Things to Do With a Digital Camera


Master of Puppets
Registered Senior Member
I was thinking...

I just bought a Digital Camera and...
it may sound weird,


I don't know what to do with it besides... taking pictures of dead bugs on the ceiling and close ups of my nipples...

What would you do?
Take shots of the moon by using the zoom of the camera mounted behind a small telescope or one eye of a set of binoculars. Two tripods work best.
I would archive my surroundings because time flies and I want to remember every little detail: the way people look, the colour of my drapes, the pattern of the tiles, the sunset of 30/07/2002,...

I would burn all pictures on cd's labeled: girlfriend, Brussels, Rome, house, garden, friends, parrents,...
What exactly do you mean by a "digital camera"?

Do you have a digital camera as in a small box you take around that looks like a conventional analog camera (except it uses ones and zeroes instead of film), and only takes still images?

Or a stationary web cam you can attach to your PC via USB and take live video with?

Or some combination of both?

You can do different things with different types of cameras.

Alot of people use cameras when they go on vacation.
I'd take pictures of myself and send them to a internet modelling agency.

Then wait for the rejection e-mail (sigh). A dream thats not mean't to be
I would use it for keeping track of things. Hard drive space is abundant nowadays so you shouldn't have a problem keeping all your pictures. Or you could just burn em onto a CD as I saw suggested earlier in this thread.

You could use it as an accessorie for the webshots program ( ) which is software that allows to modify desktop backgrounds more easily. It's pretty cool.

But it all depends on the quality of your camera. If you have one of those low megapixel ones, taking pictures might be a waste of your time. Otherwise, take pictures until your eyes bleed. ;)

-Happy Picture takin'!
But it all depends on the quality of your camera. If you have one of those low megapixel ones, taking pictures might be a waste of your time. Otherwise, take pictures until your eyes bleed. ;)

It's an HP 812 digital camera with a resolution of 4 megapixels and 21x zoom (3x optical, 7x digital).


Macro focus
60 sec MPEG video
Timer (10 sec)
Flash control
Automatic shutter control

It was one of the most expensive cameras in the store, that's why I said that buying it and doing nothing with it sounds weird...
Sweeeeeeeeeet specs! :cool:

Yup, that's a camera, alright. My advice: Take pictures until your eyes bleed!

BTW, you said before you live in Israel, right? I know there's some great scenery there, like masada and the dead sea......etc, etc.. Don't let your shutter miss any of that ;)

( I really reccommend you try webshots -- )

Happy clickin!
Uh, if you live in israel, I would go venturing outside of the house much, unless you are planning to leave the country. You might get blown up by a suicide bomber while trying to take pictures.
If I had a digital camera, eh?....*heh heh heh* :D

I'd take pictures of the sky. It's so lovely, and mysterious. I always wonder, what if I were living inside a giant dome? Because that's what it looks like to me. Or I'd take pictures of clouds, because I used to fantasize that maybe, just maybe, there were real castles in the sky, because the clouds looked like a whole other level. Like ever-shifting continents....

But, that's just me. :) You could take candid pictures of your friends, then post them on the Net, with funny captions written under them? :D
You're right. I live in Israel.

And... I would definitely NOT go to Massada or anywhere close to it. I want to live, you know!

However, the small town I live in, which is about 8 people and a cow is pretty safe.

I thought of cataloging and taking pictures of the graves in the local cemetery. I was always interested in cemeteries...
I also tried taking a shot of the moon and the night sky, but I need a tripod for that.

Oh, Elbaz, the Webshots site is a 404. Maybe the link is broken or something...

What is it anyways?
Ahhh!!, I'll be leaving sunday! No pictures for me :(

BTW, the beach has some pretty hot women, but most of them lurk in the malls. Israeli malls are chalk full of yummy women. Especially the one in Eilat ;) .

Here's the webshots address again. (I didn't give the complete address last time)

It's a cool piece of software for windows that allows you to download pictures off the net, and from your camera, and set them as your background, or as part of a screensaver. The site offers has some really cool pictures, but you're only allowed to download 5 a day, unless you register and pay them money. The actual software is free for everyone, though.

You can set it to change the background by pressing CTRL-Shift-W, and start the screensaver by pressing CTRL-Shift-S (you can change the commands too).

You also have the option of how often the program can change your background picture to another random one (15 minutes, at startup, never, 4 hours etc etc)

It's great, I'd reccomend webshots to anyone.
if i had a digi cam..... id make a porn video. heheh. no not really... but i would prolly make a viseo to all of my feinds from far away and say hello and how much i miss them.. better than an email... nd also take pics all over my town, its growing so fast......
Elbaz, don't worry. That's not the last time I go to the beach. ;)

Nightfall, I can take shots of some hot Israeli men for you, if you wish. :D