Third cloned baby claimed

You beat me to it, Adam.

At what point is the media going to stand up to this blatent misuse of their resources, and say no more until something of substance is produced? It not only wastes everyone's time, but it is slanderous to productive research in this area. At this point the average person is thinking that anyone involved in cloning and genetics in general must be a flake.

I might as well announce tomorrow that I've got a portable fusion generator figured out...I'll publish the actual results when I get around to it. :rolleyes:
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Did you see the interview where that cloneaid dude spelled out his master plan? Hehe, the whole deal is to build a landing strip kind of airportish kind of thing for the aliens to be able to hang out at. They gave him a whole specific like "has to have five bedrooms" kind of instruction. My theory (not that it isn't pretty transparent) is that the cloning thing is merely a way to get the name in the press which will lead him to getting more money to build his landing deal. He has a site picked out, plans made and like 7 of the 24 million dollars he'll need to do it. He said his people consider him to be a "jesus" kind of prophet kind of guy. What a freak show. *giggle*
It just amazes me how they can appear to have 100% success rate so far with inferior research resources, and yet the issue is still not dismissed as crackpot by the general media. Why waste time on this at this point until they produce results? (which they won't)

Is it really this easy to get your crackpot ideas distributed worldwide without having to prove any of it? :eek:

Anything for a 15 second sound bite filler, I guess...
I think it's just the psychology of the times... cloning.. dolly.. still fresh in everyone's mind. All you have to do is scream "CLONING HERE" (especially if you already own facilities that research this kind of crap) and dress like a freak and the media will smell ratings. what a great tie-in that he's doing it under the guise of religion. that's just hehe.. quality manipulation of the media - or.. the right place at the right time.

on a related note.. I think the odds are pretty damned low that they are really clones. It's possible, but highly doubtfull seeing as how the number one goal of a scientist in this position would be to get the story corroberated. Seems like the guise of religion also makes it convenient or at least plausible for him to avoid getting proof.

hehe.. quite amusing
An assumption on my part, and from past readings here. But they can't have better facilities than other labs, can they? Do you think they might have something or some special technique no one else does? With a perfect record?

Simple fact is, they aren't producing any proof, only claims that far exceed what anyone else is willing to try, for ethical and scientific reason.
all this cloning shit is really boring and might be better suited for the ethics section.

unless we discuss the biology of cloning
There are actually a few legitimate attempts at cloning a human being. There is a geneticist in Italy who expects a clone to be born in February sometime. This was in the news about a month or so before the Raelians' annoucement. I will have to do a search for the source. I can't seem to find it right now.

Yes, there is an Italian guy who claims to have a clone coming very soon. Not sure if he's doing his clone work in Italy or somewheres else.

We are now at 3 alleged human clones. I don't think we have very many more alleged clones to go before the mainstream press will stop reporting about them. I'd wager we won't make it to 10 unsubstantiated clones before we never hear about this again w/o proof.