance right before the main eruption. The main eruption occurs while the rock is still moving up. That little more energy "could" be enough to put the rock into orbit.

Another complaint I have is that some people insist that everything in a class works the same way.

Example: High tide is always caused by the pull of gravity. No. Sometimes an earthquake creates a high tide. Sometimes a hurricane creates a high tide. And sometimes a meteor creates a high tide.

Example: Solar Flares are created by sound waves.
Well, when you remember something one way and it turns out to be slightly different, and then having someone pose the same argument as others that Earth's volcanoes don't produce the energy yo lift a small rock into orbit, period, I tend to lash out. I wasn;t trying to prove anything. It was more of something I thought was pretty rare and interesting enough to spend 2 years reading about different aspects of science to see if I can place this asteroid at that volcano.

And as I said, iridium in meteorite and venting from some volcanoes is the closest I have come in the real or perceived world. I was surprised.


Here's another little story. I have a few more. Another volcano/asteroid conjunction and a 2nd earthquake and fireball The volcano is in Chile, the Earthquake was in Christ Church.

I found the asteroid that was at close approach at the time of the Japanese Earthquake March, 2011. EY11&orb=1

I found what I liked about the other asteroid and stand by my story. The diagram isn't as I remember it. Even after reading the huff and getting the distance, I still think the diagram was changed. I know it was closer than that. I was able to adjust the plane and have the asteroid slightly ahead of Earth and between the Earth and the Sun in it's close approach. Sure. Maybe I was looking at the other close asteroid from the day before. What can I say? Sorry for the interuptions and misspelled words. Time wasted?

An asteroid was near close approach within hours of a volcanic eruption and a really nice fireball.

I also add that finding iridium venting from some volcanoes can explain where some fireballs come from.

If not from volcanoes on this planet, then from volcanoes on other planets.
Don't forget these rocks are going around the Sun not the Earth. They are being pulled by a much stronger force of gravity. Earth can't stop them without a direct hit.

I even tried a key hole theory where each asteroid has it's own keyhole, but I don't think they can move from Sun gravity to Earth gravity without contact. It made sense for a while until I compared the amount of gravity.

I've even been to the point where impact causes Quantum Immortality.

Asteroid filament to shorten the orbit around Earth's core. An obvious place an asteroid orbits.
Sometimes coincidence... is Just that!.

If you start generating whole integrated theories, without empirical evidence, without the capacity to prove the mathematics (which incidentally would be used to test a theory), then all you have is a number of events and a very weak argument for any connection between them. I'm not saying that to offend you, I'm saying that to try and help you realise that you need to rationalise a bit further, perhaps understand how science pulls theories like this apart, not for mockery but due to it being a weak theory.

After all how many other meteor's have been in close proximity? How many other earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves? and while we are at it what about extreme weather changes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami's etc? All of those things occurred, don't they have some interlinking factors?

In this instance I'm stating if one bunch of events triggers response events, then this should be provable at other instances. Currently the only reason people seem to try and state stuff like this is the whole "End of the world, 2012, religion predicted this" argument.
Sometimes coincidence... is Just that!.
this is most correct! well said!

Quite often those who have had some sort of intense experience will draw associations between events that others would not normally draw and claim that the association or relationship between events is of some significance. What often is though they fail to realise that the significance is of their own creation and no one elses and they get rather disappointed if others can not share that significance with them.

In this case if the poster wroberson was to look more closely at his co-incidence of events and look at all the other events that happened around that same time, other material circumstancial eveidences he will probably find information that will relegate his sense fo significance to something a little less intense.

As an example to clarify with:
The legal system of most countries recognises that "circumstancial evidence" is not always enough to create a conclusive verdict. It merely increases probability but not certainty as a general rule.

Event "a" happens and event "b" happens that would normally be seen as insignificant or ignored.

Ask the question "Why is this significant to me when it is not to others?"
Whether there is a "global" justification or not, is actually irrelevant in this situation. It is the "why is it signifciant" to the person that is the question.

So I ask wroberson;
"Why do your feel the events you descirbe are significant to you [ not others but to you?]
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...The volcano is in Chile, the Earthquake was in Christ Church...
Christchurch, one word.

The name of the city is Christchurch. Christs Church Cathedral is the name of a Cathedral in Christchurch (Also called the Christchurch Cathedral).