Things I like about scientists


I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
To show that we aren't just bitter enemies.

1: Many scientists allow for just about anything (just look at quantum physics), as long as there is something to support it.

2: Many scientists (to our - not so great - surprise) actually admit that they don't *know* if God exists, though He isn't needed in their theories about the world.

3: Many scientists share the common theists awe of the world and the splender of it's principles.

4: Also, of course, some scientists actually are theists, even if that *in itself* isn't something to like (it can mean many things to be a theist).

5: I also like the idea that they test everything about something as to not allow for loopholes in their theories and the carefulness with which they explore the world. Also, I like that they can critique eachother.

6: Also, I really like the old-time excentric style of professor with long beard...for some reason.

7: And finally, the joy we all share about finding something totally new. The joy of exploration. Putting light where there was dark.

I can probably think of more nice things to say about due time.
Scientist are humans. I am tempted to say: "errare humanum est."
Many scientist have been christians, at least according to this:

Can you name one famous scientist who denies possibility of God(s)?

p.s. This site has some quite interesting articles and thoughts if one is willing to dig around.
Naat said:
Scientist are humans. I am tempted to say: "errare humanum est."
Many scientist have been christians, at least according to this:

Can you name one famous scientist who denies possibility of God(s)?

p.s. This site has some quite interesting articles and thoughts if one is willing to dig around.
Even though I think Stephen Hawking denied the existance of God(s) I didn't mean to say that there are many that denies it, however what I meant to say is that there are many who don't, perhaps contrary to popular belief.

Actually this entire post is dedicated to defeat (in small scale) the popular belief that scientists and theists are necessarily enemies, and to show that we can agree on things also, and also respect eachother.

Of course scientists are human too, it is this that should be brought forth, but you have to admit that there is a struggle between scientists and theists, even if that struggle doesn't necessarily mean that we are enemies, but rather humans trying to find a way to accept eachothers standpoints without them all too much interfering with our own.

Nice link btw, seems serious (which is not only a good thing for scientists :) ).
Naat said:
Can you name one famous scientist who denies possibility of God(s)?
no atheist denies the possiblity, it would be stupid to, as there is no way we can cover every nook and crannie in the universe, to see if it is hiding there, but it is extremely improbable, that one does.

"The existence of a thing can be conclusively proved by producing one single instance of the thing.

To put that another way: -
When the existence of a thing is denied, This can be proven wrong by producing one single instance of the thing said not to exist

The non-existence of a thing can never be conclusively proved because there is always the theoretical assumption that the thing exists but has not been seen yet or it exists in a place that can not be visited. Unless all places in the universe have been visited and are being constantly observed, we can not be absolutely certain.

From this we can say that there are only two possible statements we can make about the existence of a thing:

The thing exists.

It is unknown if the thing exists or not.
audible said:
no atheist denies the possiblity, it would be stupid to, as there is no way we can cover every nook and crannie in the universe, to see if it is hiding there, but it is extremely improbable, that one does.

From definition:
"atheist" - One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods. (
"agnostic" -One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God. (
Nice original post, Cyperium. Well said. Can you list what you think are similar traits in, say, a Christian?
Naat said:
From definition:
"atheist" - One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods. (
"agnostic" -One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God. (
bad definitions, for a better definition try going to an atheist site, Atheism from the greek Atheos A (without) and theos (god/s).in other words Atheism is "without belief in god." Therefore, an atheist would have "no belief", not "disbelief"(disbelief, Refusal or reluctance to believe,
there cant be denial either, for to deny(deny,To refuse to believe; reject., something you must first believe it exists.
but I said "no atheist denies the possiblity, it would be stupid to", to refuse to believe: reject, the "possiblity" would be stupid, but it is extremely improbable.
I'd definitely say that there are atheists who deny the possibility of the existence of God. But I wouldn't say that it's necessary. It's perfectly possible to be an agnostic atheist, because agnosticism is a position about epistemology, while atheism is one on ontology. Two fields that are more different than many would think.
nobody ever said that an atheist couldn't say that there was certainly no god, it would just be stupid. there is some overlap in definition, depending on your sources.

I would put it like this:
an agnostic is a person who is on the fence, and will not commit either way, and atheist is someone who believes that the idea of a god is preposterous, yet possible. finally, a dumbass is a person who thinks they have all the answers.
While I admire the catchyness of your way of putting it, I would like to point out that mine has bigger words :l
audible said:
no atheist denies the possiblity, it would be stupid to,

actually numerous athiests have denied the possibility of God in sci forums alone and there are even threads attempting to 'prove' Gods non existance, so this statement is VERY wrong.
Seeing there is talk about enemies, what if there were no religious folk. Would this statement ever have been made?

"To show that we aren't just bitter enemies."

Imagine science without any superstitious folk jamming on the brakes. All the billions of faithfull could be in the labs advancing science!

stretched said:
Seeing there is talk about enemies, what if there were no religious folk. Would this statement ever have been made?

"To show that we aren't just bitter enemies."

Imagine science without any superstitious folk jamming on the brakes. All the billions of faithfull could be in the labs advancing science!

Yes - it would have been made, as there is still ego.
2 Scientists have the same evidence on which to base their opposing theories...
Regardless of the fact that future evidence might send one to the top of the pile and consign the other to the waste-basket of science, their egos might still lead them to that statement.

As for the "atheist not stating that God does not exist":
This is why there was an introduction of the terms "Weak" and "Strong" atheism - which, while not to everyone's taste, does at least provide some simple way of separating those who do deny God's existence from those that simply "don't have a belief".

ALL atheists lack a belief in the existence of God.
Strong atheists go further and have a belief in the non-existence of God.
Weak atheists don't.

And bear in mind that Weak Atheism is NOT the same as Agnosticism.
Theoryofrelativity said:
actually numerous athiests have denied the possibility of God in sci forums alone and there are even threads attempting to 'prove' Gods non existance, so this statement is VERY wrong.
could you post an example or two please, thank you.