This is crazy , prosecute a 97 old man


The Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Centre confirmed Sunday that Laszlo Csatary, accused of complicity in the killings of 15,700 Jews, had been tracked down to the Hungarian capital.

"I confirm that Laszlo Csatary has been identified and found in Budapest," the centre's director Efraim Zuroff told AFP.

Ten months ago an informer had provided information that allowed them to locate Csatary, 97, in Budapest, Zuroff told AFP by phone. They had paid the informer the $25,000 promised for such information, he added.

In September last year, they had passed on their information to the prosecutor's office in Budapest.

A statement released Sunday by the centre said Zuroff had "last week submitted new evidence to the prosecutor in Budapest regarding crimes committed during World War II by its No 1 Most Wanted suspect Laszlo Csatary."

The centre said the evidence "related to Csatary's key role in the deportation of approximately 300 Jews from Kosice to Kamenetz-Podolsk, Ukraine, where almost all were murdered in the summer of 1941."

Budapest's assistant prosecutor general, Jeno Varga, said: "An investigation is under way. The prosecutor's office will study the information received."

But Zuroff said in the Centre's statement: "This new evidence strengthens the already very strong case against Csatary and reinforces our insistence that he be held accountable for his crimes.

[Related: Hitler ordered Jewish officer to be spared]

"The passage of time in no way diminishes his guilt and old age should not afford protection for Holocaust perpetrators."

Zuroff told AFP that the British tabloid daily The Sun had photographed and filmed Csatary, having acted on the information that the Wiesenthal Center had released last September.

The online edition of the newspapers announced on Sunday it had found and identified Csatary.

When its reporters confronted him on his doorstep, he had denied any crimes and slammed the door in their faces, the paper reported.

This was the fourth time that The Sun had cooperated with the Centre to put pressure on officials who were dragging their feet to bring Nazi fugitives to justice, said Zuroff.

The Wiesenthal Centre has urged Hungarian prosecutors to put Csatary on trial.

[Slideshow: Rare color photos of Hitler's home]

They say he served during World War II as a senior Hungarian police officer in the Slovakian city of Kosice, then under Hungarian rule.

He was complicit in the deportations of thousands of Jews from Kosice and its environs to the Auschwitz death camp in the spring of 1944.

Csatary had treated the Jews in the ghetto with cruelty, whipping women and forcing them to dig holes with their bare hands, he added.

In 1943, a Czech court condemned him to death after a trial held in his absence. He had fled to Canada and had worked as an art dealer using a false identity, before being unmasked in 1995 and forced to flee.
What's wrong with that? If he did the crime, he should be accountable.

For practical purpose , the lawyers are the only one who are going to win . Bi the time they are going to finish the case the man will be death. Happy victory.
Good, let the end of his life be a hell of lawyers. Did the Nazis spare any old people?
anyways whats the use...he is 97, and its been a joy ride, having a little fire at end, isnt that big of a deal for him. battle lost.
Mod Hat — Missing link?

Mod Hat — Missing link?

Could we at least get a link to the original article used in the topic post? It is required, as the post is obviously not original content.
I agree with the others - neither the time past nor his age matter. Much as one member said, he helped to kill old and young alike, why spare him now that he's been caught?
"Crazy" would be declining to bring a damned Nazi genocidaire to justice because, y'know, the Holocaust was a long time ago, and he's gotten pretty old in the meantime, or something. Because apparently victims of genocide somehow get less dead as the perpetrators live out their nice, quiet retirements.
For practical purpose ,

Justice doesn't need to be always practical. It is the principle that counts. If you commit a crime against humanity you will be hunted until 100 and beyond, is the message...
The principle that counts is to stop bloodshed and violence. And excuse me, but by killing this guy we are not going to stop bloodshed. Prosecuting him and locking him up and making him as much useful to society as possible with whatever years he got left, that is the right thing to do. Otherwise these wars will just keep on going like the Palestine vs. Israel conflict. Retribution is not an answer to a brighter future.
I don't care about capital punishment, I think most people just want justice. If guilty, I don't need him to be useful to society, just out of it.
The principle that counts is to stop bloodshed and violence. And excuse me, but by killing this guy we are not going to stop bloodshed. Prosecuting him and locking him up and making him as much useful to society as possible with whatever years he got left, that is the right thing to do. Otherwise these wars will just keep on going like the Palestine vs. Israel conflict. Retribution is not an answer to a brighter future.

You really think that's the best answer, given what he's charged with?!?!?!?

Please tell us exactly how he can be "useful to society" if we just lock him up and society PAYS for his food, clothing, medical needs, etc. for a number of years?????
The principle that counts is to stop bloodshed and violence. And excuse me, but by killing this guy we are not going to stop bloodshed. Prosecuting him and locking him up and making him as much useful to society as possible with whatever years he got left, that is the right thing to do. Otherwise these wars will just keep on going like the Palestine vs. Israel conflict. Retribution is not an answer to a brighter future.

Why? Who's going to seek revenge for him? Righteously offended Nazis?
Yeah I'm loving the moral equivocation between Holocaust victims and Nazi genocidaires, there. Because we all know that the Holocaust was a perfectly understandable, if not exactly justified, response to the extreme provocation of Jews... umm... insisting on prosecuting war criminals even if they're really old, or something?
The principle that counts is to stop bloodshed and violence.

For you. For others, to make an example. No matter where you are, no matter how many years have passed, we will find you and justice will be done.

Let's say he is a serial killer or a child rapist. Would you think differently? Also look up statue of limitations, if you haven't watched enough TV....

Retribution is not an answer to a brighter future.

But payback is....
I agree with the others - neither the time past nor his age matter. Much as one member said, he helped to kill old and young alike, why spare him now that he's been caught?

i'd agree with you but there are other who have defended war criminals based on time elapsed. hell Israel has defended some war criminals from ww2( couple of jewish officers of the ukraine and soviet republic armies for their role kaytn and a couple other massacres and slayings) with well that was a long time ago and they are now productive, moral upstanding citizens. why should some war criminals get to get away from their crimes on age and others not. until some other countries war criminals are coughed up for their crimes I say lets murderous fuck live.
i'd agree with you but there are other who have defended war criminals based on time elapsed. hell Israel has defended some war criminals from ww2( couple of jewish officers of the ukraine and soviet republic armies for their role kaytn and a couple other massacres and slayings) with well that was a long time ago and they are now productive, moral upstanding citizens. why should some war criminals get to get away from their crimes on age and others not. until some other countries war criminals are coughed up for their crimes I say lets murderous fuck live.

I have to admit I'm not familiar with any of those cases. Do you have any references for them? (Not that it's going to change my mind one bit.)