Third-person perspectives


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How do people view you?

Do they see someone who is confident, smarmy, or self-indulgent? Do they recognize aspects they'd attribute to children, parents, siblings? Do you think you reflect a certain flair for the obvious, come off as ditzy, or far too well-mannered? Apathetic, disinterested, condescending? Aloof or standoffish? Moral or amoral? Religious or searching? Someone that advertently calls attention to themselves or someone that prefers to hang in the background and join the rest of the wallflowers?

As for myself, as much as I can see, I believe that people see me as the guy that grows facial hair for weeks straight, then abruptly shaves for some reason. Perhaps they look to me for a quick quip about the state of things, but not so much for deeper discussions. Although close friends have told me differently, I still think that my eyes are too intense so I make sure to try and come off as casual.

A coworker of mine recently thought that I was very popular in school because I used to conduct some of our company meetings and tended to be funny. I assured him that was I very much a geek in high school (and probably still am, who knows). There could be a chance they see me as helpful, but on my terms. I don't know, I'm just trying to get some ideas out.

A good friend, but not exactly a close one. Too guarded and reserved, maybe. When I play basketball once a week, I tend to think that others see me as the guy that plays good defense but don't pass it to me unless we're way ahead or it's hopeless anyway.

I know for a fact that many people think I'm much younger than I actually am. I like to think they view me as 'more than meets the eye', but as to how, I don't know.

As far as Sciforums members ... Pretty difficult to say. A train that gets derailed often? Ha, that would be kind of funny. Maybe it's just a "Who's this pragmathen guy?"

It's just that I've always wondered what it would be like to follow myself around the supermarket. Would I say, "Wow, look at that guy, I wonder what's going through his mind?"?

Yeah, well, thanks!

prag :rolleyes:

<font size="1">Note to Moderator: I apologize if this is in the wrong category. I wasn't entirely sure where it should go.</font>
A good question. I find it either arrogant or annoyingly depressing when people say either good or bad things about themselves. So I won't say how I think people see me. But I will ask others here: How do you see me?