Third eye


Registered Member
Has anyone had any experience with using their third eye? How does it work? What do thinks look like through that eye? Is there any easy way to open it short from using a crowbar?
yeah. through meditation.
At a certain level of tranquility you may experience a strange kind of pressure on the forehead. Sudedenly vision gets altered. Cannot quite describe it to you, unfortunately.
clearwater/ try what merlijn said meditation there is a meditation guide in the eastern philosophy thread, try it if you want to, beleave me it works, i have learned this through my martial art training, please feel free to try meditation.
Why do you want to use your third eye?
Ok a dumb question, meditaion is the best way, it's nice and easy, like slidding into your bed on a cold night, when you've got your electric blanket on, yes I'm a little cold
People might say use drugs, but this is like being electricuted by that nice warm blanky and distroying a peaceful evening, seriously, don't do it, my experience started like this, rather than being like a strange pressure durin a tranquil state, it was my head spliting down the middle like a fault line, I nearly lost my mind because besides the large amounts of drugs I was using, the opening of the thrid eye causes it's own extreme conciquences, the two together is, well, like a real but wierd version of the Blair Witch Project being filmed in your own mind,
That would be your crowbar version, It might work for some but..

You don't actualy see through this eye, well I never have, not like you see through your physical eyes, but it's effects can been seen with the physical eyes, not because of them though, this perception occurs in your mind to the best of my knowledge,
Although it was also been known as the minds eye, sometimes you can see things like on a projector in your mind, but this has been rare with me, I find it hard to distinguish between this and imaginary visualisation, exept for when it's realy strong,
I don't think that your world will change over night, it's not like a instant sage recipy, you wont be given more than you can handle at a specific time, but will progress naturaly, which is best

But I wouldn't trust me, I think I'm right of corse and wont lye, but somebody with a lot more experince will help a lot more, read some yoga books, I recomend Swami Rama Tritha, Swami Vivekananda, and the Kriya Yogis, also the book Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda seems very good, I haven't read a lot of it yet though, even the Bible seems to mention it

"If your eye be single, then you whole body be full of light" KJV

Check this out, I'm not sure if you'll like it, but it's a start
Yeah, I've had experiences with it. Through meditation to being awake not even trying to use it. It's opening, Ive been seeing things lately, but I didnt just think I have a third eye and just by believing real hard i can see with it, no it was a slow process and its still not open all the way but I know its is starting to. People say its the souls eye and from my experience you have to be more spiritually aware to get in touch with the soul which from what many say is your higher self. You can start by clearing your mind and body from negative thoughts. You as in your being is the filter for neg energy and when you clear all the bad out as in thinking and only doing good and thinking of love and peace you fill yourself with a little of your soul each time . Like I said before in the former Likes attract, and in the latter likes repel. The former is the higher dimensions where your soul is, and the latter is this dimension. And your consciouss is in the higher dimension and your mind is closely related to the consciouss. So if thats true think of good in your mind and you can get closer to your true self/soul.

thnx bye
and remember love holds a higher frequency than hate, greed, etc
and your soul is in the higher and only love can go there
Yea, thats true. You can put ESP and third eye in same catergory.
But isnt the third eye part of ESP ? since esp is extrasenory perception, and theres more senses than just sight.

Physiologically, the clairvoyant organ is the pineal gland: a light-sensitive organ located in the geometric center of the forehead just above eye level. When a person first begins to exercise clairvoyant ability, they may experience slight headaches or pressure that is often described as a sensation that the brain is expanding. Such expansion is the result of the pineal gland vibrating against the walls of its chamber. As a person continues to strengthen this gland, the chamber enlarges slightly, giving the pineal gland enough room to vibrate more freely resulting in the ability to see with what we call the Third Eye.
once, i picked up the phone because i got a feeling, and my sister's friend had just started to call, the phone hadn't even rang. is that ESP?:bugeye:
DjFrEaK, :) that is a kind of telepathy. It happens a lot. Much more often than people realise. They say it is coincidence when something like that happens.

I do not think it is coincidence, though...:)