This is the justice system in britain

guthrie said:
Because we're not in a democracy?

I agree we are not, because of the constituency sytsem as opposed to 1 person = 1 vote (which is true democracy). But democracy does not mean mob rule either.

Democracy: Derived from two ancient Greek words demos (the people) and kratos (strength). A system of government in which governance of the people is by elected representatives.

Note, a democracy is not a system where the people micromanage every decision, elected representatives make the decisions on their own judgement. This is how it is meant to be.

I agree though that in the examples in this post the balance is completely wrong. But I do agree with whowever it was that said "the quality of a society can be judged on how well it treats its lowest members; its criminals and prisoners". I think there is a lot of truth in that - I would be interested if anyone knows who originally made that statement?

The other side to this coin is forced labour camps in China, N. Korea etc (i believe forced labour by prisoners is banned by international treaty is it not?).

Anyway like I said it is about balance - the balance is clearly wrong in the examples stated, but we must be careful not to swing to far the other way (Guantanamo etc).
INdeed. I was waiting to see if Quagmire would show such depth of appreciation.
Trap? That suggests forethought and intelligence. A better description would be trolling. So I responded with a useful non answer. Seeing as I havnt been around here much recently, I dont know much about this entity, so I thoguht I woudl test its sincerity. So far I am not impressed.
quags been busy, but dont worry, he doesnt live or die by your opinion :D
Guthrie, if you imagine Vincent without the humour or the education (or the job in Thailand) you should have a pretty fair idea of Quagmire.
Ophiolite said:
Guthrie, if you imagine Vincent without the humour or the education (or the job in Thailand) you should have a pretty fair idea of Quagmire.

That bad eh
can the moderators stop people hijacking threads? this was a thread made about the justice system in britain, due to certain accounts it has become a place for a clique to make sly digs and malicious jibes.

not really what is expected on this board is it?

And so, back to the point.

"the quality of a society can be judged on how well it treats its lowest members; its criminals and prisoners".

i do not believe that is an exact quote, but lets look at it anyway - there are numerous ways to analyse the terms involved - 'lowest members' who is to say - perhaps victims of crime are the lowest members due to their frailty and weakness, or their inability to defend themselves from attack.

Is that why paedophiles are placed in protective wings of prisons - due to other prisoners recognising the cowardly and malicious nature of these sick individuals - and so punish them by their own means - usually brutal and violent and pretty much exactly what they deserve - so long as the paedophile suffers and suffers for a long time before death - isnt that all we ask for?

Alternatively - lowest members - the people living below the poverty line - pensioners and the sick nad disabled - prisoners are GIVEN a higher standard of living because the have broke the law - yet some war veteran - some war widow - a multiple sclerosis sufferer - what do they get?

If society is judged at all, surely it must be on the levels of apathy and its capability for legitimising wrongdoing/crimes.
Ophiolite said:
Guthrie, if you imagine Vincent without the humour or the education (or the job in Thailand) you should have a pretty fair idea of Quagmire.
I see what you mean. They seem to be trying to justify something, but cant quite spit it out.
Anyway, I think that pensioners, war veterans etc should enjoy a higher standard of living of prisoners. In fact I think everyone should enjoy a higher standard of living than the lowest people do. Of course, thats not actually possible in the current socio-economic system.

As for social apathy, quagmire, what are you doing about it? Joined "Respect" yet? Or maybe UKIP?
guthrie said:
Anyway, I think that pensioners, war veterans etc should enjoy a higher standard of living of prisoners. In fact I think everyone should enjoy a higher standard of living than the lowest people do. Of course, thats not actually possible in the current socio-economic system.

As for social apathy, quagmire, what are you doing about it? Joined "Respect" yet? Or maybe UKIP?

what am i doing about it? im posting here, if i cannot convince 'certain' types here from my armchair what chance do i have elsewhere.
Do you think that strident condemnation, abusive language and a blatantly closed mind constitute a good approach to changing the views of 'certain' types, or even of 'uncertain' types?
Well, maybe they're new to the internet.

To explain- most of the people who come to places like this quite like an argument. THey also like being right. But anyway, if you wish to engage in fruitful, i.e. mind changing discussion, you have to either pick someone to have said discussion with, very carefully, or else start up discussions with a lot of care. Merely posting some links and saying, in slightly more complex language "look at this! This sucks!" is not a method of attracting open minded people who like a good chat.