this is not a joke.

pavlosmarcos: this is not a joke

but it's a hell of a laugh, it's perfect for those southern baptists inflatable egos.
M*W: I would also like to suggest that inflatable pews be located in the inflatable church, accompanied by an inflatable pipe organ along with an inflatable organist. We must not forget inflatable sheet music.

To accompany the inflatable organ, we sould also provide some inflatable dolls, the kind with those big wide-open mouths, as they would be most appropriate as the inflated choir.

Just below the inflatable choir an inflatable altar should be placed along with inflatable holy untensils to distribute the inflatable Eucharist.

Behind the altar on the wall should be an inflated crucifix holding the inflated Jesus. From his hands, feet and side, inflatable blood would be dripping from his inflatable body.

Walking toward the altar with an inflatable crucifix would be an inflatable priest.* Following the inflatable priest* would be some four to eight inflatable young altar boys* approaching the inflatable altar in worship and adoration of their inflatable God.


Proper inflation techniques for the inflatable church and inflatable church accessories requires many individual blow jobs to reach maximum inflation.

NOTE: *inflatable priest is anatomically correct and requires additional blow job to inflate priest's penis.

NOTE: **inflated altar boys are anatomically correct and require separate individual blow jobs to inflate altar boys' penises.

Have fun with your inflatable church and inflatable church accessories. Use your imagination to create funny or exciting situations for your inflatable characters! Inflatable confessional, inflatable chair for priest to sit down so altar boy can sit on priest's lap, boys restroom, and priest's inflatable private apartment, are sold separately. Batteries NOT included.
Well... it has some nice accessories:

The attention to detail is heavenly complete with plastic "stained glass" windows and airbrush artwork which replicates the traditional church. Inside it has an inflatable organ, altar, pulpit, pews, candles and a gold cross. Even the doors are flanked by air-filled angels. The church can be built in 2 hours and

dis-assembled in less than one.

Anyway, why not? If someone wants a blow-up church... I am more interested in the inflatable night-club or pub. :D
is'nt blowing up churches, the next thing on the terrorist agenda.
looks like they were beaten to it.
The problem is how do you stop your children from jumping around on the inflatable marble floor!
or is it to keep the xian toddlers amused,(bouncy church) while the adult cower to there god.
path: The problem is how do you stop your children from jumping around on the inflatable marble floor!
M*W: Not a problem! The children are also inflated as are their shoes.
mustafhakofi: is this where prevs, marry there blow up dolls.
M*W: Certainly, the inflatable church is used for marriage ceremonies and other sacramental rites. The main chapel (inflated) provides the perfect place for a couple to unite. However, if the couple decides to use the parish hall for their wedding reception, they need to be aware that there is an additional inflated price to rent the hall.

What are "prevs?"
Talking about a "blow job" would be desent in this kind of church. LOL..

mustafhakofi: sorry M&W got the r and e back to front should have read pervs ( sexually perverted.)
M*W: Well, that's what I thought, but I didn't want to appear stupid! I've heard them called "perps."