They made you forget the incident, but is allways in back of your mind.


Registered Member
Even when people denies the existence of extraterrestial life,mock at the people who went through the encounter of knowing that out there someplace is life not as ours but just different, more advanced but to our standards up to this day the general public is not ready yet. We're so closed and we're not going to pass the test. I live in the Bermuda Triangle and since childhood I had my close encounters as people called it. But I never had been afraid. I had been there. I know that they will be back soon. So whoever doesn't believe fine, don't believe,but for all of us who had been there the time will come and it will be revealed from the back of our minds. For now see the glimpses while you sleep.

[This message has been edited by ROEL6 (edited October 30, 1999).]
Could you share with us what you have experienced? I know that something is about to happen, but no one on this planet really knows what this is ( at least not any confirmed stuff) ;)
To Hkon
I hope you recieved my e-mail and understand my writing about the experiences. I will tell you more in the future. ROEL6.
Oh, I've been there. Been back too, several times. I just never recall them until I dream. However, in evidence of existence, I think they are real. For I have some of that evidence on my skin. Why would they be interested in me? Who knows. But it changed my life completely. How could anyone deny their existance?
Roel6 & BigC,

Would you mind sharing your stories here? This certainly seems like the place to do it! I am interested, and I think others here are too (otherwise they wouldn't bother showing up in this forum). Thanks!
This is the story that I mailed to H-Kon and now I posted so it can be read.

In 1968 when I was eight years old, I used to walk a great distance from my house to the
beach with my friends. In order to do so, we have to go through the tundras to get there. One day
for some reason I got separated from the group (which were about six of us) and I lost my sense
of direction. I kept walking until finaly I came up over a mound and from there, in the other side I
could see a huge and very shiny craft where people were unloading and loading stuff. I couldn’t
see exactly what the boxes were, but I noticed it were loaded into the craft with ease. I don’t
know how long I was standing there but after a while, I felt like I was getting blinded by a flash of
bright white light. Next thing I could remember was that I was laying in the beach and my troupe
were asking me how did I got there ahead of them. What can you say when you’re an eight year
old boy and can’t comprehend what really happened? That was my first story. Did I picked this
story from TV? No, not even a chance, my family was very poor didn’t own one and I didn’t have
a chance to watch TV until I was about twelve. Over the years right after that I been seing their
work, in the sky, at sea and in the rainforest. Here in Puerto Rico sightings are so frequent that
people had got used to it and don’t pay pay attention and look for signs anymore.

Other experience I had it was like this: My father purchased a farm in the mountain range
were the rain fores is located. I was fourteen at that time. One day I went fishing to the lake/dam
which is just a few minutes from the farm. While I was fishing and staring at the water, I noticed a
reflection and I looked up to see what it was. I noticed that it was circular in shape and it did not
reflected the sunlight so I regarded it as a mirage. But I kept looking and just a few seconds later
the thing started to hover and ascended so fast that in a blink of few seconds was gone. During
that year weird things happened around my community area, some of them unexplained by the
civil authorities and department of energy technicians. A hydroelectric power generator plant is
located at the entrance of the dam close by were I was fishing and these generators were fed with
water via tunnels dug under the mountains from another dam located about 60 miles away. The
weird thing is that every night, around 11:40 and 11:45 the power used to go off for no reason. I
mean, a complete blackout. Around that time I used to get the urge to step outside the house and
look at the stars. It was like I knew when this thing (power blackout) was going to happen. My
mother used to yelled at me and prompted me to return inside and I told her often that it was
alright, that I wasn’t in any danger. I tell you this even the Air Force came at that time when these
events were happening, stayed for a few weeks but the events kept occurring all year long. I used
to go outside and brought with me a flashlight, and when the power went off in the neighborhood
so it did the power in my flashlight. The power loss usually didn’t lasted long, just to about a
minute at the most. When the power came back on, so it did my flashlight started working again.
My mother started to get afraid about these incidents and some other incidents that happened to
her and several people in the neighborhood. This incidents happened at the same time that events
were developing/happening at the plant. But that it will be another story. Technicians came and
replaced the turbine generators and circuitry but the events continue to happen anyway for years

My other experience happened when I was eighteen. I just returned from military training
from the US Army Reserve and I was invited to a trip on a sailboat with some friends, to visit the
island of St. Marteen and other islands nearby. While I was reading a book on the deck (this
happened at night also) one member of our crew noticed something and yelled to everybody to
come and take a look at what he was seeing. At first we did’t noticed of what he was talking
about it but then we saw it, it was only a shape in the sky, no lights, its movement was erratic
almost like the rotation of a spinning top (wobbling). We couldn’t see anything else, just a
blackened space in the sky that obscured the stars above it whatever that thing was. A few
minutes later we encountered a dense fog, which I never seen if before in my travels, the
temperature was about 90 degrees and muggy. As we entered the fog, the air became heavy, and
then if became extremely cold and the water became still. The rocking of the boat stopped and it
felt like we were floating in plain air. The fog shifted to a green phosphorescent color and it was
very cold, I mean, very cold. Suddenly the fog disappeared and so it did the coldness. We were
back in the open, tides returned and was warm again. One thing I remember was the captain of
the boat saying that we were many degrees off from our original course, that he couldn’t
understand it how it happened. He rechecked the instruments and all were fine.

I had other experiences that I will share with you all later. Hope that helps a bit. I know myself
that those who are marked can see it on their sleep. I’m marked too. ROEL6.
Hello ROEL6,

Welcome... Perhaps I missed it but, could you describe HOW you are "marked" please?

Yes, I too am concerned about the "marking" comment - in what way are you "marked"? And what is it you can see in your sleep?
My markings are superficial, one on my right wrist which resembles a very small delta sign and my upper right arm I have three distinctive circular burn marks, on my right and left leg I had incisions that only can be seen when I get a sunburn or tan. The three on my forearm are consecutive in a vertical position. People asked me sometimes if I had tatooes removed but I never had any done or injuries on those extremities. About what I see in my dreams is just those places I describe above especially the mountain. ROEL6

[This message has been edited by ROEL6 (edited November 02, 1999).]

Please don't take this the wrong way... Just something you might want to consider... I have seen some of these same markings on abused children. The "delta" sign I have seen as the result of a burn from the tip of an iron. The circular patterns which you describe I have also seen on children who have been abused with lit cigarettes and cigars. The light "incision" marks are sometimes made by superficial gashing of the skin during beatings with such items as belts...???
True Story you may consider the following: Neither are the marks inflicted by cigarettes or an iron, and by the way Thank God that he gave me a family that doesn't believe in child abuse. Both of my parents love us very much. I don't have to consider you insinuation. Thank you anyway for replying. Roel6.

I truly hope that you did not take my post to be a negative insinuation about your parents... and yes, thank God that you have a loving family that does not believe in child abuse.

Children can be abused by the hands of many different types of acquaintances... adult neighbors, child-care providers, other neighborhood children... it is not always a member of the family.

May I ask, when did you notice these marks first appearing? Did you bring it to anyone's attention at the time?