Third Reich Army: One of last survivors visits Auschwitz as Pope Benedict XVI, photos


Benedict's black-clad entourage kept its distance as he walked under the gate's notorious words: "Arbeit Macht Frei," or "Work Sets You Free."
Other than a brief greeting to the local bishop, Benedict kept silent, his lips moving in prayer and the wind tossing his white hair as he stopped for a full minute before the Wall of Death, where the Nazis killed thousands of prisoners.
Then he was handed a lighted candle, which he placed before the wall. <br />
Although Benedict has avoided using German, some at the Mass held German flags and a banner reading in German, "We greet our Holy Father."

<i>Reminder</i>: "<b>Glory of the Olive</b>" is the <b><font color="Red">illuminati code for the destruction of Israel</font></b><br />
<a href=";lr=&amp;q=%22Glory+of+the+Olive%22+is+the+illuminati+code+for+the+destruction+of+Israel" target="_blank">;l...tion+of+Israel</a>
Explained by the same prophet that was also the only to decode the illuminati message about "Ratzinger, the Panzer Kardinal", one day before they "elected" him to finish the job<br />

"In a place like this, words fail. In the end, there can only be a dread silence - a silence which is itself a heartfelt cry to God: <b>Why, Lord, did you remain silent? How could you tolerate all this</b>?" he said in a speech in Italian.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<i>Reminder</i>: "Glory of the Olive" is <b>ALSO </b>the illuminati code for <b><font color="Red">completing the destruction of the catholic church</font></b>

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Just because someone looks like the Sith Lord from Star Wars doesn't mean they're actually evil...
Reminder: "Glory of the Olive" is the illuminati code for the destruction of Israel

Like someone said before on this forum; how do you know this, MattMarr? Are you an insider, or what?
Zephyr said:
Just because someone looks like the Sith Lord from Star Wars doesn't mean they're actually evil...
Hell, the Sith & Imperials aren't even evil. The jedi and the rebels are the bad guys, really. The Jedi tried to overthrow the Republic and assassinate Chancellor Palpatine, and the rebels are thieves and terrorists. The Sith are just trying to set the galaxy free from the tyranny and restrictiveness of the Jedi and The Empire just wants order and justice in the Galaxy. :D

Please keep your conspiracy theories separate from delicate matters such as the deaths of 6 million people. Give the victims of the holocaust the respect they deserve.
Hitler was a Christian, I can't believe Christians killed 6 millions Jews.

*sorry I was being a typical Christian who thinks Osama is every Muslims dad*
James R said:

Please keep your conspiracy theories separate from delicate matters such as the deaths of 6 million people. Give the victims of the holocaust the respect they deserve.

What happened to freedom of speech? :confused: or does that only apply when someones mockin' Islam?
i'm surprised he would have any regrets about what happened at auschwitz, benedict was a hitler youth after all.
charles cure said:
i'm surprised he would have any regrets about what happened at auschwitz, benedict was a hitler youth after all.

M*W: My daughter's godmother was a Hitler youth. Those children had no choice but to become Hitler's youth! She regretted it, but then, she had no choice as a young girl in Austria.

What happened to freedom of speech?

You may be labouring under a false apprehension that there is complete freedom of speech on sciforums. There is not.

... or does that only apply when someones mockin' Islam?

It seems to apply when somebody mocks Hinduism, judging by the threads you started on that topic.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: My daughter's godmother was a Hitler youth. Those children had no choice but to become Hitler's youth! She regretted it, but then, she had no choice as a young girl in Austria.
Hitler Youth was male-only. You must thinking of the female equivalent, the League of German Girls, or Bund Deutscher Mädel.
Hapsburg said:
Hitler Youth was male-only. You must thinking of the female equivalent, the League of German Girls, or Bund Deutscher Mädel.

It doesn't change her main point that joining the Hitler Youth was mandatory. Not to mention Pope Benedict deserted the group at great risk to himself, the man was in no way a Nazi sympathizer.
Hapsburg said:
Hitler Youth was male-only. You must thinking of the female equivalent, the League of German Girls, or Bund Deutscher Mädel.

M*W: Maybe you're right, but she specifically told me she was a Hitler Youth and that they had no choice in the matter. It was all propaganda.
Muslim said:
Hitler was a Christian, I can't believe Christians killed 6 millions Jews.

*sorry I was being a typical Christian who thinks Osama is every Muslims dad*

This is applying some over simplistic logic. Just because Hitler was baptised into a Roman Catholic family does not imply he was actually a Christian in any true sense.

Hitler's beliefs in his Third Reich days were a strange mixture of old Germanic and Norse paganism mingled with the totally atheistic view of mankind espoused by Darwin and others, e.g. survival of the fittest, superior species ('races') etc.

There was absolutely nothing 'Christian' in his world view, any more than his dictatorial adversory Stalin who of course was also a mass murderer and was an ardent Marxist atheist.

Whilst fingers can be pointed at various religions getting it wrong over many centuries in the past, factually most the mass murders of the twentieth century really do belong to atheism (you can add in Marxist atheist Mao Tse Tung and many others).

I do not believe that this automatically proves that atheism and atheists are evil as some of the atheists on the site seem to imply the other way round about 'religious persecutions'. It does prove, I believe, that mankind can always find a good excuse for evil. The excuse may be 'religion' or it can just as well be 'science' or whatever. This certainly does fit in well with what the Bible says about mankind being 'fallen' and therefore not of themselves able to be totally good. It does not fit very well with the euphoric humanist views from the nineteenth and twentieth Century that as soon as enough of mankind had dumped the 'superstition of religion' everything would be so much better!

kind regards to all,

Gordon said:
This is applying some over simplistic logic. Just because Hitler was baptised into a Roman Catholic family does not imply he was actually a Christian in any true sense.

Hitler's beliefs in his Third Reich days were a strange mixture of old Germanic and Norse paganism mingled with the totally atheistic view of mankind espoused by Darwin and others, e.g. survival of the fittest, superior species ('races') etc.

There was absolutely nothing 'Christian' in his world view, any more than his dictatorial adversory Stalin who of course was also a mass murderer and was an ardent Marxist atheist.

Whilst fingers can be pointed at various religions getting it wrong over many centuries in the past, factually most the mass murders of the twentieth century really do belong to atheism (you can add in Marxist atheist Mao Tse Tung and many others).

I do not believe that this automatically proves that atheism and atheists are evil as some of the atheists on the site seem to imply the other way round about 'religious persecutions'. It does prove, I believe, that mankind can always find a good excuse for evil. The excuse may be 'religion' or it can just as well be 'science' or whatever. This certainly does fit in well with what the Bible says about mankind being 'fallen' and therefore not of themselves able to be totally good. It does not fit very well with the euphoric humanist views from the nineteenth and twentieth Century that as soon as enough of mankind had dumped the 'superstition of religion' everything would be so much better!

kind regards to all,


this debate has just recently been hashed out ad nauseum on the thread called demonology. hitler used christian myth and fervor to ignite support for scapegoating the jews. its a fact, get over it.

in addition to that, you can't really commit any atrocities in the name of non-belief. that seems paradoxical. the mass murders in china and russia were commited by a despotic government in the name of suppressing resistance to a socio-economic system. that doesn't have anything to do with religion. and i doubt that stalin and mao racked up the most kills in the 20th century once you take into account the genocides that have been taking place in the middle east, africa, south america, eastern europe, and indonesia over the past 3 or 4 decades, most of which are caused by two different religio-ethnic groups fighting for territory or independence.
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MattMarr: Hitler was german. Pope is German. QED.
from another thread said:
For everyone who doesn't understand the outrage about the "DaVinci Code", this is can be a good illustration. A few years ago there were a couple of books claiming that the Vatican did very little to oppose the Nazis and even claiming that Pius XII was "Hitler's Pope". Both innacurate statements, easily refuted by looking at history. Sadly, it is easy to repeat such accusations. Same w/the DaVinci Code.

The Vatican did not tolerate the Nazis. It often spoke against it as much as it could. Jews were granted sanctuary in Catholic churches, convents and the Vatican itself.

The Rabbi of Rome's synagogue converted to Catholicism after the war and took the name Eugenio for his baptismal name in honor of Pius XII and all that the Pope did to help the Jews during the war (the Pope's name before becoming Pius XII was Eugenio Pacelli).

Unfortunately, unnacurate historical fiction will be presented as fact by some, thus misleading the many

Thanks for reminding people of that.
Now what people don't get is that the Vatican of Pius XII has nothing to do with the Vatican of Benedict XVI.

Actually it is this kind of ammunition (i.e. the pope's "question" about God "tolerating" the Holocaust) that is really efficient destroying the Catholic Church.
Much more than the Da Vinci code.